
Friday, September 1, 2017

Update: Lawson and Nathan in TX

 Lawson and Nathan make rescues in Port Arthur, Texas

We know you all are eager to hear how Lawson and Nathan Bates' trip to Texas went. The brothers traveled down to an area near Houston to do rescue work with their boat. In just a couple days, they were able to save more than 100 people, including a mother and her three-month-old baby.

As you can imagine, the work was physically and emotionally draining. There are thousands of people facing seemingly hopeless situations.

Lawson shares the perspective that he gained while down in Texas:

Simply put, the devastation is mind-boggling, but the heart of Texas and the tens of thousands of volunteers pouring in from all over the U.S., is nothing short of amazing! Lately, the news has shown a country inundated with divisiveness, hate, controversy and unrest; but in these past few days (at a time when we absolutely needed unity the most) all I've seen here is Americans working together, giving of themselves, jumping in whenever and wherever needed, and literally putting their lives on the line for complete strangers. A tragedy on a horrific scale has truly brought out the best in so many. In Romans 12, Paul reminds us not to be overcome by evil, but instead to overcome it with good! 

Please continue to pray for those impacted by Hurricane Harvey.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Lawson your deeds and words are very encouraging. Well done!

  2. the devastation in texas is truly heartbraking. lawson & nathan did a wonderful thing going to help

  3. So thankful for these two young men!

  4. I have been thinking those exact thoughts too that Lawson just expressed. Sometimes we wonder why God would allow something like this to happen but I believe God allows things like this to happen for a reason. This has helped our nation to come together and love and help one another without the division we have seen lately. Race and religion was forgotten and everyone came together with love for one another. That's so wonderful to see. I believe also that many will come to know Christ that didn't know him before. Maybe that's the "reason" for this historic flood.

  5. I am sure the relief of being rescued is hard to put into words. So glad to see so many people SHOWING their faith by physically helping and donating. I read one governor turned down help from Canada and said they needed prayer, just incredible! Yes prayers are good but people need practical help, a dry safe place to stay, food, clothing and support, glad to see the Bates boys helping in a practical way. Now where are the Duggar boys?

  6. Be careful Lawson and Nathan and thank you for putting such great effort into helping the people in Texas. It's great to see celebrity young men out doing such kindnesses and setting good examples.

  7. Thanks Lawson and trace for your help us Texans need a lot of help

  8. It's amazing how people from all over the country have responded to Texas' need--thanks Bates Boys---your help is welcome. Stay Safe and Houston Strong---Nana Libby

  9. We really appreciate it! Harvey has hit us hard for sure, but God will see us through!!!

  10. Yes,, !, keep up the good work

  11. Rose from Greensburg paSeptember 3, 2017 at 10:20 AM

    Girl and Kelly you should be proud of the kind of people you have and are still raising.

  12. I am in Houston, and though we only lost a car in the storm, it has been incredibly encouraging having so many people come to help us aid our friends and neighbors who have lost their homes. We are so humbled and thankful! The church at work is a wonderful thing. Thank you! And come back! The need is great and will be for while.

  13. Super heroes the Bates !!! Or giving back from money earned by reality tv ? Or getting advertise by posting pic from their time in Texas ?

    1. I think that's very unfair. The Bates Boys( I know they are men)! have never come across as seeking photo ops in this situation. They may be heading to Florida soon. Maybe Alysss and babies should head to Tennessee. Anyway, both Lawson and Nathan seem very sincere in their desire to just help.

    2. Agree with 4:55. I'm sure they didn't go all the way down there and do all that work just for photo ops. So silly.

  14. And the Duggar clan is where?!?

    1. Don't compare families.... you wouldn't want anyone asking where your family is or is not I'm sure.

    2. Go to their blog and ask them. This is the Bates blog, they don't keep track.

  15. Next month, a group from Crown College will be going down there to help for a week.

  16. Thanks for sharing this!

  17. Sending my prayers to Texas, but also in other news. We have a wild fire burning through Washington, Oregan, Montana, and California. Now it hasnt gone completly through all of these states yet,and i pray it wont because lots of people are going to be without homes and i dont know how many lives have been lost to it already, but if you could pray for us over hear. That would be great. So far where i am there is only ash, and I hope that's all there ever will be, but if it turns it's course. No one knows what will happen once the wind blows in.

  18. So Awesome you guys!!! Awesome, awesome!!


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