
Monday, September 11, 2017

Websters Are Safe

 Alyssa Webster, Allie Webster, and Lexi Webster

Over the weekend, Hurricane Irma slammed Florida, leaving a trail of devastation across the Sunshine State and knocking out power for millions of residents.

Many of you are eager to hear how Alyssa and John Webster, who live near Orlando, are doing. You will be happy to know that they are safe. The hurricane blew down quite a few trees in their area, but to their knowledge, the damage has not been great. Please continue to pray for those who have been impacted by Irma, especially those who have lost loved ones and property.

Photo courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster


  1. Thank God you are all OK.

  2. Thank God you guys are OK.

  3. So happy to hear your safe the scary for you God bless

  4. So happy to hear you are all safe!

  5. That is such good news. I'm so glad they are safe. Hoping for the best for everyone impacted by the hurricane.

  6. Glad your family made it through that storm. Praying for families that lost it all.

  7. Oh praise the Lord Lifting those impacted by the storm the God above

  8. Glad you weathered through, Alyssa and John! Prayers for those impacted and their loved ones.

    1. Are related to them!!!??? They are angels on earth surrounding them and other families!!!!

  9. Oh thank the Lord they are safe. I had forgotten they live in Florida.

  10. No power at my house either. Hope we get it back on soon. ~ from central Florida

  11. So glad they are safe 😁 Prayers to all during this testing time!

  12. Replies
    1. This picture is the first one where I've realized Addalee looks just like Alyssa.

    2. Addalee has always reminded me of Michaella. Looking at the pictures in the header, it looks like all 3 younger girls are a mini-me. Ellie looks like Carlin, and Callie looks like Erin!

  13. He is faithful! So glad to hear.

  14. Good to know that they're all ok. My family members were lucky and only lost property. Life is what matters and they're still with us.


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