
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Bates Grand-Baby #8

When we visited with the Bates several weeks ago, we were thrilled to hear that two of the ladies were expecting. Erin Paine made her announcement October 17th, and now the other family member has revealed her big news. Who is it? Well, we will give you a hint: It's the Bates daughter celebrating her 23rd birthday today.

That's right, Alyssa Webster is pregnant! And guess what? It's another girl! Alyssa and her husband, John Webster, will welcome their third daughter, Zoey Joy Webster, in 2018. She's due in April, the same month as cousin Everly Hope Paine. Zoey's exact due date is April 2nd.

Click here to view a photo on the UP website. Us Weekly has a photo, as well.

"Three girls is going to be crazy and emotional, but we can’t wait to welcome little Zoey Joy into our lives," the Websters told Us.

Photo courtesy of John and Alyssa Webster


  1. WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!! I hope your next child, be as cute as the others!!!! Allie, is as cute as EVER, and Lexi is sooooo cute also!!!!!!!! Take good care of yourself, and I am happy for U!!!!!!!

    1. Justine- Just a tip- don't ever articulate your thoughts about a "cuteness" competition out loud to other parents or their kids. Every child should be treasured for their individuality and what makes them a unique human being, not their outward appearance.

    2. Are you kidding me ??? I think you better read her comment again.....

  2. Congratulations Sweetheart. I'm so happy for you and your family.

  3. omg i couldnt be happier for the bates family! i'm putting money on tori having a baby in 2018 too!

  4. Congratulations, but ,in my opinion, I don't think Zoey and Joy sound that good together.

    1. Your opinion was not necessary to give. A simple congratulations would have been the only appropriate polite response. But, we do live in an age where all manners have gone by the way side.

    2. I keep reading it as "Zoey Joey" lol

  5. Wow!!! Congradulations on your growing family!!!

  6. It seems that the Bates have a lot of granddaughters, and the Duggar s have a lot of grandsons!! Congratulations!!!

  7. It's interesting that she waited until the third daughter to use her middle name. Most people do it with the first. Joy is such a pretty name! Zoey is... unique.

    1. Zoey isn’t realty unique. I know quite a few. All adorable. All 3 names go well together. Very sweet.

    2. Zoey isn't really that unique, I know a couple of Zoeys and had considered it for my daughter but it didn't sound right with our surname, but I love it, it means green shoot in german (the traditional spelling Zoe).

  8. Oh wow congrats. Your baby is due on my birthday. How exciting.

  9. Congratulations! Beautiful name!

  10. Congratulations. Wonder if this baby will be only ONE day past the due date like both Allie and Lexi. Alyssa's body pays pretty good attention to due dates, lol!!!! And two new granddaughters, both in April, that is EXCITING!!!! Congrats!

    1. Current reasearch it is the baby that starts the labour.

  11. Just wanted to say congratulations on the birth announcement on expecting your baby girl Zoey Joy in April that is a beautiful name can't wait to see her picture when she is born hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy and delivery may God bless you and your family and keep everyone safe always

  12. Wow! Love the name! I thought she said her and John were going to wait awhile to have more kids? Maybe they changed their minds! Lexi and Zoey will be very close in age!

    1. Or maybe she was a surprise.

    2. Erin was done with 2. I think these girls say what they think people want to hear, but honestly they were raised in the quiverfull ideology. They will keep having babies like their Mother. But, congratulations to Alyssa and John.

    3. 8:31. Never a surprise when you don’t use birth control.

    4. 10:15, you don't have to use birth control to prevent getting pregnant. Besides, even BC isn't 100%.

    5. It would be very surprising if any of the Bates do anything to prevent pregnancy, as they've stated that they leave the number of children "up to God." However, they are ultimately making the decisions by not taking any precautions to prevent conception. Putting it all on God's shoulders is a cop-out, in my opinion. He gave us free will and they are simply exercising it.

    6. BC is much more effective than no BC@9:57. Obviously if the were not using BC to prevent pregnancy it didn’t work. However, the pill would more than likely have worked. They can do what they want. Their choices. Alysss just needs to stop complaining and whining.

  13. Congratulations ladies! I'm so excited!

  14. Oh my! Three girls is so wonderful. Congrats to you both John and Alyssa. Allie and Lexi are going to make the best sisters. Zoey a lovely name. Hey I just thought of something. Since you and Erin are due in the same month. That means there's a good chance that the two of you could have your babies on the same day as each other. Malzeltouph!

  15. Congrats, guys! So excited for y'all!!

  16. This might actually be Bates Grandbaby #7, depending on Erin's due date. :D

    So much for Alyssa wanting a "small" family. She'll have 3 kids by her 4th anniversary - at this rate, she'll 14 by the time she's 40. We'll see what the Lord has in store!

    1. I believe the Bates told us that Erin's due date was about a week after Alyssa's, so that's technically correct. :)


    2. Erin was early with both Carson and Brooklyn, right? I guess it'll be a "race" to see who gives birth first, LOL!

    3. Erin did have Brooklyn about 3 weeks early, so she may go early again with Everly, so maybe... Everly will still be grandbaby #7, and Alyssa's baby Zoey will be #8,lol

    4. Altough Erin usually has had hers early due to her medical problems

    5. Alyssa has stated she wants six children.

    6. I wonder if both Alyssa and Erin made the announcement to their families on the same day!

    7. Previously Erin was induced about a month early so could verry well be that she delivers befor Alyssa.

  17. I'm the oldest of three sisters and it is such a joy! We are the absolute best of friends and I wish the same for your family.

  18. I'm the oldest of three sisters and it is such a joy! We are the absolute best of friends and I hope for the same for your family. Xxx

  19. Yay!! So excited for both them and the Paines! Love this family

  20. I love the name! My birthday is April 1st. Maybe Zoey will be born a day early and we'll have the same birthday. April 1st is also Easter Sunday in 2018.

  21. Congratulations on your third daughter!

  22. Alyssa is half way through this pregnancy, already almost 20 weeks. Wow!! We never have to wait long for the birth with Alyssa.

  23. At this rate, she's on her way to having as many as her mom.

  24. I told you Alyssa was pregnant. So happy she announced it.

  25. my fave name out of her three girls yet..

  26. The news is a little surprising since she recently said she thought 2 was good for a while. Guess a while meant 2 months. At any rate, as long as they are happy and all goes well. I wonder if ttis will probably put an end to Alyssa's involvement in John's cleaning business.

    1. you do understand that not all babies are planned, right?

    2. All babies are planned when birth control is not used. These babies are planned.

    3. 9:28, I don't understand why people think BC is the ONLY way not to get pregnant.

    4. Well now. As these couples are married I guess we all assume they have not chosen lives of abstinence. Therefore, BC is actually the only way to prevent pregnancy. Even NFP is BC. Perhaps you meant not all BC is from artificial hormones??

    5. LOL@12:06!! I didn’t know how to respond to BC not being the “ONLY” way to prevent pregnancy in an *ahem* delicate way. You nailed it😃

  27. Awww, congratulations to them!

  28. I just realized they've gone from A to Z! I wonder if that's a sign that they're done after this one. :)

    1. Alyssa & John seem to like sweet little names.
      I had three boys before I had my girl - all in 7 years time. I loved having a girl, but would have also loved another boy.

      This is a lovely family - I wish them all the best.

  29. Ok. Don’t want to see anymore shows with Alyssa complaining about how overwhelmed she feels. It’s tedious to hear the whining and then “yay” another one.

    1. Couldn’t agree more.

    2. Well I'm sure if she had a moment of panic and thought so soon??? that it would not be shared with the public. Come on. Ladies that are with child that have a moment of panic typically do not share that with others. Is she supposed to say oh no not again and then have her daughter see it on the internet when the kid is older? Geez, some people just do not think things through at all before writing a comment.

    3. All moms feel overwhelmed at some point in time, that doesn't mean they can't have any more kids, good grief.

    4. Maybe this third baby wasn't planned? All parents feel stressed and overwhelmed sometimes. That doesn't mean that they don't love their children or that they don't want/can't handle more. Don't be so judgmental. She's a barely 23 year old soon to be mother of 3. She's allowed to have moments where she breaks down or feels like it's too much.

    5. Just wondering if the person who posted about Alyssa complaining actually has any children. Seriously! Do you know what it means to sacrifice SLEEP, spending time with you spouse, or eating a hot meal?? DO YOU?? Raising children is a lot of HARD work and SACRIFICE!!!!! When your adding more to the brood you already have, that means your going to have MORE WORK LOAD! DO you understand?

    6. @6:36. I wrote the post about Alysss complaining because, well, she complains a lot. Yes, I do have children. And I’m married to a combat soldier who deploys from weeks, months, to a year plus at a time. We have had several years apart due to his deployments. I have moved my children 12 times in 17 years. I assure you I know the meaning of sacrifice...more than most unless you are another military wife and mother. It was uncalled for you to YELL. That’s very unbecoming to you. And, yes, I do understand increasing workloads as much of the time I do it all alone and spending time with my spouse is hoping for 10 mins of Skype a couple times a month. What you won’t hear is me complaining.

    7. Just curious @6:36 why you are so angry and yelling? It was a fair comment as Alyssa does complain, and said she was going to have a larger gap between #2 and #3 because of the workload. Not going to get into the whole BC or “surprise” thing. Doesn’t seem very plausible. Thank you @11:46 for your and your husbands sacrifices for the rest of us. Sorry for 6:36’s verbal attack!

    8. Often times its people with no children who criticize parents for things they say and do. As if they understand what it actually means to bring up a child. That is what upsets me. I'm surprised that someone with children would be critical of someone like Alyssa for expressing her feelings concerning having more children. She is entitled to feel however she does...her feelings will probably change after she has her baby. I suffered depression when I was pregnant with my last child. I am a military wife, and I do know what its like to raise the children by myself while my husband is on the other side of the world. Plus I have no support system at all.

    9. Your comment about Alyssa was judgmental and critical. The end.

    10. I have watched every single episode that Alyssa has been in. Its interesting that you said Alyssa complains a lot. Hmmm...not sure where your getting that from, but I don't find her to have a history of complaining. Quite interesting coming from someone who has children. You'd think someone who has children would be more understanding. Especially since one with children would clearly understand how much work children are, how much they cost, how much mess they constantly make, etc..... I only hope you don't have any highly critical people in your life that nit pick you. God forbid you ever have a moment you ever complain about anything. Since your probably not perfect as no one is...there has probably been a time you've complained about something.

  30. What a lovely surprise. God bless them.

  31. Not a criticism, just a fun question -- how many come from a family that tells sex and name before birth? In my family, most don't even say the sex and then it's all a fun surprise. Again, not a criticism of Alyssa and Erin, but my opinion that it takes a bit of the fun out of it to know girls plus names already so far ahead.

    1. My family always has, and most people I know. That way people don't have to call the baby "it". Besides, going to find out the baby's gender is fun, and so are gender announcements.

    2. Agree! Not used to it's always so much fun to anticipate the name at birth! But to each their own I guess

  32. Wow! Zoey and Lexi will only be 15 months apart! The Lexi and Allie were 21 months apart. Zoey may share the same birthday as her big sister Allie!

  33. I'm thinking Zach and Whitney will be announcing baby # 3 soon as well... their last 2 were 20 months apart... if the next 2 are 20 months apart they could be due in February.

    1. Whitney (& Zach) might be very happy with two children. She may want to invest some time into her real estate career. Perhaps even send her children to preschool & public school rather than home school - time will tell.

    2. Witney just started working, so I don't think they plan on having babies for a while... She seems really invested in her job and in being there for ber two babies, so I wouldn't expect baby news from them for at least a couple of years.

  34. Just wondering out loud why the people on here are so petty. Correcting grammar, telling people how to respond to news posted etc. I'm almost ready to stop reading the comments the ladies choose to post after the blog entry. Not sure why its anyone's place to correct another's thoughts or feelings as they are personal.

  35. I have NEVER met any mother (or father) who have not had "one of those days" . . . I had a neighbor who once said "I would not take a million for any of my children and would not give you a penny for another" - it was just one of those silly remarks.
    With each week/month babies/children change.
    Alyssa said she could handle 6 - time will tell.

    Bless this family.

    I also like the name ZOEY!

  36. Congratulations!We have been blessed with 3 daughters. Our home is full of pink, laughter, drama, tears, love.. we woudn't have it any other way! :)

  37. hope these two give their bodies a rest? having baby after baby so quick is not very good? I thought alyssa and john would wait a few years before having another kid? Erin needs to slow down she had several miscarriages and having another kids so quick is very unhealthy for her body?

    1. If they are not concerned, no need for you to be. The family has stated their intent to not prevent pregnancy. The potential for having one child after another comes with the territory. It would not be a choice I'd make, but to each his/her own!

  38. I hope she's taking really good care of her body, both while pregnant and afterwards. Mineral depletion is a concern that can lead to health problems. Not saying anything about her choices, just hope she stays healthy.

  39. Congratulations to John and Alyssa! May you have a smooth pregnancy/delivery and healthy baby. God bless your family.

  40. What is #7 or # #8

    Alyssa is a Baby April 2 2018
    Erin is a Baby April 9 2018


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