
Saturday, August 19, 2017

Bates Updates August 2017

The Bates have had a busy month. Nathan, Lawson, Trace, and Carlin have been on a medical mission trip in the Philippines for the past two weeks. They return home today and have truly had a wonderful time ministering to the people they have crossed paths with.

For those who have been asking about Nathan, he spent six months in Mississippi, but he is now living in Tennessee with the family and doing flight training.

Michael and Brandon Keilen just moved into a new place in Chicago. Kelly and Erin flew up there on Wednesday for a one-night trip to help Michael decorate. The Keilens are still struggling with infertility, but they are learning to trust God in a deeper way.

Josie Bates just started her last semester of cosmetology school. She now has a "special friend," Kelton Balka, and the two are enjoying getting to know each other. Kelton lives nearby.

Alyssa and John Webster are continuing to build their commercial cleaning business, while raising their two little girls. They recently shared that they plan to wait a while before having another baby but that they plan to eventually have six children.

This weekend, Gil and Kelly and the kids are on a camping trip. Kelly's flight from Chicago was delayed, so she was late meeting up with the rest of the family.

Brooklyn Paine, who spent a week in the hospital in late July due to an infection, is doing very well, and her parents are grateful for the prayers lifted up by friends and fans. Brooklyn just celebrated her first birthday.

 Carlin Bates and Lawson Bates in the Philippines

Lawson Bates in the Philippines


  1. Nathan, Lawson, Trace and Carlin were part of a medical mission where their role was to preach to people. Please do not make it sound as if they were part of a medical team, none are doctors or nurses and actually treat those in need of medical attention. Please make that clear as what was posted could be misleading.

    1. Unless you are WITH them, you do not know every little thing that goes on. Nathan is an EMT, and many of the children have taken part in EMS training, and very well can help with small medical services (taking blood pressures, temperatures, handing out simple medications.) I just returned from a third world country, and you would be amazed at what SIMPLE medical knowledge and aid can do, even if it’s just handing out bandages or Tylenol. Nothing about this post was misleading in the slightest.

    2. Missions trips that also provide medical help are called medical missions trips. That doesn't mean everyone involved is performing surgery or medical care. Someone has to organize people and get their basic health information. Someone has to care for the little children if the parents are being treated. Some of the care could be basic first aid treatment which I am sure all of the Bates could handle. Anyone who watches the show or reads this blog knows none of them are doctors or nurses, so how would it be misleading?

    3. I dont think anything was misleading. They should be lraised for their willingness to reach out. Every one knows they aren't apart of a medical team. Did you ever attend anything and were not actual member ?! I have.

    4. I didn't know Nathan is an EMR. WOW.

    5. While I was reading the article, I was wondering what medically they were doing . Thank you for the clarification

    6. What happens on a lot of Medical based mission work, is the volunteers help people in, are taught by medical professionals to take blood pressures, temperatures, blood sugar levels, wrap bandages, etc.

      Common first aid work, you will find that a few of the Bates are in fact certified in First Aid (Hold certificates) and are trained First Responders.

      Know you facts before telling the bloggers off Anonymous person August 19 5.09pm.

    7. Never would have thought that they were part of the "medical team". You're just reading too much into things. It obviously mislead you.

    8. Why does that matter? Sounds a little nitpicky of you.

    9. Actually Nathan went through EMT training. He did a lot of medical work on the first trip so he probably did the same on this one.

    10. I can't speak for anyone else but I didn't feel like the post is misleading as to what they were doing on the mission trip...Anyone that follows this family would know this...

    11. 5:09 they were assisting the medical team and there are pictures where you can see Nathan helping with dental check-up and carlin as well. We know who and what they are. Yeah they are people with the biggest heart ever!!

      Bless them all!!🙏

    12. A person can go on a medical missions trip and not be doctors or nurses. They can hand things out, register people, etc. The blog didn't make it sound like they were acting in a medical capacity, necessarily.

    13. They may not be doctors or nurses but Jesus is the ultimate healer and they are sharing that. God bless anyone person doctor, nurse garbage man, teacher ,... Who takes the time to care for others and pass the ultimate gift to other of eternal life. I pray that your heart be touched by God to see the real point. No judgement at all. God bless.

    14. I would like to say that they may not be doctors or nurses but Jesus is the ultimate healer and they have taken their time out to share that with others. Any one whether doctor, nurses, teacher, garbage man, ect... Who take the time to help others and share the best thing in the world of Jesus and eternal life has my praise and Pat on the back. God bless you in your walk of life and God bless them for their wonderful display of God, and love and what our families should strive to be like.@ love the Bates family!!!

    15. I don't think the post was misleading in any way at all. It clearly states "they had a wonderful time ministering to the people they have crossed paths with." And all who follow the Bates Blog for years know that these four do not have a medical degree. You must be new.

  2. Good for the Websters! There's absolutely nothing wrong with using birth control and planning the size of your family.

    1. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's nothing wrong with not using birth control either. This is America, land of the free.

    2. Nothing wrong with fertility awareness which is 99% effective and no side effects. But birth control is very dangerous and unhealthy for the woman. Not to mention it can cause early abortions.

    3. No one said they were using any form of birth control. And even if they did, why comment? Would you comment so freely if you were talking about your own family member, like a sister or an aunt ? I have known people who wanted two, and had 10. I have known a couple who wanted 12 and had 5. What is the big deal? They may have more, they may have less, why comment? These are real people, not just a tv show to entertain us.

    4. 2:30- The Bates, along with like-minded Duggars, have achieved fame because of their stance on not doing anything to prevent pregnancy. Having many children has been the cornerstone of their shows. Without the big families, no one would know who they are. So, when one of them states that they are "waiting to have more children " or "planning on having six", it's unusual and going to raise questions. They are obviously doing something to control when and how many pregnancies they have.

    5. Did anyone actually read what the original commenter said? He or she did not say that it was wrong to have a bunch of kids. They said that there's nothing wrong with planning how many kids you want. There was literally nothing negative said in the first comment.

    6. 11:37- Your claim that fertility awareness is 99% effective is not based on solid research. At best, with correct and consistent use of such methods, the failure rate is 0.4 to 5 percent. With typical use, the failure rate is as high as 24 percent. To be effective, this method requires highly motivated couples where the woman has a reliably regular cycle.

    7. 10:24--I won't get into the specifics here, as I know this blog is read by all ages, but I would encourage you to do research on the many methods of natural family planning. Yes, some require a lot of motivation, but some are very simple and can be used by anyone. There are a LOT of alternatives to the birth control pill.

    8. 9:46- NFP may work for some, not all. There are other safe and effective methods of birth control available. Yes, hormonal forms of contraception can have side effects in some women, but many do not. It's success rate at preventing pregnancy is proven. The pill is also used to treat certain medical conditions, such as endometriosis. To suggest that it is unsafe or damaging is reckless and irresponsible.

    9. Actually, 10:24. There is solid research on NFP and FA. It is very user friendly and can be used by women who have irregular cycles. It can even help to diagnose why those irregular cycles are happening. It does not take much motivation bit it does require 3-5 days of self control. It sure beats accidently killing your baby.

  3. A truly beautiful family

  4. Wonderful updates. Thank you!

  5. May God continue to bless you as you have poured out to others.

  6. Your family is a blessing and a breath of fresh air in this world!

  7. Awesome news! Just love this family. Nothing in the post was misleading...

  8. Thank you for the wonderful updates.

  9. Carlin, you are even prettier than Lawson !!!

  10. A wonderful, lovely, and inspiring Family. May the Lord continue to bless you.

  11. I was reading some of the comments and was puzzled by some of them. There was a mission in the Philippines which was to medically treat those in need. One of my friends whois a plastic surgeon goes on missions to different countries repairing cleft palettes and so much more. There is many people working from other surgeons, nurses, organizers, people who can occupy little ones. There is many different things that take place in each mission. Keep up the great work in the mission field.

  12. thanks for this great update!!

  13. I love this family. Praying for them all. Each child has a beautiful and special personality that is so kutstanding. Kelly and Gil have been remarkable parents. It is so precious to see Michael smiling in the arms of Brandon. I do believe the Lord will bless them with children. Just as they wait on the Lord, their love will grow. I read eat swèt potato, so Michael eat plenty. Can't hurt. Am glad all are healthy. This family of 19 are truly special. Love their tv show.

  14. You should do this every month on both of your blogs, I really appreciated catching up on what they're all doing. Thank you.

  15. Just curious,was the medical mission trip family members went on....were they with medical team, yet doing their ministry aspect.

  16. How is it that these children are credible to 'preach' to other? Sorry, but any old person can take it upon themselves to preach their own opinion/interpretation. It doesn't mean they're correct. Too much homemade credentials in this society for me. A preacher/pastor/clergyperson needs to be properly educated and trained before they begin opening their mouths to others. This is my opinion, and it's not a hate opinion of the Bates family. I think they just take too much on themselves and assume they're correct about what they open their mouths about.

    1. It's not "preaching". You don't need a degree to share your testimony about what God has done in your life.

    2. Jesus said before He ascended to Heaven to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. The disciples were not trained in college. You don't have to have a degree to spread the gospel. You just have to obey Jesus and do what He says to do.

    3. Peter, Timothy, and many of the main leaders in the New Testament were not officially “schooled” to be preachers. It gets into dangerous ground when people just accept what “preachers” say just because they’re “have the credentials” to be a preacher. However, you are totally right about “any old interpretation,” and actually we shouldn’t accept ANYone’s interpretation. (2 Peter 1:20) When preachers, schooled or not, talk more about their feelings/inspirational-type-speaking/stories/their interpretation, than actually reading the Scriptures as they are, that’s a pretty big red flag. And then of course if anything they say contradicts a Scripture, that’s another indication that they’re more interested in their name than what the Scriptures actually teach. (John 7:18)

  17. When you go on a medical missionary trip, those who are not licensed medical personal do many things to help the dr and nurses. They assist in many cases, pray with people, etc.

  18. Great updates and a great family. We think it should be a hour show to see more. The show inspires us to be better Christians!!

  19. Love the update! Can you do this with the duggars? I'd love to know what each couple and the main family is doing now!

  20. Loved getting the updates. God Bless

  21. God Bless you all for your faith and work in the Lord


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