
Thursday, September 14, 2017

'Uncharted Waters' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Uncharted Waters"

  • The show opens on Evan and Carlin’s courtship conversation with Gil and Kelly. “Of course, Dad always likes to throw in his little nuggets,” says Carlin, annoyed. “If you ever get married, if this ever keeps going, we’ll see, let’s take it slow.”
  • Gil and Kelly pray with the couple and then give them the green light to start an official courtship.
  • Later, those over 90 pounds and age 10 head to the zip line course. Kelly takes the “middle kids” to the pool.
  • Some of the zip lines are short and low, but one is about 90 feet off the ground. “It’s nothing like the little one we have in the backyard,” says Jackson.
  • The next day, the plan is to go whitewater rafting. It ends up raining, but that doesn’t stop the Bates. They hire the daughter of a local pastor to babysit the little ones and head out. Because of the weather, they end up having to go on a more difficult course with class four rapids. Even the boys are apprehensive.
  • All the married couples get into one boat. “Just think, Mom, if this boat wrecks, you’ve got Lawson and Nathan to raise all the kids from all three of our families,” says Zach.
  • The ride is exhilarating, and the ladies scream the whole way, but they all enjoy themselves.
  • Later, while everyone else is showering, Bobby pulls Gil aside to chat. “Yesterday it’s Evan, today it’s Bobby,” says Gil. “I’m getting hit from everywhere. Who knows what’s going to be next?”
  • “…Before I start planning anything and before I take this next step, what I really want to do is just have your full blessing and be able to ask your permission to marry Tori,” says Bobby.
  • “You’re a good guy, Bobby," says Gil, patting Bobby on the back. “I’m glad you finished school, but nope.”
  • Bobby’s lip starts quivering, and a look of anguish washes over his face. “I always have a hard time telling when people are joking, and I was thinking, there’s like a one percent chance that he’s serious right now, but what if he is?” says Bobby.
  • There is a long pause, and then Gil says, “You’ve got my blessing.” Bobby is extremely relieved and admits that he was about to throw up.
  • “I think you and Tori have been good for each other,” says Gil. “But it’s hard to say yah, you know? Because I’m losing these girls one after another.”
  • “Now that I have Mr. Bates’ permission to be able to propose, Tori seems to have a theory that October is the magic month because we met in October and we started courting in October, but we’ll just have to see about that,” says Bobby.
  • After everyone finishes getting ready, the Bates snap a family photo and then head to dinner.


  1. Poor Bobby!!!! He looked about to cry...not cool. Happy Bobby did get Gil's blessing eventually

    1. I agree! I don't think Gil should have put him through that. It is a very important subject...nothing to joke around about. I can't imagine the relief Bobby felt when he got permission! I am so happy for them!! Can't wait for another Bates marriage!

    2. I agree. That was very mean of Gil. I also have a hard time detecting sarcasm and teasing.

    3. Agreed. Gil is a really nice man, but that went too far. If UP made him do that for tv ratings, they need to stop. Bobby looked like he was about to cry. You don't joke about something like that - especially for ratings. It seems like especially this season, UP has had the Bates try to act. This is so bad. Please stop. The Bates family is great. We want to see them be real. It is obvious when they are trying to act. Just let them be themselves - we love them all.

    4. I am sure Bobby was nervous, but come on-it was a good natured poke in Gil's part!!

    5. Yes. Let's not be so serious. I would not have done that, but it's not that big of a deal.

  2. Brought tears to my eyes the idea that Gil would refuse Bobby's request for Tori's hand in marriage (and I can't even watch the episode!). so glad he was joking, what a meanie!!

    1. Aww come on! Maybe a little bit mean but it was all in fun!!

  3. So does it mean that Carlin and Evan are courting now that they have Gil and Kelly-Jo's permission?

    1. I don't think so...I think they got permission but Evan didn't ask Carlin to start courtship but it sounded as if maybe soon.

  4. Oh, wow! How fun! Can't wait to see the episode!

  5. Hey everyone. Do we know when the next season starts yet? Looking forward to what happens next with the family. The last two episodes were great

  6. Great episode. I was so relieved for Evan and Bobby. Praying for the happy couples.
    They all look like the had a terrific time. I always enjoy watching ther getaways. God bless

  7. Lol - I think even when my husband knew he had my dads blessing he was still nervous to actually ask! Hooray!!!!

  8. Can't wait for next season, congrats to Bobby and Evan.

  9. I can't fathom needing my fathers permission to marry.

    1. I am an orphan so not applicable to me but if you love your parents, then don't you think they have your best interest at heart and wouldn't you value highly their opinion? If a parent is opposed to a marriage, then maybe the child should listen and reflect as to why the opposition is there. If the child marries anyway, are you ready to give up your parents for this person? Maybe the answer is yes but wow a very serious decision.

    2. If you have wise parents, it's best and safe to listen to them. They see things we cannot always see because we are still young and our judgments are not as mature(of course there are always exceptions). Of course if you are old enough then you are able to know your own heart, but it is always best to listen to your parents guidance:)

    3. I understand receiving and respecting parental advice. But, there is a huge difference between advice and permission. Parents, too, need to respect their adult children's choices. "Permission" is for children not adult daughters.

  10. Is there somewhere I can watch Thursday night's episode--we recently changed providers and don't get UPTV anymore, but I'd love to watch it online :

    1. Hi Frances,

      The episodes are available for purchase on iTunes and Amazon.

      Have a blessed day,
      Lily and Ellie

  11. For what ever reason Gail responded to Bobby that way ,
    I will never forget the hurt look I'm Bobbys face ,
    he actually looked physically ill .
    Not funny , at all ! ! 😳

  12. Did anyone else notice Lawson holding hands with a girl while everyone was gathering for the family picture??


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