
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The touchy-feely Bates

Are you the "touchy-feely type"? In this Name That Bates video, the Bates try to decide who gives the best hugs, but their answers are all over the place. The last response is the most endearing, though, as Carlin Bates gives a shout-out to a little brother who gives her genuine hugs and tells her she's beautiful. Can we get an "awww"?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I am not touchy-feely in the least! That type of stuff makes me extremely uncomfortable to be completely honest.

  2. I am not touch-feely by nature, but my husband is. It's taken a few years of marriage to have a cohesive balance!!

  3. That is so sweet!

  4. I love to show love to my family! Hugs are wonderful and very good for expressing yourself! I think Isaiah sounds like the most sweetest young man in the Bates family!

  5. I am a touchy-feely person and, speaking as a family therapist, those hugs are VITAL to any relationship. If you don't put that ingredient in your relationships, everyone will suffer, including yourself.

  6. I love hugs. My husband doesn't. So thank goodness we have kids that I can hug (2 kids are huggers, and one is not). Interestingly, I grew up in a family that were NOT huggers, but now after 40 years, they all are!!!!!

  7. Very different than that side hugging family we all know and love ❗️❣

  8. So great to see that they love to hug! Love Kelly's response when Tori wrote's a given that boyfriends give the best hugs.
    This family is so down to earth! Love them

  9. So sweet on all their answers. Isaiah! I knew it! He is very kind with his words.


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