
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Bates in the Dark

When the power goes out at the Bates home on tomorrow's new episode of Bringing Up Bates, mama Kelly Bates must find a way to keep the kids calm as they wait for the lights to come back on. Check out this sneak peek scene. What is the longest period of time you have gone without power?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Two weeks after a hurricane about 13 years ago

  2. We were without Power for 8 days once...

  3. I've been with out power for 4 days.

  4. 3 days during an ice storm in january in illinois. No heat during a northern ice storm in January is not fun {or warm}!

  5. Twice we have had power outages, once after an ice storm and once after a tornado hit within a mile of our house. Power was out 4-5 days each time. Fortunately we had a back up generators so it was simply an inconvenience rather than a catastrophe.

  6. After one storm my family and I were out of power almost 4 days. It was no fun! But quite the adventure.:)

  7. My parents and I once went 7-8 days without power due to a terrible ice storm. It was really unpleasant. The worst part for me was the lack of running water. Living in a rural area we depend on our well for water and the electric pump to get it to the house. No electricity meant no pump. And that meant no running water. I know there are so many people in the world who deal with far worse on a daily basis. But, for me, at that time it was difficult.

    1. Same I live in rural Idaho and there are many reasons it goes out- snowstorms, wildfires, and wind gusts. We also have a well and it sucks not being able to get water in the house. One time the transformer near our house blew after a series of outages in winter. The power poles can be extremely difficult to get to so much so that they have to use a four wheeler.

  8. 2+ weeks after Hurricane Sandy. I went to my mom's house 5 hours away after 3 days of "camping" because it was too cold to stay with a 5month old baby and my other kids. My husband stayed with friends who had a small generator for the fridge and a few lights plus a fireplace.

    1. Elana same thing. it was about 12 days for us

  9. And I thought 2 days was bad.

  10. I was out of power for 3 days due to hurricane Sandy. However the people across the street from me were out of power for over a week! Felt terrible for them!

  11. Complete power outage in the whole island I live in, a fire was the cause, lasted for about three days. This was last year in September, and it was extremely hot and humid.

  12. 8 days in Chattanooga, TN after the Blizzard of 1993! Not only no electricity but no water because of the well's electric pump.

  13. Power outage? Rather boring topic for TV.

    1. This show is about their life. It isn't a sitcom where someone sat around for hours thinking up a story line.

  14. Our power was out for a week during a snow storm in October. We had to stay at a hotel about an hour away because I couldn't keep my 8-month-old twins warm enough.

  15. In July of 2008 we had a bad Strom and lost power for 4 days in Illinois. It was hot during the day with no air conditioning

  16. One and a half weeks after a huge storm. My husband was gone on a business trip and I had seven kids under 13 with a baby on the way. Was not the most enjoyable time of my life.

  17. When I was growing up 25 years ago, a few days at a time at least once every winter due to ice bringing down the hydro lines. We have had a real fireplace in the house and candles and flashlights ready to go. I was also in another city during an ice storm a decade ago and we had no electricity for three weeks. No problem if you are calm and prepared. Pile on the sweaters! :)

  18. About 365 days at a time, while living in Haiti as a missionary kid (several different times)!

  19. There for a while (9 months) my family and I were without electricity except for 3 hours a day. The 12 of us would eat and get ready for bed and then the generator would be turned off until the next evening. Those are fun memories :)

  20. About 4 weeks after Hurricane Hugo?

  21. VERY upset that Gil did not install the smoke detectors immediately after moving back to their home following the fire.
    Foolish not to have made that a BIG priority.
    Also bothered me to see all the little tea candles on the table so close to the kids.
    SAFETY is so important.
    I enjoy the Bates family and do not like to complain about anything, but that bothered me a lot.

  22. A little over 3 days after some heavy rains (but unrelated to a hurricane). I was so glad that my water was okay and worked throughout that time though! It was in the middle of the summer in Texas, so it got HOT.

  23. I always make sure I have extra batteries on hand for my camp lights. I will never use candles. Candles can cause fires.


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