
Friday, January 26, 2018

Kelly's Recovery From Surgery

Kelly Jo Bates eye surgery

Just wanted to share a quick update on Kelly Bates, who had eye surgery to correct her vision. The surgery was more involved than expected, but the Bates say they had a skilled doctor and that Kelly is recovering well. Michael Keilen came down from Chicago to help cook and watch the kids.

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Oh wow. I didn't know she was having surgery. I hope everything's goes well:)

    1. i will pray for a complete recovery, Kelly. You are a wonderful mom. I also have had 2 eye surgeries, and all is well. Prayers to you.

  2. I don’t even remember hearing she was going to have surgery! This seems so abrupt... what else can you share?

  3. Just curious why Michael had to come watch the kids. They ae not babies and they have a Dad and teenage siblings right there in the house.

    1. Maybe cause she loves and values her mom?

    2. I'm sure she didn't "have" to come, but more than likely wanted to come. Anyway, that was a very caring thing for her to do. I don't understand all the negative & judgemental comments many feel compelled to make. I stopped commenting on the Duggar blog because of it. I hope it doesn't get that bad on this one. There really is no need for such comments.

    3. Maybe Michael just wanted to be nearby to help her mom! They have said many times how close the relationship is between Michael and Kelly - remember the Matron of Honor thing? It is nice for adult, moved away siblings to return home when parents have medical needs.

    4. Being a close family, and one of the few married that has no kids of her own, I’m sure she wanted to help. Plus the Dad has a job, the only job, and like some families, I’m sure he can’t always take off.

    5. Because she loves her Mom and wants to help her. Sheesh.

    6. She didn't HAVE to, she wanted to.

    7. It was probably Michael’s offer to just help and be there for her mom.

    8. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. And it is not your place to judge.

    9. Gil works, they also homeschool. There's nothing wrong with an adult daughter coming home to help her parents out if they need it. It should actually be the norm. The older kids are working or going to school, too. They do still have young children like Callie, Jud, and Jeb.

    10. She might have simply offered to come help because she wanted to see her family.

    11. She didn’t have to come. She probably wanted to come to help. She loves her mom. Several of the older kids are in college or work, so they may not have been able to watch the little ones.

    12. I'm sure she didn't have to go but most probably offered to as she is a kind girl who loves being with the little ones.

    13. Because she loves her family. I'm sure she wanted to!

    14. Don't you think she wanted to be with her mom? She's just a natural helped with her family.

    15. Do you not think she wanted to be with her mom, and Michael has always been one to help in the family without being asked.

    16. Maybe she wanted to help her mom. Also she is a phenomonal cook.

    17. Probably because that is what family does. No one said she had to, she chose to help her mom.

    18. Maybe she offered!

    19. She went to help, because that’s what you do when your mother has surgery, if you’re available.
      I traveled about 3000 miles to help my mom after minor surgery. My dad was there, the kids are all grown and living on their own, and they could have easily afforded hired help, but I’m her daughter, so why woukdn’t I go?

  4. Was it for cataracts?

    1. So sad to hear that KellyJo good news is you are feeling better. Time 6:20PM

    2. It was to correct her vision. She's 50 so no cataracts.

    3. It could have been cataracts. I had to have one removed at 46 and the other one at 50. There are different kinds of cataracts, the kind I had strike at an earlier age.

    4. Anon 7:00 pm: My brother is 51 and had to have cataract surgery already. It's not impossible that because she's only 50 that it would not be cataracts

    5. Just because you are 50 does not mean you can't have cataracts

    6. My husband had his first cataract surgery at 48. People do get cataracts prior to age 50.

      Praying for a speedy recovery Kelly Jo, no matter what the eye issue was. Very unnerving when we all cherish our vision. Only two eyes and the surgery can be frightening!

      May God grant you a successful outcome!

    7. You can't determine cataracts from age. My sisters and I all had cataracts in our late 40's and had surgery. Even children can get them.

    8. I'm 46 and just had cataracts surgery a week ago on my left eye and on Feb 5 for my right eye.

      I wish my mom was here but she pass away 12 years ago. I was lucky I have my sister who came for one day, my other sister is come when I have my other eye done.

    9. Once you turn 40 your eyesight normally starts to deteriorate. She probably got Lasic

    10. It can be cataracts I had Both of my eyes done before the age of 50 because of cataracts Hope Kelly is on the mend

    11. My daughter's physical therapist had cataract surgery at 25. Her doctor said it was extremely rare for someone her age to have them.

  5. Get well soon! Praying for you

  6. Prayers for a speedy recovery

  7. Praying for a full and speedy recovery Kelly Jo. I know you are being completely pampered as you deserve.

  8. PTL! Praying for a quick recovery. What a blessing that Micheal could come spend time and help everything at home run smoothly, so Mama can rest. -Amir from Mo

  9. Wishing Kelly a complete and speedy recovery. So great that Micheal could come home to help out, I'm sure the little ones loved that, she's great at making things fun for them. I just love watching this family's show, I just wish it was on for an hour,it goes by too fast.

  10. Praying for your whole family! 💚

  11. Praying she will heal well and quickly!

  12. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.

  13. Glad momma Bates is doing well.Sending prayers.

  14. Prayers lifted up for a full recovery 🙏. I think she is so sweet. I’m sure Michael wanted to be near her Mom as I do when my Mom has cataract surgery next week.

    1. Fellower of Christ. Tell your Mom it's very easy and you can go back to doing normal activities the next day.

      I just had Cataracts surgery about a week ago on my left eye and get the right eye done on Feb 5. The only thing she will have to becareful not to get water in her eye for 2 weeks after its done.

      I only 46 years old.

  15. Prayers for a speedy recovery for Kelly. Glad Michael was able to come and help.

  16. Feel better Miss Kelly! Michael you are good daughter. Praying for good health and surprises in 2018. God is doing a wonderful work.

  17. My prayers are with you Mrs. Bates. Please get well so. I just love your family.
    Thank you,
    Darla-Ann Duncan

  18. Michaela wasn't forced to come down, she was willing. Michaela loves her mom, and her family. The Bates family, all chip in and help help out when needed, that's what families are supposed to do! Prayers for a speedy recovery Kelly Bates!

  19. Would love to see this blog spell out Michaella’s full name so not to imply a boy named Michael. ; ) Love the show and the family and all that they do to influence our world for Christ!!! <3

  20. I wonder if she had Laser surgery done.

  21. Vision is a serious thing and I hope Kelly's sight is ok from here on out. Having said that..why can't the older adult BOYS handle things in the evenings? Also, if the unmarried older daughters are considered 'adult' and old enough to date, court, be engaged etc, why couldn't THEY handle things at home? Some of these young women will have their own households very soon and should be equipped to handle it NOW.

    1. Don’t you think Michael was smart enough to ask if her siblings would be able to help? Carlin is in college and Josie may be working now that she has her cosmetology degree. Nathan is gone a lot. Trace is in college. Lawson spends a lot of time in Nashville. I doubt the problem was having help in the evenings. They needed someone there to teach them their school work and take care of them during the day.

  22. I think that Michael coming to take care of her family and her Mom,is a blessing that she will always treasure. My Mom died in December 2014.But, she was in a hospital bed for 7 years before she died. Her bedroom was pretty small, so I put a loveseat beside her bed.I slept there for the entire time she lived. My feet hung over the edge as I slept. That's the way she let me know she needed something during the night. She would tickle my toes.I MISS her and I miss my toes being tickled. I was not MADE to do anything. It was the biggest gift that I could ever have been blessed with. Those days with her, I learned everything about her and she learned about me. God was so generous to give me that time with the most amazing person that I have EVER known. I'm crying as I am typing this. Because I can feel my toes being tickled right now. Please try to think of time with family in need, as a gift. A gift that you don't have to dust or try to find a place to put it. I pray that I have that gift with my adult kids,when my time comes.

    1. Thank you for sharing this very personal story Anne. I'm crying reading it, because I recently buried my dad. He was bedridden for almost 4 years and he too was home with us. I miss spending hours holding his hand and caring for him. I am now taking care of my 94 year old mom who is physically well but whose mind is slowing down. I agree that this time with her is precious. May God bless you and may your story touch others to realize that time with family, even when the conditions are difficulty, can never be replaced.


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