
Friday, September 8, 2017

Laying Down the 'Law'

Which Bates family member is the best disciplinarian? "We used to get a lot of compliments on how obedient and well-mannered our children were, but something happened," confesses Kelly Bates in the video below.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Are Alyssa and her family going to ride out Hurricane Irma at home or are they evacuating?

  2. I was surprised nobody said Michael with discipline. She was *ehem* not particularly pleasent to her brothers when they visited in Chicago. Poor Jeb cried! He didn't like crepes--would have been easy just to give him the pancake. I'm in my 50's--I don't like crepes either. I would have cried with Jeb!

    1. I'd imagine that Michael's experiences with meal prep for such a large family made it impractical, if not impossible, to try and please everyone's individual tastes. 'Like it or lump' it may sound harsh, but sometimes it's what preserves the sanity of the chief cook.

    2. I thought she was firm, not unpleasant. They've mentioned multiple times how the younger ones have been kind of spoiled, and I'm sure it didn't do Jeb any harm to be told "no." It's not good for kids to get what they want every single time.

    3. Yes, I am sure Michaela was not being unpleasant. Being firm is different than being unpleasant. Michaela is very sweet:)

    4. Michael knows her brothers better than we do. I am sure she knew that he would like it if he just tried it. The little guys are a little spoiled. It doesn't hurt children to be told no. It is actually good for them to find out they don't always get what they want.

  3. You're not doing a kid any favors to coddle him at the table. Kids need to hear NO, and let them cry if they want.


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