
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Big Bates Announcement

Yesterday, we told our readers that the "Bates secret special" has been postponed until next Thursday, September 28th. We know you all are disappointed to have to wait an extra week to view that show, but here's a new announcement that is sure to make you smile...

This Thursday, following three Bringing Up Bates reruns (visit our Showtimes page for information), the Bates family will come on during Small Town Big Mayor (starts at 9:30pm ET/8:30pm CT) to share an exciting announcement. If you are unable to tune in, we will post the details immediately following the reveal.

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Oh, rats! I don't have cable:( I will have to read about it on the blog. I am excited to know what it is!

    1. Me too! We don't have cable/tv either. I really appreciate those recap posts Lily and Ellie!

  2. I truly wish that its Michael's and Brandon's pregnancy announcement .....those 2 would deserve it so much

    1. That was the first thing I thought of as well. It would be sooo wonderful!

    2. Oh, yeah! I didn't think about that:)

    3. I so pray that is what it is as well !!

    4. I was thinking the same thing about Michael and Brandon, I sure hope so I know they would be so excited! :)

    5. Think it is. That is the only thing left for this season. UNLESS Kelly Jo is making it an even 20.

    6. @Susan. Kelly was asked if she was pregnant on their family website a few years ago and she hinted that she thought that season of life is over for her.

    7. Nobody "deserves" children. That's cruel. So all the other infertile couples were just to "undeserving"?

  3. A. A courtship
    B. An engagement
    C. A baby
    D. All of the above

    I pick D.

    1. Why does everyone alway want someone to have twins?

    2. C. I think ethier michella or Whitney will have a baby 👶

    3. I think it is c. I also think it Michella I am hoping it is.

  4. Maybe someone is adopting? That would be a great surprise!

    1. I love adoption, and plan on adopting 2 or 3 children after I'm married. There was a little girl at my cousins school who was in foster care along with her little brother. Her teacher -who had not been able to become pregnant for many years- and her husband adopted them. The next year they found out they were pregnant! A few years later they had a set of twins. Their story was one of many caused me to look more into adoption and foster care, I think it's an amazing thing. My mom's best friend had a very hard time becoming pregnant, and when she finally did she lost the baby. :( She and her husband ended up pursuing adoption, and ended up adopting 2 little boys. They're such a sweet family, they never had biological children, but that doesn't matter. God sets the lonely in families.

    2. Anon1:11- My husband and I are adoptive parents. Our kids are all grown now, but there isn't a day that goes by that we don't reflect on how very lucky we have been and what a joy they are. It's great that you are considering fostering/adoption. Learn/read all you can about it, especially from the point of view of the adoptee or foster child. When the time comes, seek professional counseling from an adoption-competent therapist who can assist you in your journey, both pre and post adoption. Understand that each foster/adopted child, depending upon age/circumstances, has unique emotional needs that need to be recognized.

  5. Oh my, I really hope is Michaela and Brandon!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗

  6. Ahhhhh! The suspense is killing me! BTW- Thanks Ellie for this blog. I've never had cable, but I am a big Duggar/Bates fan. I found your blog about four years ago and I have been hooked ever since. Though I can't watch the show I can always count on the blog for a tabloid-free update. I appreciate it!

  7. I think either Bobby and Tori will be engaged or Carlin and Evan will be courting. I wish Michaela was pregnant. I feel so bad. She wants kids, but that's just not what God has for her right now.

    1. 3:12- Infertility is caused by any number of physiological reasons. There are plenty of very fertile unfit parents out there that pretty much disproves your theory that God is, or wants to be, in control of anyone's ability to procreate.

    2. God is always in control what people choose to do when He blesses them with children is between them and God and they will be held accountable

  8. YESYESYES - a baby for Michael and Brandon would be such a blessing and answer to their prayers!

    1. Or they could be adopting! I truly do hope they have a biological baby someday, since I know it's cool for a lot of people to see a reflection of themselves in their child's face. That being said, I think sometimes God does close a womb for a special reason. I know of a family who was trying for years, then finally they decided to adopt. The month before the birth mom had the baby, they found out they were expecting! So they ended up with Irish twin boys! Sometimes God isn't saying "No" He's saying "Not yet", or "This first!" Just thought I'd share.

    2. Anon at 1:02. I like your comment :) I agree.

    3. 1:02- As an adoptive mom, I agree with you that adoption is a wonderful thing. You also shared a lovely story, but I have to take issue with your reasoning. I don't believe God is intervening in anyone's fertility, for the simple reason there are countless unfit parents who should not be bringing any children into the world. It makes no sense to me that a logical, loving God would allow that, yet "close the womb" of someone else who longs for children. We are at the mercy of time, chance, and our own fallible human bodies... bodies that sometimes fail us in any number of ways. I, too, heard stories of adoptive parents unexpectedly finding themselves pregnant. This is not so difficult to explain, especially when the stress and emotional pain of infertility can make it even more difficult to conceive. Once a couple adopts, that added stress can lessen because they're no longer focused on conceiving- hence a surprise pregnancy. My husband and I had to come to terms with what was most important to us... to achieve pregnancy and have a child that was ours biologically, or to be parents. We chose the latter and have never regretted our decision.

    4. The original comment was "a baby for Michael and Brandon" - the writer did not specify pregnancy or adoption.

    5. This is 1:02, to 8:05, I don't understand why God allows some things to happen, but I know there are a few times in the Bible where it said God closed someones womb, so I do believe He has control over fertility. Circumstances in our lives shape who we are, so that could be a reason God allows unfit people to have children, who can then grow up to become amazing people. Everyone has to make their won choices. You said you're an adoptive mother, without someone else being unable to care for their -now your -children, and without you not being able to have biological kids, you would not have adopted them. Would it be easier for God to have allowed you to have children, and not the birth mother of your kids? Yes, but then you wouldn't have the same kids, they never would have been born. That's just my opinion, no one has to agree with it, and I respect your's. :)

  9. My guess is Tori and Bobby are engaged and in the throes of planning their wedding. Also, possibly someone is pregnant. Maybe Whitney?

  10. Can we watch your show somewhere other than UP. I using a streaming service and don't have it anymore. Like online somewhere

    1. Hi Molly,

      You can purchase the episodes on Amazon and iTunes. :)

      Lily and Ellie

    2. You can also watch on

  11. Hi! Is this separate from the big special or in place of it?

  12. I'm going to just put it out there. I think Erin and Chad are expecting again.

    1. I was thinking the same thing...

  13. I am just thankful that you will wait until the reveal because it is no fun knowing before I can watch it on tv. So thank you :D Love the show but more than that, I love ya all. <3

  14. I know what the announcement is! My sister goes to college with Carlin, and she told her!

    1. Can you spill it please?!

    2. Not to say you're lying, but people seem to say things like this all the time. Some examples "My cousin is dating Lawson Bates", "my second cousin works at the hospital where Jill had her baby, they both have Zika", "my friend is courting John David Duggar. All these things have been said, and were obviously lies, however, if you do know the news would you care to share? :D

    3. Then spill the beans!

    4. Aw come on, can't you give us one leetle itsy bitsy bit of a hint?

  15. I'm so glad you let us know ahead of time. Otherwise I would not have set my TV to record "Small Town Big Mayor." Looking forward to Thursday's announcement!

  16. Ha! I think it's just going to be something like "we're going to extend the season!" or "we have a new idea for 'Be a Bates for a Day'" or something disappointingly simple. But, I HOPE it is Michael and Brandon. That would be so exciting.

  17. I think its gonna be a double wedding for Tori and Carlin!

    I hope anyway!

    1. I doubt it too, but I would LOVE it if it were. I hope it's that Michaela is pregnant with twins, or that they have more adoption opportunities than they can handle, but starting with, say one, or a set of siblings. If it's fostering, they can't show that, but they can mention it

  18. Hey does anyone know what happened to the girl, Courtney, that hung around the Bates all the time? Wasn't her last name Green? We used to see her a lot in different pictures and videos and now don't see her at all...anywhere. It's like she's fallen off the face of the earth or something. Does anyone know if she's still "around"? Just curious! I'm a mother that had a fondness for her and whatever situation she was or is in. I really don't know her situation but if she was with the Bates most of the time that told a person something. I don't see her around anymore so maybe things are looking better for her.

  19. I'm guessing a new season

  20. I think the exciting announcement is that they are going to start filming hour long shows.

    1. Why on the planet earth would they have a tv special for that?

    2. Read carefully before replying..."I think the exciting "ANNOUNCEMENT" will be they start filming hour episodes." I did NOT state, "THE TV SPECIAL" ...there are two different "surprises being posed here.

    3. Oh yeah, sorry. However, why would that be their announcement? It could be but I think it'll be a bit bigger.

  21. 1. Tori is engaged (makes the most sense because the last episode was Bobbie asking for permission to propose. It's the next step!).
    2. Michael is pregnant.
    3. Alyssa, Erin or Whitney is pregnant.
    My top 3 guesses!

  22. Tori and bobby's engagement

  23. My three guesses are 1) Lawson 2) Michaella or 3) twins for somebody

  24. Michaela is pregnant or they have adopted

  25. My guess: The announcement will be that Michael is pregnant and the super secret special is Carlin's courtship and Tori's engagement.

  26. Will you guys let us know if there is a pregnancy or twins?

    1. What's with this twin obsession? Why wish that for someone else?


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