
Monday, February 26, 2018

An Awkward Chat with Mom and Dad

Tori Bates Smith and Bobby Smith

Tori Bates: "We were like, dead silent, scared to death because we did not know how to bring it up."
Bobby Smith: "It was intensely awkward." 

After getting engaged, Tori and Bobby decide to propose (no pun intended) the idea of tying the knot in December, rather than waiting until after Tori's graduation. So they plan a double date with Gil and Kelly, hoping they will be on board. The future Mr. and Mrs. have some pretty good arguments!

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  1. That Gil - he is really giving these kids a hard way to go. He makes me hold my breath, and then he says just what I did not want him to say !! That poor boy, first the engagement now this....what is Carlin & Josie having to go through ! All in all - they are just as great family, but that Gil reallg has his power button turned high !!

  2. I am not sure why Gil and Kelly had to have a say in that. It should have been purely Tori and Bobby's decision. Seems a little overcontrolling to me.

    1. Because Gil and Kelly are paying for the wedding!!

    2. I agree Anon @ 3:06. If they are old enough to be engaged, they are old enough to choose their wedding day. In fact, I wouldn't want my fiancé to have asked "permission" to propose marriage. I realize the family is very close and respectful of old traditions, but I'd want my guy to ask ME first and then we would go to the parents together, tell them out decision and ask for their blessing, not permission. But I realize I'm much different from them. I do wonder what would happen if one day a guy proposed without going to Gil first?

    3. Yes, Kathy, it's only RESPECT to go to the dad first for his blessing before engagement. It's RESPECT to have them in on the wedding day decision. Sadly families of today's world don't teach and train their children on respect.

    4. I didn't think of that, 10:34. That is a good reason. -OP

    5. I never thought of that, 10:34. That is a good reason. I guess I was a little too quick to judge. ): -OP

    6. The girls would say you have to talk to my parents first.

    7. Also, some parents want their kids to graduate college before getting married and having kids, so it doesn't take them even longer to finish. It's also a good way to learn patience while waiting.

    8. Anon at 6:16PM: Hmm, so what if the dad had abandoned the family, was in jail, was abusive, or was even dead? There are even women who have no idea who the fathers of the children are and don't care to drag the candidates in for paternity tests.

      Sadly, many families of today's world aren't headed by parents who deserve respect.

    9. Not only were they paying for it, but Kelly was the one doing most of the planning.

    10. We asked my parents if we could get married in December instead of June for that same reason, they were paying for the wedding! My mother put together a wedding in two and a half months since I was at college!

  3. The good news is Gil revisited and did honor their request :O))) Because Bobby and Tori did get married in December!!!!:O)))) A wonderful ending to their beautiful story!!!!!!:O)) Blessings to the MR & MRS and The whole family!!! Love, Nancy From IOWA!

  4. This message is for BRANDON and Michael...Have you ever heard of embryo adoption? I have some friends considering it who are struggling with infertility, and it seems like a really good option for some couples who are struggling to have a baby. The mom can get the chance of carrying the baby and experiencing pregnancy and birth, while saving a baby that would of been otherwise destroyed.

  5. If they are mature and old enough to be engaged they most certainly should be able to choose when they want to marry! Stop asking mommy and daddy if you can do things.

    1. It's called respecting your parents and a future husband honoring his brides parents too. Bottom line, it's called R*e*s*p*e*c*t. 😊

    2. When the parents are paying for the wedding, they do have a say so in what happens and when. Also they are being respectful to seek her parents advice and approval.

    3. 1) Respecting your parents is just fine.
      2) If you expect your parents to pay for the wedding, then they get to have lots of say. Otherwise, pay for your own wedding and you don't need to ask your parents for anything except to attend.

  6. I wonder if the clip is edited for drama. Another possibility is gil is cautious after the Ashley breakup. He might be concerned that bobby and tori will get hurt emotionally if it doesn't work out.

  7. Does anyone know how I can watch this season in the UK? I know it will eventually be on amazon but the last season has only just become available so it’s a little behind. Is there a way to watch it sooner? Thanks

  8. It's not a question of maturity, I think, but one of authority. The Bates come across as more modern than the Duggars, but they likely believe, as the Duggars do, that the parents have authority over their children long after the age of 18, likely until they marry. AFAIK in both families, the children are expected to live at home until marriage. Bobby needed to clear it with Gil before he officially courted and proposed to Tori, too.

  9. Replies
    1. I believe September til December. The family usually has a 3 month gap of engagement to wedding day.

  10. Why do people buck this family and their values!!! Clearly they are happier than most of the world!!! Maybe some things are old fashioned!! But it's a respected, loving, stable family... most could learn from them.. instead of depressed from the new modern fake life styles so many live!


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