
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Erin on Health Struggles

 Carson Paine and Brooklyn Paine

When Erin Paine was asked towards the end of her last pregnancy how many kids she and Chad planned to have, her response was comical: "I think two?" Fifteen months later, Erin is expecting her third child, and the Paines couldn't be more thrilled.

But in the midst of the joy, there is some apprehension. You may remember that before becoming pregnant with Carson, Erin suffered multiple miscarriages due to a then-undiagnosed blood clotting disorder. It was that same health issue that caused Carson's birth to be extremely painful. Thankfully, Erin was able to have an epidural with Brooklyn, so her second delivery was much smoother.

“I think I will always have a certain level of fear during pregnancy, since I have had miscarriages in the past, but I know I have a great doctor who reassures me we are doing everything to keep baby and mom safe and healthy through this,” Erin told People Magazine this week. “I am so grateful for the love and support from Chad as well. I’ve been pampered.”

As a side note, the Paines also told People Magazine that they fell in love with the name Everly when they stumbled upon it in a baby book. Chad chose their daughter's middle name. Everyly Hope is due in April 2018.

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Well I'm going to commit to pray for Erin and the baby every day until the baby is born. I don't have cable so Ellie, I'm relying on your updates on them here as I pray.


  3. I absolutely adore the name :) so sweet! I'm so excited for them!! They have the sweetest family.

  4. I remember watching the episode where Erin said two was enough. She and Chad clearly had no intention of not using birth control so why lie about it? It's totally their choice to do what they want as a couple,but it does come across as deceptive just for ratings.

    1. I think it's great they are having more. I know they don't mean to deceive people, and they can change their minds about having more kids.

    2. She wasn't lying. One can use birth control and still get pregnant.

    3. It isn’t deceptive at all. When you first go through labor and delivery, it easy to say maybe we won’t have any more. Then times passes and you realize it is worth the pain.

    4. lol people say two is enough and then oops! Sometimes life doesn't always go as planned. I myself was an oops!

    5. How was that a lie, and how was it for ratings? She thought then that she'd only have two kids, she seems to get pregnant very easily, you don't know that she was even trying. She could have been using breast feeding as a natural birth control. Birth control pills are horrible for you anyways.

    6. A bit harsh. Erin was being asked how many children she wanted and she said "I think two." This was shortly after Brooklyn was born. I don't think she was lying or being deceptive. She may have felt like that at that time. Really it's not any of our business. I'm not being rude. Just stating facts. I'm happy for Erin and Chad. Love the name they have chosen. Their family is beautiful!

    7. I am not sure how that comment was for "ratings." There is a difference between saying two is enough and they were never having any more. I am sure she meant that they would be content with two if that is what God blessed them with. Not using birth control is not a guarantee of having more children. I am not sure why their choices in that area of life are any of our business anyway.

    8. 5:34- Birth control pills are horrible for you? For your in formation, many women have to take them to control certain medical conditions, such as endometriosis. Without them, it can be misery. I speak from experience.

    9. Agree@9:27. The Dr ( and I ) chose to put my daughter on them when she was a teen as her periods were literally debilitating. And before all the "naturalists" comment, yes, we tried everything possible. Contrary to the scare tatctics used in these circles she did not turn into some loose wild-out of control girl. What they did is give her enough relief to be able to at least walk. We are a pro-life Christian family and we're very grateful to God for the wisdom and medical intervention given in this situation.

    10. Amen@4:38. I get so tired of the sanctimonious preaching about the evils of BC. Would these same people deny medical intervention for asthma, influenza, Erin's medical intervention to continue to carry babies full-term or Michael's seeking medical help to conceive? No, they don't. BC pills have there place in modern medicine, whether for intelligent family planning or helping with female issues.

    11. Erin has a blood clotting disorder, she can not take birth control pills.

    12. I don't believe in birth control to prevent from having babies just because the parents "Don't want kids right now".

    13. @unknown. The kindest thing parents can do is say "we don't want kids right now" and use whatever form of BC they choose. Before I'm tarred and feathered abortion is not birth control in any way so no need to jump all over that. However, if parents do not feel equipped emotionally or financially for children then it's actually very mature to delay adding to their family. I have seen far, far to many "quiverfull/ATI/no birth control families that are not what is portrayed on reality tv. The real reality is most of these families are quite poor, undereducated, mothers who are physically and mentally ill from to many pregnancies and babies, daughters stepping into the role of mother, housekeeper etc far to young etc. There are 2 families on tv who have become weatlthy in this ideology. Two. That's it. And their "reality" isn't real. So, the most unselfish act a married couple can do is say "not yet" to children if even one partner is not ready.

    14. Unknown- I agree wholeheartedly with Anon@8:37. It is cruel and irresponsible to bring children into the world if you are not ready or able to provide for their physical and emotional needs.
      To have one child after another, because you think it's a litmus test for one's commitment to Christianity, is just plain nonsensical.

    15. Anon 8:38. You are backwards in your thinking.How can you say "The kindest thing patents can do is wait to have kids if they can't afford it" , but you believe in abortion? How backwards. You need to rethink your beliefs.

    16. Anon 2:25 It is not a litmus test to Christianity and I never said so. If God wants you to have children He will provide for your needs. We are not smarter than God.If He allows you to have children but don't ha e the money, do you think He wuold just sit back and let you stagger in debt? God provides for his children and we need to rely upon the Lord instead of our own selves. Yes, God does give us comment sense, but He also called us to Trust fully in Him and Obey Him.

    17. Anon 8:38 I am the Anon2:56. After reading your comment again, I realized that you never said you believed in abortion. I thought at first that is what you said. I apologize for that. I didn't read it right. I am sorry!

    18. Keep in mind that Birth control sometimes causes miscarriages if you do get pregnant while on them. That is what happened to Jimbob and Michelle after they had Josh. They didn't want kids right after Josh, so Michelle took birth control pills. She ended up getting pregnant anyway, but lost the baby. Their doctor said that if you get pregnant while on the pills but miscarry, it can be because you took the pills. Do you as parents want to take the risk of losing your child if you end up getting pregnant while using the pills? If you know the possibility of that happening, but you do it anyway, it is your responsibility. Do you really want to take that chance? We as people that God placed on earth have the upmost responsibility to do all we can to preserve life.

    19. 3:53- You are spreading false information about BC causing miscarriages. Among women who know they are pregnant, the miscarriage rate is roughly 10% to 20%, while rates among all fertilized zygotes are around 30% to 50%. The precise rate is not known because a large number of miscarriages occur before pregnancies become established and before the woman is even aware they are pregnant. There are many reasons for miscarriages and they have nothing to do with BC. As far as JB and Michele's claims that the pill caused a miscarriage, there is no way that could ever be proven. By the way, there is no consensus on when life begins. Not everyone takes the Bible literally. So, do whatever works for you, but do not expect others to think the same way.

    20. These comments strayed from what the original poster wrote, but back to what they said, certainly Erin is entitled to change her mind about how many children she wants! Calling that a lie was completely uncalled for.

    21. Anon 6:29 People have different opinions and may state them. I am sure you have beliefs that you try convince others of too. By the way, you are wrong when you say that there is no consensus on when life

    22. Anon @6:29 You have certain beliefs, but do not expect others to agree with you too. Just as there are those who believe birth ok, there are those who believe it is wrong. Besides, this is a blog post and people may post their thoughts. Anon 3:53 said nothing wrong.

    23. This has strayed from the original posters' comment and is an old post, but...

      There are many reasons Erin may have said they expected to only have two children. After four years between children I fully thought I couldn't have anymore when my husband and I were surprised! In the intervening time, I may have told many curious people who asked that we weren't having more simply because that is what I believed.

      Which leads to me to my second point. I won't get into the necessary medical uses for birth control and differences in how it can be legitimately used. That's a personal decision that I cannot make for others, regardless of my beliefs. The facts on the potential effects of the pill are available for those that want to read them.

      But it's worth mentioning, that there are many natural family planning methods which do not involve artificial birth control and still provide discerning couples with the ability to make decisions regarding their family size.

      To portray couples who have large families as uneducated, mentally ill, and mindless is frankly ignorant.

  5. God bless you Erin and your little family. You're will be fine. God has plans for you. <3

  6. Erin & Chad - Please look up the meaning of Everly -
    "wild boar in clearing" - you might want to change the spelling to Everlee.
    I like the sound of Everly Hope, but the meaning, well that is questionable for a sweet little baby????
    blessings to this lovely family.
    Perhaps a bigger house is in order

    1. "From the boar meadow" or "grazing meadow"... what do you know, your name is Anonymous! Lol They were looking for new home on an episode. They're making it work, size of house not most important thing. Blessings indeed!!

    2. MIND your own business! Erin and Chad can name their children whatever they choose. You name your own child/children.

    3. Well good thing they will call her Everly and not wild boar in the clearing! Their child, their choice.

    4. it can also mean grazing meadow. who really cares what it means though, it's a beautiful name!

    5. This is why I'll never share the names of my children before they are born. It just invites too many uninvited opinions.

    6. I don't think you have the definition right. It's the name for a type of meadow ("clearing"). Either way, it's a classic old English name and it sounds lovely, IMO.

  7. AMEN!!!! GOD is GOOD!
    Enjoy this time Erin...they go so fast!

  8. Is the name Everly or Everyly? Congratulations to the Paine Family!

  9. 3 children in 15 months? That is so dangerous for a mother's body.

    1. It'll be 3 children in 35 months, not 15. Carson will be 3 a month after Everly is born.

    2. And also impossible!

    3. You might want to read it again it is impossible to have 3 full term babies in 15 months! There is 15 months between when the last one was born and when she got pregnant this time!!

    4. I am not sure where you are getting 15 months. It obviously takes nine months for each pregnancy, and she hasn’t gotten pregnant immediately after any of the other births. Due to her health conditions, I am sure she sees her doctor on a regular basis. They are the ones who would determine if it was safe or not.

    5. Where are you getting 15 months? That would be 3 children in 37 months or 3 years 1 month.

    6. That's still just about 1 per year.

    7. Anon 10:40 PM - Carson was born in May 2015 and the new baby will be born in April 2018, which is almost 3 years. It is not 1 per year. One per year would be only 24 months. First baby 24 months old, second baby 12 months old, new baby newborn 0 months old.

  10. I am happy for them, but... People magazine?

  11. I agree that the different spelling, Everlee, is nice. A little more feminine.

    1. Everly is just as feminine, and honestly I like how it looks better.

    2. Everly looks more like a last name (oh, wait! It is!).

  12. Hey Erin, I am sooooo happy for U, REALLY, U makes beautiful children, but I care about U, so please make sure U take care of yourself, and I love the name Everly!!!!

  13. I didn't know you could tell the baby's gender at 3 months along! Congratulations Chad and Erin!

    1. You can tell at about 15 weeks, 3 1/2 months

    2. You can tell really early with a blood test.

    3. You can through a blood test:)

    4. You can have a blood test done at only a few weeks old that tells you XX or XY. The ultrasound around 20 weeks might tell you, also, what the sex is.

  14. I love the name Everly! All of your children have beautiful names.

  15. I'm so excited for Chad and Erin! I am so glad that they were able to figure out what was causing her miscarriages, and now she is being blessed with a third precious little one here on earth! I hope that Michaela is able to have a baby soon too!

  16. When I was single I use to say "I don't want to have children ever" and that's because I come from a very desfunctional family, an alcoholic father who abused and abandoned my mother with eight children, Uncles who believed they could beat us for any little reason.
    When my husband proposed the first thing I said before I said YES was that I didn't want children, he said to me that was my choice and he would respect that! We've been marry for twenty seven years, six children plus one little Angel in heaven!!

    My point is yes you can change your mind, it took two years for my husband and I to be blessed with our first son and with every child I would say"that's it NO More " my husband and I NEVER used birth control, but our Lord was very kind with us, our first three are very close in age like Erin's than seven years our fourth and seven years our fifth a year after I miscarriage and two years later my baby who is seven now! And I love them to death I call them my ANGELS! Because each one of them came to my life when I needed to be safe (severed depression)

    To you Erin, I say congratulations you' are an amazing woman, mother, wife, daughter and sister! You have the doctor of doctors (JESUS) in your life with big plans for you and your beautiful family and YES girl you can say "that's it only three" and seven years later SURPRISE!!! with number four Lol πŸ˜‚
    Blessings from California πŸŒΉπŸ™πŸ’•πŸ’•

  17. Thrilled Erin had a successful pregnancy with Everly. However, the reason Erin had an extremely painful delivery with Carson was not due to her clotting disorder. It was because she had an abruption of the placenta. That means the placenta starts ripping away from the uterus wall before the baby is born.It is an extremely dangerous condition and she was very blessed that she and Carson were healthy. Even Dr. Vick tells Gil that in the episode in which she delivered Carson. The placenta normally separates from the uterus wall after the baby is delivered.and then it is delivered in the last stage of labor.The only reason I remember this is I used to work as a nurse in the NICU and we were always called into the delivery room for an abruption or suspected one. The blood-clotting condition causes miscarriages and emotional pain, but not physical pain.


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