
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Zach and Whitney's Home Reno Project

Last month, we announced that Zach and Whitney Bates had purchased their first home. Over the past several weeks, they have been hard at work doing extensive renovations, including knocking out walls and replacing drywall, building an arch, and installing lighting. Below are a few snapshots to show their progress. Have you ever taken on a similar project?

Zach and Whitney Bates home renovations

Zach and Whitney Bates home renovations

Zach and Whitney Bates home renovations

Photos courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates/


  1. Yay!! I can't wait to see the great job they do! They've made so much progress!! Good job, guys!

  2. Looks great!😊😊😊

  3. We had remodeled the bathrooms at our old house in CA. That was time consuming but fun. Now I'm eyeballing the guest bathroom and wondering how it could be changed.

  4. So cool! My parents remodeled almost all of our house, including bedrooms, kitchen, and dining room when we moved in. I know what it's like!!

  5. Congratulations! That looks like it will be a beautiful home, very lovely.

  6. Wow! Looking great! I applaud them, renovating is one of the most stressful tasks a couple can partake in together.

    1. Me and my husband once laid tile in the kitchen we were so excited when we first started by the end of the day we were fighting. With each other the tile wasn’t even and it eventually took a week to finish we vowed to never do it again lol

    2. Agreed! We live with it or save up and hire someone. Makes us much happier. Zach and Whitney's home looks great.

  7. Love the update, thanks for sharing!

  8. There's no place like home! Amazing progress. Your family will have a nice home to live in when your finish...Jane

  9. So nice to let us see the remodeling progress _ thanks.
    Way back in 1965 when we bought our new home the basement was unfinished.. . . it had a large picture window and a door leading to the back yard so little by little we started turning in into a "rec" (that is an antiquated term) room for the kids. . . .it was hard work, but we were so proud.

    All I can say is the hard work will be worth it for Whitney, Zach and their little ones.

  10. Are they doing everything themselves or are they working with a contractor too?

  11. Are you going to make your mid-January move-in, Whitney?! We can so identify since we built our home from the foundation up when we were about your age. Sometimes new building is easier than renovation. what a sense of accomplishment and pride when you are finished! God be with you. Love you lots.

  12. We did the inside of one of our houses years ago. It was a beautiful house at the end. Hoping to see more pictures of your house when it is finished.

  13. A new house is always exciting! Even more when you put so much of yourself into it. Congrats to them! They are also very lucky to have so much help available and babysitters so they can work together

  14. Looks great! Such hard work; especially, with little ones needing and careers!!!

  15. These two are my favorite couple they represent a more realistic modern Christian family You can wear pants have a tv and still be modest and focused ❤️


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