
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Duggars and Bates

Following a recent post on our Duggar blog, we received questions from readers wondering why, if the Duggars and Bates are such good friends, they never appear on each other's reality TV shows.

While it is true that there are restrictions, as the shows are on different networks, these two families are very close, and they are always present to show support at important events like weddings and graduations. They are also quick to lend a hand with set-up at these events, and they see each other at times throughout the year.

Erin (Bates) Paine has played piano at many of the Duggar weddings. John-David Duggar was a groomsman in Zach Bates' wedding four years ago. In 2015, Jana Duggar was in Michael Bates' wedding. This year, Trace Bates was a part of Joseph Duggar's wedding, and Carlin Bates stood up with Joy-Anna Duggar at the Duggar/Forsyth wedding.

Carlin Bates and Joy-Anna Duggar (who refer to each other as best friends)
Spring 2017

Trace Bates and Joseph Duggar
Joseph's wedding, September 2017

Jana Duggar and Michaela Bates
Michaela's wedding, August 2015

Photos courtesy of UP,, Carlin Bates, Trace Bates


  1. Replies
    1. Me, too, Barbara! They're the only shows we watch.

  2. Their both good families. The Bates can't be on the Duggars show counting because It's on TLC same with the Duggars they can't be on Up TV because that is a different network & The show bringing up Bates. They are still friends no matter what.

  3. Live both of your shows, wish they would run reruns too.

  4. I love both families!

  5. Oh wow! Jana and Michael are beautiful in that picture, it's so weird that I've never noticed the other times I've seen this one! I really enjoy these shows but I'd rather wait until the shows get on YouTube than purchase a monthly plan, but I'm very glad they do the shows! :)

  6. Love both these shows and glad to hear that they are still close

  7. I think it is a shame that they are not allowed on each others show. It's like banning a member of the Hillsong Church or another celebrity because they are on different networks.. Ridiculous.

    1. It's referred to as a potential conflict of interest. It's business.. nothing new or out of the ordinary, certainly not ridiculous to the entities involved.

  8. so odd that Joy says carlin bates is her best friend when the show keeps stating Austin been her friend for 15 years? can you explain that one?

    1. I'm confused by your question. Are you saying that Austin should be her best friend because they've known each other longer than Joy or Carlin? Your best friend isn't always who you have known the longest.

    2. But Austin hasn't been her best friend for 15 years. I also think it's possible to have two or three "best" friends - it's who you're closest to but maybe in different ways.

  9. Love these 2 precious families! Hope to meet them one day ♡♡♡

  10. My two favorite shows!

  11. Jana is gorgeous. She could be a model.

  12. Nice these two families know each other and are very close. I'm glad I know of these two families and truly enjoy following their lives. Thank-you everyone who makes that happen...Jane

  13. I had always secretly hoped for a Duggar/Bates, Bates/Duggar wedding! Love them all but I follow the Duggar family closer.

    1. . . . let's see - may be Isaiah & Johannah,hey, you never know!

  14. I always liked to see the Duggars and the Bates together they were always doing something like a get together and some kind of a project that helped each other out and isn't that one heck house full


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