
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Photo of Josie and Kelton

Josie Bates and boyfriend Kelton Balka
 Josie Bates and Kelton Balka

Thought you all would enjoy seeing a new photo of 18-year-old Josie Bates and her boyfriend, Kelton Balka. Tune in to season seven of Bringing Up Bates, premiering Thursday, January 4th, 2018, for updates from this couple. Josie has just finished her final semester of cosmetology school, and Kelton is a licensed plumber with a degree in finance, which he completed in May.

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Photo courtesy of Josie Bates/


  1. Congratulations to both of them! It's great they are ready to embark on their chosen careers!!!

  2. Lovely picture. How old is Kelton and where does he live/work?

    1. I would guess he is around 22 or 23 because he graduated college in May. And I would guess he lives near the Bateses because I know they were family friends before he and Josie started courting. But he went to Pensacola Christian College in Florida with Bobby.

  3. Congrats to Josie, I didn't know she had already finished up cosmetology school! She and Kelton look very cute together.

  4. That’s wonderful! Beautiful, EDUCATED, couple! Congratulations!

  5. Ellie & Lily! Love the new pictures of Zach and family,Erin & family,Alyssa & Family.

  6. I hope Josie is going to actually use her degree and get a job with a salon or perhaps even at a senior living facility. Such a sense of worth can come from actually working to earn a living. With their chosen professions, Josie and Kelton can really do quite well.

    1. Cosmetology is not a degree. It is still wonderful that she achieved that training, but it is not a degree

    2. Everyone uses their degrees just maybe not how you want them to use them. If she cuts her own family’s hair, she is using her degree. Knowledge is never wasted.

  7. Josie is turning into a beautiful young lady

  8. What ever Josie chooses to do, she achieved her goal of cosmetology school so she is capable of setting a goal for herself and achieving it. Please allow her to continue to do so without criticizing her decisions. If she chooses to just marry Kelton and nothing else that is her choice and she should not be criticized for choosing to that. Can we just give these young people a break.

  9. I enjoy the pictures and also the fact that they involve parents in their decision as well as family. If more persons (young and old) date with a purpose it will brings such beautiful relationship. Congrats Bates you are breaking frontier with the help of the Almighty

  10. Josie is a true beauty - I wish her all the best in her career and future. Yes, they are a lovely couple.

    Happy New Year to the entire Bates family - including in laws.

  11. She seems so young. Doesn't have enough maturity. Considering she might be both married and pregnant by the end of the year. Most 19 year olds can barely tie their shoes. Even though she is educated and he is too, it is easy to get wrapped up in a relationship with your blinders on and not really focus on yourself anymore. With Tori and Carlin, the relationships seemed much more gradual, while this one is just up in your face. Not that I know how everything played out, and it's not my place, why not focus on yourself a bit more when so young. Noting the Duggars, not to be rude, but Joy Anna sounded like such a child when she was announcing courtship and engagement to Austin. She's had to grow up fast, and that just doesnt seem fair unless you have to.


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