
Friday, September 1, 2017

In the Kitchen with Michaela and Erin

Back when all the Bates kids lived at home, Michaela was one of the primary cooks. Erin, on the other hand, hardly spent any time in the kitchen until she married Chad. In this extended scene (shown on last night's episode--click here for the recap) Michaela and Erin gather together in the Keilens' kitchen to make granola, a Bates family favorite. Do you like granola?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Is it just me or is Erin looking preggo again in the bottom picture? Maybe the dress is just real flowy.

    1. Incredibly rude comment. Would you ever say that to someone directly?

    2. it may be just the dress but i've wondered this as well. there have been a couple of times i thought she was too but maybe it's wishful thinking on my part for them! erin dresses very classy so it may be hard to tell with her right away (meaning nothing real tight across the stomach that would give it away)

    3. I think the dress is just flowy. There's no bump or curve that might indicate a pregnancy.

    4. This episode took place three months ago. I guess if Erin would be pregnant again, it would be pretty obvious by now or they at least would have made the announcement...

    5. Gosh, it's so sad that some think a woman is pregnant just because she doesn't have a flat stomach. I really hate it. It's so demeaning to woman. Most of us don't have a flat stomach.

    6. 5:21 - especially after going through pregnancy a time or two!

  2. I really really really wish Michaela and Brandon would move to Tennessee so Michaela could be close to Erin! They have such a close bond that it is sad they live so far apart!
    I know Brandon has work in IL but still, there must be SOME way he can be transferred to Tennessee!

  3. is there a recipe for the granola anywhere? thank you so much!

  4. I love granola! I plan to make some next week sometime as a matter of fact. I had a great healtny granola cookie recipe from an old Keepers at Home magazine that I hope to find sometime. They are really good. My girls when they were little didn't even know they were healthy!

  5. Who dresses up to work in a kitchen? But I do love Erin's outfit. Beautiful.

    1. not sure if it was on the show or in the extended clip but they had been out & about and went back to the apartment to wait for brandon to come home. kelly was taking them all out to dinner on the town since brandon wasnt able to be with them during the day. they were making their granola while waiting for him and kelly joked about eating so much granola there wouldnt be room for dinner (while she was still carrying her bowl!) michaela was always so great at whipping things up, spur of the moment, for snacks at home and she mentioned that its never the same twice, based on the ingredients you have handy. sure wish they'd share their 'basic' recipe!

    2. She didn't dress up to work in the kitchen - that's the outfit they showed her in from the whole day.

  6. Can you please post the granola recipe??!!

  7. Can you find out and post their granola recipie

  8. Let's all pray for Michaela to have a baby soon, that the Lord would open her womb!

    1. I've added her to my prayer wall so I have been praying for her daily.

  9. I absolutely love granola, but I avoid it because it's very high calorie and high carb.

  10. Michael, You need to write a cookbook...

  11. What I DON'T LIKE in my granola is HAIR. Those girls need to get that hair out of the way when they're in the kitchen. Such a bad habit they all have.

    1. Then we all have bad habits because a lot don't get their up to cook.

  12. I would love to have her cobbler recipe. I will share my grandma's peach cobbler recipe!?!

  13. Hi Sue,

    Here is the link to Michael's cobbler recipe:

    Feel free to share your grandmother's recipe, as well. :)

    Lily and Ellie


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