
Monday, August 7, 2017

Bates in the Philippines

The Bates are requesting prayer for Lawson, Nathan, Trace, and Carlin, who just embarked on a two-week mission trip to the Philippines. They will be aiding pastors and doctors who are working to share the Gospel and provide medical care.

If you have been a long-time reader of the blog, you may remember the photos we posted two years ago from the Philippines mission trip that Lawson and Nathan took with Josiah Duggar.

 Lawson Bates, Carlin Bates, and Nathan Bates at the airport

 Trace Bates and Lawson Bates on the airplane

Photos courtesy of


  1. While it's great they are able to help doctors provide medical care, why do they feel a need to "share the Gospel"? The Philippines is the only predominantly Christian nation in Asia. More than 86 percent of the population is Roman Catholic, 6 percent belong to various nationalized Christian cults, and another 2 percent belong to well over 100 Protestant denominations. I'm curious- are all these people lost souls in the eyes of the Bates and other Baptist fundamentalists? I just don't get it.

    1. It is not a Baptist fundamentalist thing. We as Christ followers are instructed to go into all thw world and share the Good News of the kingdom of Christ. It doesn't matter if one Baptist, Catholic, Anabaptist or whatever. Many foreign countries lack resources so they partner with churches and other organizations here in the USA for help.

    2. The sad truth is that just because a person has religion doesn't mean they have salvation. There are thousands of people everywhere that may be part of a religious group but still don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and because they have not excepted Him as their Lord and Savior, and only way to Heaven, are headed to hell. I think this is the truth the Bates are wanting to share. Everyone should have a chance to hear the truth

    3. For many, religion is an empty tradition, not an active, personal relationship with God. They are sharing how others can know about how Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for their sins so that they can have eternal life. How they can have a personal, daily relationship with God here on earth that will transform their lives.

    4. Sharing the Gospel is not only about preaching the word.. it's about feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, caring for the widows and the orphans ... all of which every denomination has. St. Francis said, "Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words."

    5. Anon 11:29 -- I do not want to get into a religion war, I found your comment rather judgmental and harsh. I know your Protestant religion states that a person must be "saved" in order to go to heaven, but just because you "haven't accepted the Lord Jesus" like in your religion doesn't mean you're going to hell. That is just your assumption from the beliefs you follow. Please don't condescend to say other religions are damned. As a Catholic, I do not have to accept Jesus, I know I am saved by the fact that Jesus died for my sins, then rose from the dead so that I could be saved from eternal "death." Don't forget that Mt 7:21 says "not everyone saying "Lord, Lord will inherit." Phil 2:12 says we must work to attain salvation in anxious fear." And, most emphatically, 1 Cor 10:11-12 - who says "those thinking they are secure may fall." As the Bible says, I am already saved (Rom. 8:24, Eph. 2:5–8), but I’m also being saved (1 Cor. 1:8, 2 Cor. 2:15, Phil. 2:12), and I have the hope that I will be saved (Rom. 5:9–10, 1 Cor. 3:12–15). Like the apostle Paul I am working out my salvation in fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), with hopeful confidence in the promises of Christ (Rom. 5:2, 2 Tim. 2:11–13). Please try and be more understanding of other religions. Yes, there are a lot out there who need to hear the Gospel and the Truth, but let's not forget that many are happy with their religion and d not need someone telling them that it is all wrong. Thank you for your time and God bless.


    6. Yes, I find it curious as well. Why do they seem to only go to countries with a large population of Catholics? The Duggars do so as well. Is that saying something about what is thought of Catholics? If the Catholics in those countries are following the faith and are in a state of grace, they will be fine. Yes, I am Catholic and I have followed these families for some time as there is much to admire but I do wonder why they spread the word to Christian countries and not to people of other faiths such as Buddhists, Hindus or followers of Islam?

    7. To those thinking it their Christian duty to preach the Gospel and save souls, you may mean well. However, I think if truth be told, it's more a case of pride, being prideful in believing you are right and others are wrong and need to be corrected. I don't believe anyone today is called or ordained to try and save souls. Whatever truth you think you have is based on human interpretations of the Scriptures, most of which have been a source of dispute and conflict for generations. Living your life with love, respect and kindness towards others is not going to steer you wrong, regardless of whether or not you embrace any religion at all. I can say this because I do not believe there's a hell waiting for those who do not "accept Christ." it would be unthinkable in any plan of a loving Creator.

    8. In all kindness, (to 9:58 and 11:21) it’s not a matter of pride, it’s a matter of love. As one person mentioned previously, many people, though they claim to be a religion (Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, etc) they aren’t actually practicing their religion, it’s just a label they call themselves. If someone believes John 14:6 and
      Ephesians 4:5 they may come to the conclusion that there is only one way. And in this case, it’s not narrow-mindedness, it’s simply a zealousness for their beliefs.


    9. Anonymous 9:58....Satan would like nothing more than for people to believe there is no not be deceived! If you read the scriptures on your own, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you, you will know that your current beliefs are incorrect. John 14:6...Jesus said, " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." God bless you on your journey to seek truth.

  2. Have a safe and Blessed trip

  3. Prayers for them, the people they will be working with, and the people they will be serving 🙏💙 And prayers for the Philippines!

  4. This is shallow and has nothing at all to do with this post except that I am really liking how Trace has started to style his hair. It looks good on him! ~okay back to non-frivolous things!~

    1. Ha! That was my first thought as well! I have a feeling these new hairstyles are the work of Josie!!

  5. Thank you Lily and Ellie for posting their prayer request. I can add them to my prayer wall in my "prayer closet".

  6. Hi there! I missed a couple of episodes of Bringing up Bates, and I was wondering, are Tori and Bobby engaged or still courting? And also, are Carlin and Evan officially courting? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Livvy,

      So far, no announcements have been made. Stay tuned, though!


    2. Ok! Thanks so much! :)

  7. Much prayers for all of you for God's safety and provision for your mission trip. Also pray that you will be blessed while you serve God and others.

  8. Praying for a safe trip

  9. Prayers to all for a safe and successful trip they are all great kids

  10. Y'all have a safe trip!!!

  11. Keeping Lawson, Nathan, Trace and Carlin in prayer; that they will touch many people with God's message, and that He will surround them with His angels to keep them safe!

  12. We all need to hear the Gospel. Christians stumble in their walk of faith frequently and we need reminders of God's love and mercy.

    1. Whose version of the Gospel do you think we need to hear? Every religion thinks they're right and everyone else is wrong. For my money, they all may be right in a few ways, but also a whole lot wrong in many more.

  13. Lawson is so handsome :)

  14. Praying For You, Lawson, Nathan, Trace, and Carlin, God's Safety On You. Praying For All The People In The Philippines. GOD BLESS!!!!❤️

  15. This is off the point, but I really like Trace's hair in this pic.


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