
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tonight: Michaela Shares Infertility Struggles

An all-new episode of Bringing Up Bates is coming your way tonight. Tune in to UP at 9pm ET/8pm CT for Bringing Up Bates "Here's the Scoop!"  Episode photos and two video clips can be found below.

Thursday, August 31, 2017
8pm: The Fabulous Backwoods Bates Boys
8:30pm: Stop, Drop and Wash
9pm: Here's the Scoop! (NEW)
10pm: Here's the Scoop!

Erin, who had not yet visited Michael, plans a mini vacation to Chicago with travel companions Kelly, Carson, and Tori. Erin and Kelly take to the internet to create a travel itinerary. 

When they arrive in the Windy City, little Carson is blown away (no pun intended) by the sights and sounds of downtown. The Bates take a boat tour and ride the Navy Pier Ferris wheel.

Later, Michael gets candid about her infertility struggles with Erin and shares an update on how things are going. She also answers questions about whether she and Brandon see themselves living in Chicago permanently.

Back at home in East Tennessee, the older siblings host an ice cream making contest for the little ones.

Photos/videos courtesy of UP


  1. I hope Michael doesn't feel ashamed about seeking out fertility treatments like a lot of Christians do. IUI and IUV are wonderful tools and if she needs them, I hope she considers it. Good luck Michael and Brandon.

  2. You never know what God has in store! He could very well bless them with children . This could just be a time of waiting on the Lord.

  3. I too have struggled immensely with infertility. It took us 4yrs3m to conceive our oldest and just over 2yrs to conceive this time. This time we were doubly Blessed because we are expecting twins. We only did meds because that's all our beliefs led us to feel comfortable with. The meds I was on did not increase chance of multiples we were just doubly Blessed. The Lord is Good.... but those months/years of trying and failing are hard, oh so hard. Especially when you're so happy for others around you who conceive so easily... it's hard to not question God and His timing but it's important to remember He knows what's best for you and when He does Bless you... it's oh so much sweeter. It also gives you a foot in the door to help other women who are struggling

  4. I have already said that but I wish I could see Bringing Up Bates!! I pray for that everyday...

  5. I so hear ya'll. Praying for them both, as now they might be struggling, but hopefully someday they'll have a little one in the future. :-)

  6. She can always adopt children. There are so many kids in the USA foster care system. Plus she is still young. Feels like she is pushing it. When she is 35+ go to a fertility doctor if you must have a baby with your DNA. Yet if you want to be a mother, adopt.

    1. I am an adoptive Mother( kind of hate phrasing it like that as I'm am really just my child's Mom), and so I understand what you are saying, but please consider the brashness of it. You sound like someone who has never struggled with infertility. The "you can always just adopt" sort of gives it away. Yes, adoption is as much a gift and miracle from our Lord for creating families, but that does not negate the heartache women feel processing why their bodies are "failing" them in the fertility arena. And, yes, we have to process making peace with that. Michael also comes from a theology where producing large numbers of biological children is the pinnacle of being a Christian woman. She has a lot of emotions to navigate. I was so happy to hear her say she would be open to adopt a child. Anyway, kind words go a long way when someone is already hurting.

    2. Speaking as someone who's been on the receiving end of comments such as yours about adoption, please refrain from saying it to anyone facing infertility. To say, "You can always adopt, " is condescending and dismissive. Yes, my husband and I eventually went on to adopt two wonderful kids, now adults. We knew it was right for us after much thought, planning, and guidance from adoption specialists. The Keilens are intelligent people, perfectly capable of seeking out information and resources, and coming to a decision that works for them should having biological children not work out.

    3. An@8:08 Waiting until age 35 to see a specialist is not a good idea. There may be physical abnormalities that can be corrected if found early enough. If you wait, you are losing time.

    4. 8:08 PM - Don't let the others shame you for offering a well-intentioned suggestion. I agree with you for the most part, except she should maybe see a specialist now, not wait until 35.

  7. Looks like Tori is wearing a ring...

  8. Aw!! Michael...she is handling this situation so well. I'm so thankful her family, and Brandon, give her the freedom to cry and grieve. To many Christian women are shamed ( unfortunately actually taught by other Christian women) to suffer in silence. I struggled with infertility and when Michael said some days she cries all day, and other days it doesn't phase her I so, so related!! We did adopt, and our child is as much a precious gift from our Heavenly Father as if I had physically given birth. She couldn't be more "us"...God is so good. Brandon and Michael will know if and when they should pursue adoption as they are seeking the will of the Father. If adoption is the way to build their family The Lord will put such a longing, and joyfullness, in their hearts they will know He is getting ready to put a family together! Blessings to them as they travel this road:)

  9. My heart goes out to Michaela. I will put her and Brandon on my prayer wall so I can pray for them daily.

  10. I know right where she is coming from. I struggle from infertility. After trying for several years and wanting to be a mom. We considered foster care. We went on to pursue that and very thankful we did. We now have a little one that didn't grow in my belly, but in our hearts. He is a blessing from God. Adoption was finalized last Nov. And just the other day he told my husband that Jesus brought me to you. No doubt he did. He looks just like me and acts just like my husband. We are serving a great God that can do anything.

    1. My cousin is adopted and looks exactly like his mother/my aunt. He is a finer son than my aunt and uncle could have every hoped for. God is great!

  11. I had multiple miscarriagesand with my son was told to take 1 baby asprin per day. He is the only baby I did not lose. Cheap thing to try if your doctor approves.
    My heart goes out to you but stay strong. God gives a family in many ways, sometimes non-tradional. There is no shame in getting invetro or whatever else if that helps you. The hardest thing I used to hear but so true, "It will happen in God's time."

  12. I know exactly how they feel. I did 10 cycle of meds and two artificial insemination. All failed. We had been married more than 4 yrs at this point. God blessed after 8 yrs. I know how heart breaking it was for us to have to wait and not knowing if we would ever have a family of our own. Spencer was born in 2001 and the Drs. said it could take that long again for another but it didnt. Allison was born in 2002. It is hard to wait on the Lord and not question why but as I look back now I can see why we had to wait. Just hold on God has a plan for sure. Also my friend wondered why she had to wait so long for God to send her a spouse and children but suddenly she had to take in 3 sibling relatives and has been an amazing mom and she also has a man in her life that loves her and the kids.

  13. She could always adopt a child. If she wants to carry the baby then they could do embryo adoption. It's also called snowflake adoption.

  14. Michaela is so sweet and a beautiful young lady. I am praying for a God to bless them both with children, whichever way he can. Those who have ivf etc are truly blessed and find a lot of the time that one comes naturally xx


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