
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Medical Updates from the Keilens on Season 7

Bringing Up Bates season 7

Only eight days to go until the Bringing Up Bates season seven premiere! As we await new episodes, we are bringing you the latest summaries, photos, and promo videos.

What story lines are you most looking forward to? Carlin's courtship "proposal"? Tori's engagement? Josie's 18th birthday celebration? The Bates' Solar Eclipse party? Updates on Michaela and Brandon's journey to parenthood?

UP just released a new clip for your enjoyment. Due to the holidays, we are unable to embed the video as we usually do, but if you click here, you'll be redirected to the page on the UP website where the video is located.

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Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Michael and Brandon medical update. Praying for good news.

  2. Obviously good news for Michael and Brandon. I’m thrilled if they have found a solution to solve their infertility, I just struggle with the double standard within this ideology. Leave the size of families up to God unless it’s not what you want..then seek science to help intervene. But careful family planning using science is unBiblical, lack of trusting God for your family and provisions, selfish etc. It’s hypocrisy. But, I’m still happy they appear to be happy.

    1. I think the reason they don't use birth control is because you can still get pregnant but the pill will cause the baby to die a lot of the time.

    2. I agree with your points, especially with the notion that birth control is somehow going against God. Using that logic, any kind of medical intervention for any reason would be as well.
      I wish only the best for Brandon and Michaela!

    3. I understand what you are saying@6:05. Like you said I think everyone will be thrilled for good news of a pregnancy. That being said, yes, the double standard is blatant.

    4. 6:05pm totally agree with you! Feel the same here! The best to Brandon and Michaela

    5. Totally agree. In Erin's case, pursuing treatments made sense to me because she was getting pregnant but not carrying the babies to term. To prevent the babies from dying she pursued medical treatments. We don't know why Brandon and Michael are infertile, but if they end up pursuing fertility treatments instead of preserving the lives of unborn babies, then that wouldn't make sense to me based on their logic, because they are trying to force something that God isn't making happen. It's clear to me that their belief system actually encourages couples having as many children as possible and uses "God's will" as a cover to encourage couples to forgo birth control and have as many kids as they possibly can.

    6. 10:33 As many as 25% of ALL pregnancies end in early miscarriage. The number could be higher as some women are not even aware that they were pregnant. To place such blame on the pill is irresposible. Furthermore, there are other methods of BC. The family obviously chooses to use none of them.

    7. Hmm...I don't agree. Birth control is changing a healthy, functioning part of the woman's body. Fertility treatments can include helping a part of the body function the way it is intended to. Not a double standard at all.

    8. 2:47 I don't see how it's "irresponsible" to say that. Birth control pills can cause a miscarriage to what could have been a healthy pregnancy, and aside from that can disrupt your body in other ways. Not judging anyone who does use it, you do you. I think overall in the Duggar and Bates mind set using any form of birth control is preventing a life from being born. I don't agree, but I understand that that is their belief and respect that.

    9. 4:49 So do you think it's ok to use hormones in feritlity treatments, but not ok to use them in preventing pregnancy? (By the way, barrier methods of birth control do not change the functioning part of the woman's body.) The double standard I see is these large TV families speak a great deal about letting God decide how many kids they have and what He wants for them. Using their reasoning, infertility would be a sign that God has "closed the womb" and doesn't want them to have biological children. To circumvent that through medical intervention would be defying His will. I don't, for a minute, believe in any of this God's will ideology. I do see the hypocrisy of it- it's God's will as long as I'm ok with it, but I'll choose another path if I'm not.

    10. All of this is Brandon and Michaela's personal decision. No judgements are needed.

    11. Great point, 4:49!

    12. I went to the doctor when we were having trouble conceiving and found out that I had a thyroid problem. I then started taking medicine and was able to conceive. We had to use clomid to help with getting pregnant with our other two children. My body doesn’t function exactly like it should. There is nothing wrong with getting treatment for that. They never said that they don’t go to the doctor for medical needs. Sometimes fertility treatment is also a medical need when your body doesn’t function properly on its own. I believe God gives life and that He has given doctors the ability to help our bodies when needed.

    13. They are not Christian Scientists who do not believe in going to the doctor at all. If they are sick, they go to the doctor. If they have health problems or issues, they go to the doctor. Sometimes infertility is a medical problem that requires medical treatment.

    14. Anon 10:33- I think it would be a good idea if you refrained from posting misinformation regarding the birth control pill.

    15. I agree with Anon 9:58. Anon 10:33 pls do not say such nonsense. It is a personal choice to take one of the many birth control pills that have some different components and one might work better for one person than another. Not everyone wants 19 children and that is ok, too. On the other hand, while it is good to check thyroid, like 10:35 pm, and other things, focussing and stressing on having children is not "accepting God's will". I know a couple who married at age 18 and did not have a child for 8 yrs! Perfectly healthy couple. They just waited patiently and it happened eventually. It's fine if people want to do in vitro but there is a high risk of multiples and cerebral palsy and other issues to mom and babies so it is not something that should really be encouraged just because so many secular celebrities are doing it.

    16. 6:01- The pill is 99.9% effective in preventing pregnancy. That's a pretty good track record. For most women without underlying medical issues, it is safe to use. Some take it to treat painful conditions, such as endometreosis. A few posters here are making outlandish claims that the pill will cause
      miscarriages. (There are no shortage of relgious/conservative websites touting this myth as truth.) Nearly 1/4 of all early pregnancies miscarry. There is no reliable or significant scientific data to suggest that the pill is a contributor.

    17. I don't know about causing miscarriages, but birth control pills are carcinogens, so I don't see how they're legal. There are safer forms of birth control.

    18. Birth control pills are abortificants. Look it up.

    19. That was her parents' ideology. The couple might have a different ideology.

    20. It's really unbelievable how much false information that people believe. Birth control pills do not cause abortion. They keep a woman's body from ovulating. So please tell me how abortion occurs when an egg isn't released at all to begin with? No egg, no baby.

    21. Maybe this is a lesson for everyone to learn from. Some types of birth control CAN cause a miscarriage. Some do not. Either way and whether you agree or disagree is up to you. But maybe the whole discussion can help make those who don't believe birth control is right consider whether it might be. And maybe it'll make those who don't think twice about grabbing any and every birth control pills without considering possible risks or outcomes, consider their options. Regardless of your position, I think we can all cheerfully say we wish the best for the Keilons and hope they will be given their heart's desire.

    22. In response to the original comment: did Michael ever say she wanted to leave the size of her family up to God??? If so, could you please share the reference? Because I don't remember her saying that. I remember her stating she'd like to have as many kids as possible (Bringing Up Bates,season 1,episode 4). Michael doesn't belong in the box your comment implies she does. As for the others who actually do belong in that box, I've never heard one of them specifically explain what they mean. Does leaving the size of their family up to God mean they are just going to go without contraceptives? Does it mean they will pray for guidance and try to do what they feel is God's will? Does it mean they will actively try to conceive and accept the babies they are able to have as blessings from God? Have they spike or against birth control? There are a lot of assumptions floating around about what they mean but I don't think they've really explained. Inaccurate to cal them hypocrites when you don't even know what they mean. And assuming that infertility means that God doesn't want someone to have children is short sighted. Most people want to eat, and I think God wants them to as well, but if they don't have the option of growing a garden or hunting/gathering for themselves, si instead they go out and get a job to pay for their food, does it mean that God didn't want them to have it? There are some blessings people come by only after doing certain work.

  3. Hi Lily. I just wanted to inform you that on uptv the Bates marathon starts at 7am and is on all day tomorrow. Dec. 28.

    1. Yep, that's correct! All the details can be found on our Showtimes page:

      Lily and Ellie

  4. with every fiber of my being, i hope there's good news for michaela & brandon soon!!

  5. I really hope Michael and Brendon will get positive news. But if they don't maybe its god saying that they should adopt and maybe having children naturally isn't on his plan for them. Either way I wish them all the best and can't wait to see updates.

    1. If that explanation satisfies you, ok. However, be cautious when talking about God’s will to anyone experiencing infertility or other challenge life can throw. I know I’ve heard it over the years, infertility being just one circumstance. I found it patronizing and condescending. Still do. Stuff’s a part of the human condition and we are all at its mercy. I don’t believe God has a clipboard, planning our lives out for us. If that’s what He’s doing, He’s got a whole lot of splainin’ to do.

    2. God doesn’t have to explain anything He does.

    3. 10:05..I am one who suffered the loss of babies. I am a Christian woman who was surrounded by friends, family, Mom’s groups etc all having baby after baby being “blessed” by God. I heard all the cliches, all the “faith talks”, all the condemnation, all the judgement. You are correct it is patronizing and condescending...smug. God says in His Word it is His will for us to be fruitful and multiply. He says He will make us the joyful Mother of children. Clearly it’s His will for all who desire to have children to have them and not just a few “blessed” ones. However, we live in a fallen world where each of us has a different road to travel and infertility can be one of them, but God is God and His Word is eternal. Now, whether the building of a family is biological or adoptive is up to Him. I’m pretty sure I have some of both now, but as they are all my children I seem to have forgotten which ones are which! Wishing much happiness to Brandon and Michael in their continued jounrney of building their family.

    4. You are right, Dec.28. People need to be careful what they say and not be presumptuous when dealing with others who are experiencing infertility. It is a very sensitive issue.

  6. Oh how I wish I could get this program on our cable provider. I get plenty of programs I don't want, unfortunately.

    1. Call your cable provider and tell them you want them to get UPtV. Have your family and friend as well and they will look into getting UPtV.

      I dudn't that with my cable provider and they get UPTV.

    2. Sorry it was suppose to say Did not dudn't.

    3. I bought the episodes a bit at a time on Amazon. I am grateful for that option as I don't think we get UPTV where I live in Southern California.

  7. Can't wait to see Josie's 18th birthday surprise!

  8. I have really been praying for the Keilens and I am confident that some positive news will be unleased in 2018 over their lives. I love them so very much. Compliment for the 2018 holiday season and beyond. God's richest blessing on you Bates. I would also love to see Nathan, Lawson and Trace walking into courtship. I truly hope Nathan and Ashley are still friends and can get back together.

    1. I know they are still friends!

    2. Maybe Lawson,Nathan &Trace don't want girlfriends just yet.

    3. I think you could be right. I say let them get their careers going which they seem to be and when ready find a nice girl to court. They are still young.

    4. I hope that Nathan finds who's right for him, whether that's Ashley or someone else.

  9. Ahhhhh, so much good stuff on this coming season!!! Excited to see it all.

  10. If they are leaving this up to God, then that what they need to do. Totally agree with you above that it a double standard. Maybe you should look into adoption so many children would love to have a wonderful home and a big loving family like you have.

    1. So I guess people who are sick shouldn’t go to the doctor because they should leave their health up to God??? God has given us doctors and modern medicine to be a help. There are medical causes that affect fertility. It is wise to see a doctor to correct any functions of the body that aren’t working properly. I had no idea that I had a medical condition that caused me to have difficulty getting pregnant until I went to the doctor. It is something that I have to take medication for as long as I live. Sometimes infertility is a symptom of other problems, so it is good to see a doctor.

    2. It's not really a double standard. Fertility treatments often try to help things work the way they're supposed to. Birth control tries to prevent things from occurring the way they are supposed to. I have no issue with birth control, but it does bug me when people are so excited over supposed inconsistencies that they find them where there are none....

    3. Good points 10:46 & 12:07. Agree.

  11. “Did you know that some forms of contraception – namely, hormonal birth control – can cause a woman's body to reject the newly-formed Life of a baby and expel him or her without the mother ever knowing she was pregnant? And did you also know that the major medical associations were complicit in duping the public into believing that this was not the case when hormonal contraception gained popularity?”

    1. In my personal life, I am anti-abortion and don't use birth control. In my public life, I am a medical doctor (who chooses to NOT work with anything to do with babies & moms so there is no conflict of interest). First of all, hormones were only "discovered" less than 100 yrs ago and there is still a lot to learn about how they work so no medical association intentionally "duped" the public about anything. By allowing choice for women, the chance of dying in child birth has plummeted. Not every woman's body was meant to have 20 children. Birth control pills have changed dramatically over the past 30 years as more is understood. The ones used currently have very low levels of hormone and there are several options. If women would read more and take away the moral overtones, they would understand that any contraceptive does just that, against conception and the ability of the egg to implant in the uterus. There is no conspiracy or duping by doctors (except those, like can be found in any profession, who are not so bright!). In summary, each woman should decide where her conscience leads her.

    2. Hormonal birth control tricks the body into thinking it's already pregnant. I'm not sure where you are getting your information from but that website has a lot of "fake news" in it. Perhaps you should do your research with a medical based website.

  12. There are many comments about infertility being Gods will, I pray that you and your loved ones never have to suffer through it, as someone who is blessed through IVF I am extra sensitive to these comments. I believe God doesn't pick people who can't have children naturally while so many are born to people who abuse and worse, please try and remember when you say things like this a woman hears 'you are not good enough, you don't deserve' it is very hurtful during an already hurtful time in our lives

  13. I respect their beliefs to let God decide. But it almost feels like if you don't get pregnant that there is something wrong with you and you must get it fixed. I mean, so what if you don't get pregnant. If you still want children, there are plenty available for adoption. Or even foster parenting!

    1. There's nothing wrong with anyone who can't have children. However from experience, I know how disappointing and heartbreaking it can be to not have children naturally. Adoption IS a blessing (multiple family members are adopted) but it's not for everyone. It can be extremely expensive, a unfortunately, in certain foster-to-adopt programs, the agency does not always work for the child and adoptive parents best interest. Whatever Michael and Brandon decide, I hope they will be blessed with peace and joy.

  14. God will close your womb for a time of that's His will. It's all in His timing.

  15. Has Mr. Keilen been tested also or what? All the emphasis seems to be on Michaela. What about Brandon? Is his body working properly? Not an inappropriate question, just a very general one based on the topic.

    1. Speaking from experience, you want the issue to be with the female, almost nothing can be done if a man is sterile

    2. The male will always be tested at a first appointment as the tests are less evasive than for a woman and would be picked up within months. The woman is not only tested for eggs but also carries the embryo to term hence, the emphasis on the woman as more can go wrong at each stage and it takes much longer to diagnosis. Sometimes sadly no specific cause can be found.
      Sadly we live in a fallen world and our bodies don't function as God originally designed us and He doesn't always fix it. But as Michaela has written before He is with us in it and comforts us.

  16. I would like to see an update on Michalea and Brandon trying to start a family.

  17. Id just love to see them on the show more!! Even though they live out of state, she was on the show so long and now it feels incomplete without her.

  18. Just curios if you think God trained our doctors ... or is that the devil's work? My brother was born with his esophogus not attached to his stomach and no rectum or anus. He was 3 days old before they even noticed. He was taken to children's hospital an hour away. Dr's there said one in a million chance he survives. He did! Many children since have lived. Did God want this or not? I think all these decisions are between the family and the doctor. Presbyterians believe the hairs on your head are counted and your days on earth pre determined. My brother was killed in a car accident when he was 30!!! But we loved him every second he was here with us and still love him!

  19. Following the rules of the church regarding fertility means not that you shouldn't seek help but that you must not do anything that interferes with the act of procreation. This is why IVF is not considered ok in the church. Other interventions are accepted

  20. I'm praying for Brandon and Michaela.


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