
Saturday, December 2, 2017

Erin's Due Date

Seven weeks after announcing their third pregnancy, Erin and Chad Paine have an ultrasound photo to share. Erin is 19 weeks along and due April 28th with Everly Hope Paine. Her morning sickness was severe, but she is now feeling better.

Erin Bates Paine pregnant Everly Hope Paine
Everly Hope Paine at 19 weeks

Photo courtesy of Erin and Chad Paine


  1. Oh how precious! I can't for little Everly Hope to be born. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Aww she is cute in the sonogram photo can't wait to see a baby photo of her soon.

  3. So glad Erin is feeling better. With all the beautiful pictures of her over the last 2-3 months, no one would've guessed that she was suffering from severe morning sickness!!!!! Couldn't even tell... Erin is just so pretty all the time!

    1. The pictures were probably taken later in the day.

  4. I can already see she looks like Carson!!

  5. She has chosen a very pretty name. How is their dog doing? Would love a picture!

  6. Everly is due on her Aunt Ellie's Birthday. Ellie would love that she would have a niece born on her special day.

  7. I love children and happy for you both God bless

  8. Third pregnancy? Didn’t she have recurrent miscarriages?

    1. This is her third sustained pregnancy. She did have multiple early miscarriages before the first live birth.

  9. . . . growing familes can - at times - outgrow their house. .. . are they still looking for a bigger home?
    I wish them well.

  10. What an amazing clear sonogram picture! I always loved looking at my sonogram photos trying to see what my babies look like! She is beautiful! Congratulations!

  11. Can't wait for her to be born! They have the cutest kids!

  12. I guess claiming severe morning sickness must be the new thing. There are those (Dutchess Catherine Middleton) who legitimately have it) but seems every pseudo-celebrity now claims the same.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Huh?!? Have you ever been pregnant? Morning sickness is a real thing! Yes, Kate Middleton has a severe form (hyperemesis gravidarum) but most pregnant women have some form of morning sickness from normal pregnancy hormone and body changes. It's not fake.

    3. Actually because of Erin's medical condition, it would make since that she has severe morning sickness. No need to be so rude.

    4. Rightly said, morning sickness is no fun. I've been there 4 times and it never ended at 13 weeks, usually 5 to 6 months of it. However to say it is severe means you've been hospitalized for dehydration and inability to eat, becoming faint and malnourished requiring IV hydration. Otherwise it's just the painful existence of morning sickness. It's always a blessing to get beyond the pregnancy and the morning sickness. I've known girls who had it all 9 months and vomiting non stop whenever they just walked they had to carry a spit bag for 9 months. I would call that severe!

    5. I had severe morning sickness with my second and third child. It's not a new thing and honestly it was no fun. Doctors/midwives can treat their patients for it, instead of brushing them off, telling them it will eventually pass.

    6. One. word. rude.

    7. I’m the one who posted about Erin’s morning sickness. I did it as an experiment, and sadly one with the outcome I expected. This blog (and Duggar) are run by Christian women with most responding claiming to be Christians. The comment was meant to be divisive. It was meant to be rude. I had a small hope it wouldn’t be posted, but knew it probably would be. My reason? Because it saddens me these “Christian” blogs are no different than the “world”. Always a post to incite keep everyone interested.How is this Godly when God says a gentle answer turns away wrath? So, my apologies. I do wish Erin well as I did suffer severe morning sickness too. Awful feeling. But I’m more grieved the comment went through at all.

    8. To the original poster, everyone responded with facts. No one was rude. In fact, they were very tactful. You can disagree with someone without being rude as the people who responded to you just showed.

    9. rather odd "experiment" - I am confused...are you calling out Ellie and Lily?

    10. Agree@10:41. I’ve noticed the increase in nasty comments too. While I embrace differences of opinion most of the comments are mean-spirited rather than just various points of view.Like you said just to incite ugliness to garner more attention. Maybe your experiment was a much needed wake-up call to revert back to speaking truth in love? We can hope...

    11. The OP’s “experiment” may have been odd as you say, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t some level of truth and reality to it. There have been comments before with people questioning the ugliness of some comments. I just think this experiment or whatever was just a little to “gotch ya”. I don’t know.

    12. I am pregnant with my 4th child and i had hyperemesis gravidarum with each pregnancy. Is a very severe condition that affect the pregnant woman all the pregnancy. I have hypotension, dehydration, food aversion, i lost more than 5% of my weigth after my first trimester, hydroelectrolytic disorders-hypocalcemia,
      hypoglycemia, low mineral and vitamins, anemia, tachycardia, dyspnoea, low energy level and a bad mood plus urinary infections.
      Please never underestimate this condition!
      It make women that suffers feel bad, judged and isolated.

    13. To the OP,none of us ever brought up Christianity. We shared our experiences with severe morning sickness nothing more.
      Also Lily and Ellie try to be fair in allowing various points of view. If you didn't want your comment published, perhaps you shouldn't have commented at all.

    14. 10:25. To be fair the OP said they had a hope the comment wouldn’t be posted not that he/she didn’t want it posted. And, Lily and Ellie and many on here have spoken about being Christian numerous times. I think the crux of it is by all means share different points of view, but filter out comments that are have no purpose other than being mean.

    15. 10:41- Perhaps you should start your own blog so that you can screen the comments to your liking. Posting an insincere comment to see what will happen is called 'trolling'.

    16. I would love it if Lily & Ellie would not allow the comments where the poster is obviously trying to start something (especially on the Duggar blog, where they seem to have multiplied). I guess the OP's intent was more to judge the bloggers than the commenters, since the commenters were pretty civil in response to the intentionally rude comment. It's not really right to judge the commenters on being unChristlike, though, since commenters don't often state whether they're Christians or not.

  13. I'm sorry, but you cant just assume women are claiming to having severe morning sickness. You don't know their situation and every pregnancy for every woman is different. It could be mild once and severe the next. I am pregnant with my fifth baby and this time around the morning sickness was all-day sickness and terrible. i was in survival mode many days from around week 5. I am 18 weeks this week and am only starting to finally feel better even though I still have bad days. It is not a new thing as you say it is. Those who haven't experienced this probably cant relate as much I guess.

  14. I'm due 3 days before Erin and had my ultrasound last week 😁 so fun! Excited for their family 💕

  15. Congrats Erin,Chad,Carson, and Brooklyn! My cousins wife is also expecting and they are naming her Everly Hope too! How exciting! Praying everything is going well!

  16. Some months ago, it was announced on the show that Erin was carrying twins. What happened?

    1. That was a tease on one of the show promo videos. The network was referring to the baby goats that Erin and Chad added to their family.

      Have a blessed day,
      Lily and Ellie


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