
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Websters Take a Cruise

We know you all enjoy updates from Alyssa and John Webster, the Florida-dwelling members of the Bates clan. They recently took a Royal Caribbean cruise to the Bahamas. Have you ever been on a cruise?

Alyssa Webster and John Webster

Photo courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster


  1. Just got back from a Japan cruise on Princess. Had a great time.

  2. That's wonderful that got to go on a cruise. I've never been on one before. I don't think I would enjoy all that water with no land insight.

  3. Wow. There are women in bikinis on those cruises and in the Bahamas. Good for John and Alyssa to realize John can be on a "worldly" cruise and not fall apart in temptation..Alyssa sure is moving far beyond her upbringing of modesty boundaries. I hope she and John are doing the same for their daughters. Letting them know legalistic clothing has nothing to do with Christianity. And, I hope they had a fantastic time๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    1. Hey they're lot more accepting..Ehitney wears jeans snd stuff bysides just dresses but she said to homors her inlaws whrn filming and wears dress when filming

    2. Modesty standards are not legalistic!!! I don’t believe wearing pants is immodest unless they are too form fitted, but her shorts are clearly not modest. God says be holy for I am holy. Being immodest is not holy and not God honoring.

    3. Her shorts are modest. The Bible also talks about being judgemental! Her clothing is her business.

    4. @2:28. I never said not to be modest. I said legalistic clothing has nothing to do with Christianity. Alyssa is dressed just fine. She is enjoying a cruise with her husband NOT drawing attention to herself in ridiculous swimwear covered neck to toe. I'm happy they are obviously teaching by example that men can be around women dressed in all kinds of apparel, and women are not to be shamed/blamed nor the cause for a man's moral failure. How refreshing to see this lovely young Christian couple embracing ( literally!) the beauty of God's world instead of judging those in it๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    5. 2:28- You are making it legalistic when you claim her shorts are immodest and insinuate she’s not a Christian . I see nothing wrong with her clothes.

    6. Alyssa's shorts aren't modest?? Isn't she 22 or something? I'm old now. If I could go back in time,and I was on a romantic cruise with my husband, and I had an adorable little figure post 2 babies..well...let's just say I would have embraced it a lot more than I did. Life zips by. Stop shaming her. Let Alyssa enjoy her youth and beauty with her husband.

    7. Oh, good grief. We need to make sure our dress honors the Lord. Yes, clothing does not make you a christian or not a christian, but Jesus also calles us to honor Him in all things, so we need to stop and ask ourselves,"Is this type of clothing God honoring?" "Am I revealing too much? Is God pleased with that?" You may not like it, but that is the truth.

    8. LOL@7:44! I never had that figure pre-babies!! But, oh, if I did...๐Ÿ˜‰

    9. Hmm???Alyssa's shorts aren't modest? Honest question here..why not? If anything they are to big. Not tight at all.

    10. I agree that her shorts are very immodest!

    11. Alyssa's shorts are not modest? Go to your local Walmart and check out what immodest shorts are; cheeks hanging out for all to see. She looks great!

    12. With all the talk about modesty, I think we can broaden the topic to say, "Am I honoring God with every decision I make?" This would include the way we dress and our thoughts that we express towards others. Let the Holy Spirit lead you to the answer of that question through the reading of the Word of God.

    13. I've read the comments on here a couple times as it took me a minute to realize there were a few actually judging Alyssa for her clothing. I'm flabbergasted. Truly. @2:28 and 1:30..I actually feel badly for you. The truth in this picture is a young married couple, parents of 2 beautiful baby daughters, very much in love with each other, and what you choose to see is something immoral.Thats just so very sad.

    14. Ok...enough already with the completely double standard. Not once has anyone criticized John for wearing shorts and showing his shoulders citing his clothing as "immodest" and not "honoring God". Please. If your going to judge at least judge equally.

    15. THANK YOU@7:12!!


    17. John’s shorts are considerably longer than his wife’s. No one insinuated that she was not a Christian. The reality is that men are attracted to women visually, so women need to be careful what they wear. Most women don’t think like men and are not as sensitive to how men dress. I have never looked at a man no matter what he is wearing and had a lustful thought. Women are generally attracted to how they are treated not by visual means.

    18. To those justifying being critical of Alyssa's wardrobe choices with "our dress should honor our Lord": Is your judgmental attitude of others in any way honoring God? Once you start measuring righteousness by the length of a skirt, or any other arbitrary man-made rule, your claims of being Christian no longer hold much water. Using your own personal standards as a means to judge others is sanctimonious tripe. I experienced too much of this in a fundamentalist church, which seemed to breed these type of people. Leaving that organization was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    19. Anon 6:31, I am Anon 9:12. I was not commenting to judge. I in no way said anything critical or judgmental about their dress. I was speaking about other people's comments and was merely saying as a general rule, we do need to honor the Lord in our dress. I said nothing against John and Alyssa , I was just stating that we need to make sure our dress honors the Lord. I never said anything about having to dress in long skirts and dresses. We as Christians are called by God to dress appropriately, but that doesn't mean having to dress in a straight jacket. Some organizations are strict, but the vast majority of Christians are not like that. Yes, there is such a thing as dressing in a way that honors the Lord, but if you are not a christian, you will not understand that.

    20. 7:13- You've never looked at a man and had a lustful thought?
      You've got to be kidding! I've had a thing for Tom Selleck since he first graced the screen as Magnum PI. He's gotten even more attractive with age. For the record, I'm a senior citizen and have been married a very long time to the same wonderful man. (He's hot, too!)

    21. Anon@7:13- It isn't the job of women to shield men from having lustful thoughts. Some guys are turned on by the sight of an ankle or foot, long hair, and elaborate makeup. Just to be safe, perhaps women should be covered from head to toe?!

    22. anonymous/7:13: You do a good job of lumping human nature into neat little categories- men do this, women do that. In the final analysis, men are responsible for their own behaviors. If some guy is going to be turned on when he looks at Alyssa in a pair of baggy shorts, he'll be turned on no matter what she wears- unless, of course, it's a full body potato sack that is cinched closed at the top of her head. If the same guy acts on any of his lustful thoughts, he's at best a creep, and at worst, a criminal. I'm tired of certain religious ideologies that try to put the blame on women for some men's shortcomings. (And no, I'm not advocated streetwalker attire.)

    23. I like the whole Bates family, but I do wish that the grown daughters had kept the same modesty standards. It makes me sad to see them looking like the rest of the world.

    24. Exodus 28:42 "And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach:" Nakedness is described as from the loins to the thigh for a man or woman. Of course this is more of an issue for women today because most men's shorts go down to the knee. That is why her shorts are immodest, it has nothing to do if she is going to make a man lust or not.

    25. Anonymous needs to get a life of his or her own...There is nothing wrong with Alyssa's clothing....Her shorts are very acceptable...She is a married woman and it is up to her and her husband how she dresses....She is perfectly covered up, stop trolling these sites...If you don't like the Bate's family then don't watch the show and don't go on their websites....Stop being judgemental...that is sin too

    26. She is wearing modest shorts. Just because she is not following her parents guidelines doesn't matter anymore, it's up to her husband now, according to the Bible.

  4. Good for them! Was it a family or couple only cruise?

  5. Yeah, It was a late minute thing. Had a good time with family. Great being able not to have to cook every meal. The stops were not safe though. Worried about pickpockets and unsafe taxi drivers.

  6. I've been on many cruises with my husband, children, & friends. Now it's with the grandchildren or with friends. They're great for family bonding time & teaching about different cultures at the various stops. Love to cruise!!

  7. We have been on two cruises, one to Cozumel, Cancoon and Key West and one to Alaska. Both times we were with a Christian group. The first with AMG and Spiros and Joan Zodhiates and the second with Answers in Genesis with Steven Ham and his wife, plus my girlfriend from teen years and her husband and brothers and their wives. Cruises are great when there is edifying of the Body along with it!!

  8. Glad to see John and Alyssa. Wish they were featured on the show more often but they probably like not being in the chaos of filming every move they make.

  9. Just got back from a cruise to Hawaii on Princess! So much fun!

  10. I went a boat but it wasn't a cruise it was with a couple who own the boat and just my parents and sisters and I was six years old at the time. We went to virgin Islands and the islands around their.

  11. I won't go on a cruise because people have been get sick on cruise and they are not safe anymore. They have been fires on cruise.

  12. I wonder if the left the kids at home with his parents and went by themselfs on the cruise .

  13. I have never been on a cruise and I will be honest,I don't ever care to go on one either. I am afraid of being out on the ocean,that would be too scarey for me! I'd much rather have my feet planted on solid ground! But to all who have gone on a cruise, hope you had a wonderful time!

  14. They are such a cute couple!

  15. I was on that cruise. I saw you both a bunch of times but couldn’t figure out why you looked familiar! Last night at sea was pretty rocky. We must have hit some type of storm :).

  16. the only OPINION that counts here is hers/husband and they feel comfortable with the LORD! OBVISOUSLY the DO! so talk all u want . about how she dresses. GOD STILL LOVES HER! mary keim mennonite and i wear PANTS too. hambden twp ohio

  17. Can we just be happy for them that they have a happy family and marriage and stop judging her clothes. This is what is wrong with the world these days. Take care of your own life and quit judging others that is God's job not ours. Love the Bates Family. God bless you all.

  18. They look like they are having a great time. Good for them! I love the ocean.

  19. Alyssa sure did not look roughly 16 weeks pregnant here, considering on Nov 9 we were told she's due April 2, which makes her about 19.5 weeks along as of Nov 9th. She is so petite, yet she sure carries well.


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