
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Josie Bates and Kelton Balka


Did you catch tonight's new episode of Bringing Up Bates? If not, click here to read our recap.

Earlier today, we teased that there might be something going on between Josie Bates and Kelton Balka, Bobby's college roommate. Coincidentally, Kelton lives in Tennessee near the Bates and knew them before Bobby did.

Kelton just graduated with a degree in finance from Pensacola Christian College and is also a licensed plumber. He is working in his uncle's plumbing business, both in the office and in the field. Josie has just one more semester of cosmetology school

Now that the episode has aired, we can share that Josie and Kelton are indeed "special friends." For the Bates and their significant others, friends turn into "special" friends, who turn into boyfriends/girlfriends. From there, they start courting, get engaged, and get married. So Josie is in the second stage of getting to know Kelton, but (lucky for Gil), they still have a long way to go!

Photos courtesy of UP


  1. Those denim pencil skirts make for a unique frisby golf stance

    1. I agree with you, I think that skirt is very immodest.

  2. Interesting how the Bates define courtship. It's quite different from the Duggars and others I've known who have courted. It seems like for the Bates family, by the time they get to an official courtship, the couples already know each other very well and are pretty sure they're going to get married. So their courtship is more like pre-engagement. It seems like the "special friends" stage and calling each other boyfriend/girlfriend is actually what most people would call "dating". I guess they just don't want to use the word "dating" because it has bad connotations for them.

    1. You're totally right. Kelly shared several years ago (not quite in so many words) that Zach courted a girl, it didn't work out, and was pretty heartbroken. My recollection was that Kelly felt he went to quick (I think he effectively asked her to court at roughly the same stage that mainstream guys ask a girl on a first date), which makes sense since the courtship process the Duggars follow seems to be all-contact-is-monitored-and-chaperoned, followed by engagement and marriage...little time for them to really get to know each other and whether they're a good match.

      They've since reassessed, and have "slowed down" their approach to dating and courtship, and the Bates talk *a lot* about "getting to know" particular people as a phase before courtship. They still break up (or whatever the equivalent is) if they ever figure out that this relationship isn't headed towards marriage, but it's much less rushed. While they still chaperone the couples, they are also much more allowing of private conversations and communication, so that the couples can decide whether they're really a good fit before rushing into courtship.

  3. I thought something like this might be coming along. In a previous episode Whitney said something about Carlin and Josie being too young for relationships since she has known them since they were young. Also Kelly mentioned that now that Carlin was with Evan Josie was only a year behind Carlin and Gil better get out his shot gun. Boy has Josie grown up. She is beautiful, all the Bates girls are. C'mon now Lawson, Nathan and Trace get a move on. Your turns

    1. I think the boys are a lot more slower on this...and can't blame them! It's their job to support the girl and the baby that will shortly come after. I don't know if any of them feel like they are in a great setup to begin that kind of life.

  4. Whatever happened to Carlin and Evan?

    1. Pretty sure they're still together, in the pre-courting boyfriend/girlfriend phase. I wouldn't be surprised if they're in an official courtship now and just haven't announced it yet.

    2. I got the impression from the show that Carlin was not with them on this trip.

  5. I remember an episode recently where Nathan talked about special friends and having female friends he is talking with... Does anyone remember what episode this is?

  6. when you look at the header, you realize we're on the bottom line with kids in relationships and cant help to think that before long, its goin to be jeb! i cant believe time is going by so fast!

    i hope you'll still be doing the blog then too!

  7. I wish the girls wouldnt marry the first guy that comes along. They are absolutely GORGEOUS, and could have any man they wanted. Im not saying they should approach dating like the world does, but meet and get to know other people before settling down. Bobby and Tori seems to be well-matched, Josie and Carlin, TAKE YOUR TIME.

    1. Maybe there have been other guys they've been interested in, but didn't make it to the "special friends" stage.

    2. You're absolutely right! Since we only get to see a small portion of their lives they probably only show the guys who potentially have a future with the girls.

  8. Am I the only one who thinks Evan and Kelton look like twins?

    1. You are not!!! They could totally be bros!

  9. Whatever happened to Nathan and the girl who he was courting? Are they still together?

    1. No, they broke up earlier this year. I guess they decided it wasn't working out.

  10. Wonderful family
    Wish the show was an hour long
    So many shows on are just not family oriented.


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