
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Whitney's First Sign

In late September, we announced that Whitney Bates had scored a job as a REALTOR® with Bailey and Co. Real Estate. Now, a month later, the mom of two has just seen her name on a sign for the first time, and she's ecstatic (can you tell?).

Whitney Bates

Photo courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. Congrats Whitney! You will be amazing:) You are also a great mom.

  2. Such a great career and fabulous Mom. Congrats!!!

  3. She looks so happy! Congrats Whitney!

  4. Congratulations Whitney! Your going to be a great realtor!😀

  5. So happy for you Whitmey!! My mother was a realtor years ago and I think it would be a really enjoyable job. Praying and looking for your first sale!! God bless.

  6. Awww, Whitney!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. That’s wonderful!! Congratulations Whitney! So happy for you, and know you’ll do great! Will you be our agent if we move to TN?! �� Besr Wishes!!

  8. Love this precious lady. She is such a good person and wonderful Mama

  9. congratulations, and good luck! (And, you look beautiful!)

  10. Whitney probably miss working outside the home. Now she's a working mom, good for her and she looks ecstatic. I have a coffee mug that says, " If mama's not happy nobody's happy". You will do great...Jane

  11. Do y'all have an update on Carlin and Evan's relationship? I know you guys would let us know if they are courting yet, I was just wondering!

    1. Hi B. Friend,

      Carlin and Evan's relationship is moving along, and they are spending quite a bit of time together. As for as an official courtship announcement, we will share that when the Bates/UP decide to make it public.

      Have a blessed day,
      Lily and Ellie

  12. I second that. You'll do great at real estate. Zach will be very proud!!

  13. Whitney is such a pretty woman. Best wishes in her new career!

  14. So Awesome, and you look Amazing ❤❤❤

  15. Cute! Did she dye her hair? It looks great! :D

  16. who is taking care of her children? or are they maybe at nursery?

    1. From Whitney: "My kids are with me every day. Most of the days I have a meeting or something go on at work, it is on Zach's off days, so he is able to be with them. And if he is working, they go to the grandparents to play. And I'm never gone for longer than a few hours, so it works out perfectly."

    2. @Whitney. I'm sorry you felt the need to justify your parenting and work choices.

    3. She wasn't justifying, but answering the question :/

    4. Anonymous 11:12 AM - I think they were referring to the fact that she would be asked. When men have children, no-one asked him who would take care of the kids. But when Whitney has a job people want to know what she's going to do with them and thus she feels a need to answer.

    5. You’ve got it@10:25.

    6. Who takes care of Zach's children? Does he have to send them to a nursery, since he has opted to work?

  17. Sad for her little babies. They will miss her

    1. They'll survive. A realtor often has a flexible schedule that is more family friendly. Perhaps she has family members from both sides helping with baby-sitting when needed.

    2. I'm sad for you that you are so small-minded. There are many successful working moms out there and I am sure that Whitney will be one of them.

    3. Being a realtor is not necessarily a 9-5 position. And I'm sure her family and Zach's family will help out. You are acting like the kids won't ever see Whitney again lol.

    4. Even if they decide to have the kids attend day care or nursery school for a few hours a week, the kids will be fine, and maybe even thrive among other kids who they are not related to. Kids adapt.

    5. I hope their children go to daycare followed by public school!

    6. I wish we as women would stop making other women feel bad for their decisions that we know nothing about. No woman should be told oh I feel bad for your babies when a woman goes to work. Often people make this comment with no idea of the conversations and the thought that was put into that specific family's decision. Please keep your thoughts to yourself if you can't be supporting and uplifting.

    7. Sad for Zach's little babies! They must miss him so much!! Or... we could acknowledge that parenting and providing can be shared jobs.

  18. Wow, she looks so stylish! But she always does. I'm also a working mom (right now I'm a stay at home -mom) and I think it's great that they make career decisions on their own and not trying to fullfil someone else's expectations.

  19. Whitney U are such a great Chick, and Chicks are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Whitney looks very pretty in her picture I hope she does very good at her new job and that she is very happy

  21. Way to go Whitney! I wish you the very best of success in your new career!

  22. Though I know Whitney will never read this, I want to say I'm proud of you. I don't know you or you me. But I think what you are doing is wonderful for your family, your children, and yourself. I think it is wonderful to show your children that regardless of gender, if you have a goal, you can achieve it. Zack and you are setting a great example for your little ones. I hope you all the best!

  23. I must say I am shocked. This generation of Bates/Duggars have definitely veered from the traditional teachings of their parents. I say if it works for them, then go for it. I find it interesting and funny to see some of the kids begin forming their own interpretations of Scripture. Congratulations Whitney!!

    1. It would be surprising to me if they did everything the same way as their parents.

  24. Praise Jesus for this woman pursuing a career despite the heavy influences in her life against it. I hope she will stick it out. Most realtors find they are unwilling to put in the hard work and time to build their clientele and give up quickly. Hang in there, Whitney. You are setting a wonderful example for your children, extended family, and community in general.

  25. Anyone who would say they "feel sorry" for her kids is just spiteful and jealous. Whitney is gracefully pulling off DOUBLE the work of these self-proclaimed perfect moms - she's an amazing mother to her kids AND working outside the home. Don't be jealous, ladies! You could go get a job, too, if you're willing to work twice as hard. What an amazing mom x2 to provide for her family and set such a wonderful example for those around her, including her children.

  26. Good for her! Every person should have the ability to make life sustaining wages to provide for themselves and their children should the unthinkable happen.


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