
Monday, October 23, 2017

Double Bates Date

Happy Monday! We know you'll like this photo from a recent double date that Carlin Bates and Josie Bates went on with their guys. They were accompanied by other family members and friends.

 Kelton Balka, Josie Bates, Carlin Bates, Evan Stewart

Carlin and Evan

Photos courtesy of Carlin Bates/


  1. Is it just me, or does Kelton and Even look alike? They could be brothers!

  2. Evan and Kelton look like brothers!

  3. Those two boys could be brothers they both look so similar.


  5. I hope these girls are both engaged by the end of the year!

    1. 1:19- Josie is only 18 I believe. What's the rush?

  6. I love Evan's shirt!

  7. josie's jean skirt is really short!

    1. 1:44- It's no shorter than her sister's skirt. I don't think there's anything inappropriate about either one.

    2. I think both of their skirts are very short and immodest!! What happened to that families modesty standards?

    3. Josie's skirt is not "really short." Both girls are dressed decently. Makes me wonder if some commenters wants women to wear long sleeves and dresses to the floor.

    4. Their skirts have become much more immodest. The Bible does have dress standards that can be followed with out dresses to the floor. Our dress should be based on what God wants and not what society dictates.

    5. 9:38- It really isn't any of your business what someone else decides is appropriate to wear. The Bible was written eons ago by a whole bunch of MEN, living in completely different cultures. Whether or not any of it was inspired by an omnipotent being is debatable. Those who claim to be Christ-followers should spend less time concerning themselves with arbitrary rules and whether or not others follow them.

    6. Their skirts are NOT immodest!

    7. Anon 9:38 — how can you dictate what God “wants.” You cannot speak for him. There is no specific “dress code” on what you can and cannot wear. Although the Bible talks about modesty and modest apparel, no where does it say the exact length of skirts, dresses, shirts, etc. modesty means different things for different people. We cannot be the one to judge or claim “what God wants.” As long as the Bates girls feel they are modest and pleasing to God, that’s all that matters. What you decide to wear and what you consider to be modest conforms to your own standards and convictions. And that is fine. We don’t tell you what is right. Really, When you get down to the heart of “Modest Clothing,” it is best to remember that modesty is truly not about a hemline. It is something that inspires ones heart to amend their whole lives to a greater level of purity.

    8. I agree 9:38. I just wonder what the younger girls are going to wear as they get older. It is harder to enforce standards once you start letting things slide. I do love this family, but I am concerned for them in a couple of areas. I think the parents may one day regret letting certain things go.

    9. Carlin and Josie are both adults. They can make their own clothing choices.

    10. 12:07- These "areas of concern" you have regarding the Bates are none of your concern. Live and let live. Above all, follow the Golden Rule.

    11. Anon12:07- So, what's a fitting standard- a skirt one inch below the knee, two inches, four? Who decides? Once your children become adults, they make their own decisions. If, as a parent, you make an issue out of inconsequential things like skirt length or women wearing pants, you're jeopardizing having any kind of relationship with them at all. My children have grown up to be thoughtful, caring, loving, and responsible adults. That's what matters to me.

  8. I spot an engagement ring on Carlin's left hand?

    1. Could be the purity ring her parents gave her a few years ago.

    2. I think it is more likely to be a purity ring that her parents gave her which is their tradtition when the girls reach a certain age.

    3. Nope they r enagaged since last month n plan get married soon

    4. It is an engagement ring. They announced it a while ago. They said the wedding is in Dec. It was on the show as a special.

    5. No one @ 10:49 AM - That was Tori that recently got engaged. This is a picture of Carlin, so it must be a purity ring.

    6. I believe Tori is the one engaged and planning a December wedding.

    7. I think you might be confused with Tori and Bobby who are engaged and getting married in December.

    8. Tori and Bobby got engaged. Carlin and Evan are still courting

    9. Actually that's Bobby and Tori who are engaged to be married in December. :)

  9. Awwww both of these couples are SO cute! Also, am I the only one that thinks that Kelton and Evan look the same?

  10. Yes, sitting on the ground-would be much better if they would be allowed to wear pants. Oh well.

    1. Do you notice the edge of short leggings showing in the picture with just Carlin and Evan? I bet they are both wearing them. So they are covered and skirt-wearing therefore meeting their parents' expectations and standards.

    2. Those aren't leggings, it is the hem of the skirt flipped up.

    3. Anon @ 12:14 That isn't leggings you see its the hem of her skirt turned over so you see the other side of the denim fabric. Sorry no leggings, but the skirts are in no way immodest.

  11. I think they are sweet couples. Each family can decide on dress and code of conduct. Just because I dress from neck to floor doesn't mean everyone else has to.

  12. For the whole skirt debate!!!!!! I wear lots of shirts, even when one of my skirt's which the hemline goes right to my knees, when I sit it rises high, so it looks like a mini shirt, I FEEL like if one is sitting on the ground, I think pants would be more appropriate. Shirts are not alway wise choice ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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