
Thursday, February 15, 2018

'Bates Sports Special' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Bates Sports Special"

Look back at the Bates’ Most Memorable “Sports Spectacular” Moments...

“I don’t think any Bates would ever make it to the Olympics,” says Tori. But did you know that one Bates made it to the qualifying rounds? Gil was a high school state champion wrestler and qualified to try out for the Olympics.

Trace is practicing for Crown College basketball tryouts with his friends, and Lawson joins in for a game. Trace and Lawson get along great, unless they’re playing sports. “When it comes to sports, the problem is, he wants to be the star, and I just want the ball any time,” says Trace.

The older guys take the little boys on a golfing outing. “Lawson and Nathan and Trace taking Jackson, Warden and Isaiah out to teach them golf makes me think of the blind leading the blind,” says Zach.

Mock Police Academy Training
The guys join Zach for a mock session of training at the police academy. “The main goal is to irritate you and make you mad and push you to the limit to see what you do under pressure,” says Lawson.

Downhill Skiing
Nathan arrives late, so Kelly shows him what she learned. “Nate, I’m going to be teaching you, but that doesn’t mean I know how to ski good, it just means that I remember facts good,” says Kelly. After a few minutes, Nathan says he’s ready to hit the slopes. According to Gil and Kelly, Nathan would have no problem going down a black diamond without a single lesson.

Ice Skating
Four days before he marries Michael, Brandon goes ice skating with his future brothers-in-law. The other guys enjoy horsing around, while Brandon takes it slow but still somehow manages to walk away with a gash in his head.

With the rest of the family watching, Lawson and Nathan each try to beat their dad at wrestling. Gil prevails, although Nathan still thinks he won.

Growing up, Gil was the quarterback of the high school football team and was consumed with sports, but he has higher hopes for his sons. “I think Gil loved sports so much, it was hard for it not to be number one,” says Mama Jane, Gil’s mom. “He didn’t want his boys to have sports as their number one. He wanted Christ first in their lives.”


  1. So the Bates don't meeting the fans of the show?

  2. Time 12:28AM Fri 2/16/18
    Good recap

  3. I thought Brandon grew up in Michigan? How could he not know how to skate. I’m a Michigander, and we have skates on as soon as we walk.

    1. Good to know that knowing how to skate is mandatory for Michigan natives. Shame on Brandon for dropping the ball!

    2. He can skate, but he slipped and gashed his head on a wall.

    3. 11:38..not nice. I have a sincere question for Lily and Ellie. As Christian women why do you allow such nastiness to come through? I understand offering different view points, but these remarks are allowed for the sole purpose as to cause backlash. Thats completely against God’s Word which councels us that a KIND answer turns away wrath. I just don’t understand how to find this at all edifying.

    4. Sadly, I am sure that the comments that are NOT allowed to be posted are ten times as worse, at least. Perhaps not as much about the Bates, as they are not as famous as the Duggars. But I am sure much of Lily and Ellie's time on both blogs is spent reading and discarding hateful comments.

    5. Not only are the BATES not quite as famous; but they are more upbeat and mainstream than the Duggars.

    6. I live in Michigan and I don't know how to ice skate. My relatives live in Michigan and they don't skate either.

    7. Anon 12:50 — there’s really nothing offensively “nasty” posted. Only some disagreeing and sarcasm which is often judged the wrong way. Try to read through the comments before you make up your mind. Sometimes people are just being funny. I know myself I posted something sarcastic. No one even took the time to see if I was joking and instead, everyone jumped on me calling me in-Christian. But they weren’t any better Christians for attacking me! Christ says if you can’t excuse the sin, excuse the intention. I think the editors are doing a great job and don’t need to be attacked themselves. And I also think it’s fun to see opposing views. How dull would it be to constantly read comments like “I just love the Bates,” “The Bates are so sweet,” “Congratulations,” “How adorable!” It would get boooooring!

    8. 3:21..I’ve read my Bible. I have never read where Christ said “if you can’t excuse the sin,excuse the intention”. I have read we are to forgive 70X7-(Mathew 18:22), or“if you forgive anyone’s sins they are forgiven;if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven” ( John 20:23). Nowhere does it say “if you can’t forgive the sin...”. We are commanded to forgive the sin.

    9. Right on@8:59.

    10. Totally agree @8:59. I read that too and thought “what”?? That’s not what Christ said. Never even used the word “excuse” for goodness sake! So many people “quote the Bible”, but the problem is it’s not IN the Bible!

  4. Replies
    1. This wasn't a rerun it was a new episode it had to do with the Olympics Kathy.

    2. I didn't watch the episode, but from reading the recap it sounds like things we've seen before. Anyone care to clarify who has seen the episode?

    3. But it was a rerun... I've seen the exact same content before.

  5. I'm glad this was an episode I could skip, since there's so much Olympic coverage to watch!

  6. . . .we are seeing things over and over and would so much more enjoy seeing "new" things in the Bates' life.
    "ANY" show on Tv needs to staya current or we might turn to a different show in their time slot - risk of "us" finding and enjoying a new venue.

    CAREFUL -UP - careful. . .. keep our interest PLEASE

    1. Thats not nice 11:59AM. This wasn't a rerun it was new episode it had to deal with the Olympics.

    2. I don't think 11:59 was trying to be mean, she's just asking not to see old footage packaged as a new show. I didn't watch this one because it sounded like a re-run, and from the recap it sounds like I might have guessed correctly.

    3. It was a rerun; it wasn't a new episode.

  7. This episode was one word: boring.

  8. This episode models how much of an athlete Gil was as a younger man. He demonstrates his athletic prowess and competiveness! Clearly he enjoyed being a high school athlete. Kind of too bad he did not value that experience enough to want the same for his children.

  9. Reruns two weeks in a row?!? Reruns this early in the season?!? Reruns with so much going on in a huge family?!? Reruns?!? NO, UP Network! This is how you lose viewers...

  10. I think my favorite part was the basketball tournament and how Nathan would jump at his opponents to try and scare them. It was really funny.

  11. I really enjoy the show but I'm tired of old clips being shown "as new" every week. It's just wrong to say something is new when it isn't. It seems like UPTV is trying to drag the episodes out. I hope they change their ways for the sake of faithful viewers.

  12. I love the Bringing Up Bates show, but wish Up TV would stick to showing totally new segments each week. They risk loosing part of their faithful audience if this trend continues.

  13. What's the point of tying old footage in with the Olympics? These types of families aren't allowed to watch the Olympics anyway.My opinion is if UP begins to air like TLC has been doing, this show is done for.

    1. Why can’t they watch the Olympics? They’re great!

  14. This may not have been a true re-run, but it's definitely old information. I would think there's much more going on in a family this size. I hope this show isn't taking the direction of Counting On.

  15. I didn't watch this one, as it was fairly obvious from the promo that this would be a "recap" show featuring old footage. But the promo was honest about that, I did appreciate that.

    That being said I don't mind such a recap once in a while. It used to be pretty common in 1980s and 1990s sitcoms, too, that use a scenario such as "a character moves out of the family home, inspiring the other family members to reminsce about good times" to just show a bunch of clips from prior episodes.

    Of course, this kind of episode became less popular once it became SOP to sell DVDs of prior seasons, and fans who wanted to watch "classic scenes" could just pop the DVD in and watch at any time.


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