
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Michaela and Brandon

In honor of Michael and Brandon Keilen's 2nd wedding anniversary, we wanted to share a couple snapshots from a recent photo shoot with the talented Taryn Yager.

Two months ago, Michael opened up about the struggles she and Brandon are having with infertility. Her words ministered to and struck a chord with many. For those who have asked, the Keilens have not announced a pregnancy, but we know they appreciate prayer as they continue to trust God.

 Michaela and Brandon Keilen

Photos courtesy of


  1. Praying for God to answer your prayers!! Love,and prayers from Indiana

  2. Keep praying because the prayers of the faithful availth much!

  3. I will definitely be praying for them. They are such a lovely couple and I pray the Lord will give them the desires of their hearts.

  4. God picks special babies for special couples when yours comes it will be a special gift, it will arrive when the time is right.

    1. And here I thought all babies were special. Who knew God has favorites!

    2. What about the couples for whom a baby never arrives, are they not special to God also?

  5. Im happy to see they are great, however i thought that Taryn Yager does mainly pregnancy and pictures that includes children. i prey for your journey, and your wishes to expand your family.
    p.s. i feel like an announcement will come soon

    1. Well, she's a family friend of the Bates so I'm sure she's happy to take pictures for them that aren't related to babies.

  6. I hope Michael and Brandon find a reason for their infertility and are either able to overcome them and convcieve or adopt or are able to live a happy childless life.
    I am currently undergoing fertility tests myself and so far nothing has been discovered on my end but we have discovered my husband is infertitle also. I'm not sure what their situation is but I am greatful my husband understands how I feel and is 100% supportive.

    Good luck to them both! Whatever the future brings for them :-)

  7. The last sentence of this blog post defiantly suggests an unannounced pregnancy! That'd be real exciting if it's true if she is!

    1. I didn't think it suggested a pregnancy. I thought it suggested they are trusting God for their family to start when He wants it to.

  8. Happy Anniversary! Happy together!

  9. The look on Brandon's face! Such a happy man! I hope that there will be little baby Keilen on the way soon, but it's all in God's hands and in his timing.

  10. My fervent prayer goes out to you God bless you

  11. She is a sweet beautiful young lady and God hears her prayers. I know a little 6year old girl who wanted a baby sister and went around telling people her Mom was going to have a baby because she asked God for one. Well she is now entering the 7th grade and had a little sister in Kindergarten and another baby sister who is going to start kindergarten next year. Power in prayer so little brother and sisters be praying for your big sister.

  12. I know how Michaela feels. We decided to try IVF, and it failed 3 times. In March 2008, we became parents. Our first 2 little ones (3 and 13 month siblings) came to live with us through foster care. We adopted them, and later their baby brother. In 2012, our great nephew was removed from his birth mom and we fost-adopted too. Our hearts and our home are full. If Michaela and Brandon truly desire children, God will provide. My 10-year old once told me that he wished he came from my tummy. I told him that i was glad he didn't. When he had a shocked look on his face, I explained, "You are special, and if you came from my tummy, you wouldn't be you and I'd have a different kid. God knew I needed to be a mommy, and he gave you to dad and I." I want my kids to love who they are. Adoption is a special thing. I will very honestly say now that I thank God I wasnt able to conceive children. If that is Michaela's path, I hope she sees that too.

  13. Sarah waited 25 years for her promise. God's time is not ours but He is still on time.

  14. Trusting God in hard times is all you can do. You both look so happy in the new pictures. The love you two share is true. Congrats on 2 years and blessings to many more.

  15. My husband and I could not fall pregnant. We trust God, and we rest in God. The doctors could not explain the why - but God knows, He is our refuge in those troubled times. The Lord has given me a husband who loves God before me, and loves me. (M from Australia)

  16. Infertility sucks and miscarriages. I hope God will enlighten you life with a baby.


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