
Monday, February 12, 2018

Greek Wedding Cake for the Bates?

"This looks like a little Shih Tzu in need of a haircut."
-Zach Bates

With all the weddings they have planned over the past four years, the Bates have sampled many different types of wedding cake. But what about Greek wedding cake? They try some in this clip, and their reactions are priceless. Have you ever tried Greek wedding cake?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Please just be polite and try a dish from another country without making rude comments or faces. It makes us look like narrow-minded Americans.

    1. I agree, I don't see why it is necessary to make videos like this...

    2. It’s not. They obviously find it funny. It’s just really bad manners.

  2. Greek food is amazing! Although I am not a fan of their desserts. The main dishes are better!

  3. Most videos of the family are funny but this one not. A little sad to see so little open-mindedness when it comes to food culture, especially from the younger generation, and also taking into account the food of little nutritional value that I've seen them consuming on their show. This is not a Greek wedding cake by the way, it is Greek/Arabic/Turkish/middle eastern pastry with either almond or pistachio filling. Yummy!

    1. Yummy because you say so ??? Some countries eat worms & bugs, is that open-minded enough for you ?? As for their meals - I would love to join them, the food looks great to me ! Plus you are not seeing all meals - why the heavy judgements. Let loose & laugh alittle - this family is sharing their life story with us - if you don't like it --- change the channel & let the rest of us enjoy them !

  4. So yummy. This is Kataifi, very much like Baklava. Baklava uses full phyllo sheets, and Kataifi uses shredded phyllo sheet pastry. It is scrumptious!!!!! And I'm not Greek, but I LOVE Greek food!!!!

    1. I'm Greek and I love kataifi too! However it does need to be made correctly so maybe th one they tasted wasn't?
      Nobody in Greece has kataifi as a wedding cake anymore, they have mousse cakes... It is a tradiotional dessert also found in other eastern cuisines. But we still eat it and like it!

    2. Baklava is AMAZING.

  5. No I never tried It first time ever I heard of this. Time 3:18PM

  6. It’s Kataifi! Chopped walnuts(or other nuts) scented with cinnamon and/or clove wrapped in a rich, buttery, crispy pastry. It’s usaully drizzled with a lemon scented syrup. You can add raisins in there too, if you want. The pastry is just shredded phyllo pastry.

  7. Ignorant and disrespectful attitudes. The dessert is completely inoffensive (crispy flaky pastry and nuts soaked in sweet syrup. Any child would love it.) They act like it was filled with sardines. Not to mention that it isn't cake, let alone "wedding cake".

    1. Yes. Totally uncouth.

    2. Wah, wah, wah - What is offensive is your childish thinking that if you like it we all have to... ? Not the way this works, you can't act all angry, just cuz you think it tastes ok. Do you know the cook ?? Do you know what it tasted like ?? NO - but you throw a good fit. Your nasty comments are more rude then anything they as a family could ever do. They are what is good in life, I think even the good Lord had a laugh with this one !

    3. 11:48- Sure, we don't all like the same foods. But it's not ok to make childish faces in public while eating something you don't like, especially if it could offend the cook or people of another culture. I don't think the Lord finds it funny.

    4. Actually the Bates publicize their lives. They're subject to criticism-especially if it is offensive to some of the diverse cultures found in America. I think the kids on HiHo are more well behaved than these adults when trying ethnic food.

  8. Have you googled the term "Greek Wedding Cake"?

  9. Awe... Zach likes to eat, so he tried it. But the outside did look like hair.

  10. I am Greek American and this is definitely not Greek wedding cake! As another post said, it is Kataifi, a Greek pastry with shredded phyllo dough. I’m not really sure of the point of the video, but it did not paint the Bates in the best light.

  11. I’m not a fan of these videos mocking other cultures food traditions. They did it with candy as well. It’s extremely immature.

    1. I totally agree this is a display of extremely bad manners. Nobody has to know whether they like it or not. Somethings are better kept to yourself.

    2. I agree. These videos are pointless.

  12. If they don't want it, they can give it to me! It sounds delicious!

  13. This is a Greek sweet treat called Kataifi, too sweet for my taste. Greek wedding cakes are regular sponge cakes with frosting, they come in many different flavours, from small to very elaborate beautiful one's, really delicious. I am Greek and at my wedding I had a 6 tier cake, with white icing and beautiful edible flowers, OPA.

    1. i am as Greek and it is like a baklava egg roll

  14. Wow, seriously, have the Bates never tried any new food before??

  15. How dare someone express an oppinion or what really looks like confusion over a dish. Someone might be offended. I have noticed an increase in negative comments about this sweet family. Do you get on here looking for something to complain about? Then again when everything is offensive I guess you do not have to look. Perhaps the sky was mot blue enough, the sun not bright enough, the rain fell in the wrong direction, the windspeed was offensive today, to much snow, not enough snow. That is it, the meteorologist weather report offended me, whom shall I complain to. That is about how ridiculous some of these comments sound.

    1. I completely agree that everyone takes everything out of proportion these days and gets offended too easily. I am usually one to come to the family's defence. However, in this case they as well as UPTV were in the wrong. This video is classless and rude. They need to learn some manners!

    2. 5:57 you are comparing oranges to apples. None of the things you mentioned are from mankind but from God alone. The things the Bates said came from them and somehhow I don't believe would be real pleasing to Our Heavenly Father. We are taught to be respectful.

  16. At least some of them tried it. It's sad that people live such sheltered lives, they are missing out on so many amazing foods the world has to offer. i agree that the comments were on the insulting side, very rude, but it's to be expected given their life exposure. I hope they go out of their little boundaries and open their eyes and lives to new experiences.

    1. They as a family have done more for the World than most of us put together ! Their lives are anything but being sheltered. Also the only thing insulting & rude was all the comments written in, well most not all, but most of you need a lesson in gettkng along with others, we learn that in kindergarden, play nice. Why don't you take your own advice - open your eyes to being a nicer person & expand a loving & forgiving energy not one of judgement - words to live by !

  17. They should stick to going to the Dixie Stampede, Dollywood, and Silver Dollar City. I hope they never go to Europe. I wouldn't want Europeans to get the wrong idea about Americans. Most of us would never act like that, but sadly people form stereotypes based off the actions of a few.

    1. I think most people are aware of stereotypes, so I wouldn't worry about that :-)

    2. What makes you think that the opinions of the folks in Europe makes any difference to us. Remember most of our families left Europe & most other foreign countries to come to the land of the free, what happened to all that we used to believe in good & just & freedom to like or not like something, is ok in my books. It is not nice to read how you don't like this or that - it's not about you. If you feel embarrassed I would say you got big stuff to work on in your own life, don't take it out on others. Your thoughts & feelings are a reflection of yourself !

  18. That behavior would be somewhat acceptable from children, not adults.

    That type of behavior would be expected and somewhat accepted from little kids/not adults.
    Added to their terrible grammar stucture.

    I enjoy the Bates family & I am no one in their lives but a fan, but they really should work on manners.

    1. Good advice - you were talking about working on your manners - right ! I am also a fan & I love each one of them for just who they are ! No judgement allowed but we can still have opinions & eat what we want or not !! Remember you are invited into their home to join in - not pass judgements. If you don't like them - don't watch, but don't make it out like they did something awful. We are getting way to serious & touchy about every little thing - relax & let it go, to much heavy stuff.

  19. Seriously? That video is awesome!! And there’s absolutely no reason why the Bates should like the food from every country. We’re Americans and we like it that way. They have the right to dislike it, and also the right to express their opinion. I think the reaction to this video is a prime example of the political correctness that this country is sick of. Keep being yourselves, Bates family! We totally love you.

    1. No political correctness involved. Bad manners cross political lines.

    2. The United States is a melting pot. We have aspects of every culture here, which is what makes this country so great. There is no typical American culture, because it’s a mash-up of so many. Out of many, one!

      American or not, the Bateses were very rude in this video.

    3. Yes, thank you for saying that:) My feelings too:)

    4. I would like you to explain just what you think is so rude ?? People have a choice in what they want to eat... that stuff looked awful, and then you say they are rude & you put a smiley face? Do you asll even know what rude is ??? Rude is all your comments that mean nothing but how rude you all have no sense of humor, your all to busy being angry. Why not put that energy toward doing some good in the world & quit picking

    5. I don't know what you were watching but, I could not stop laughing, & I never saw or heard anything that was rude ! You are all a bunch of crabby pants that don't know how to enjoy life - just laugh - try it

    6. Hey, I just wanted to say one more thing. The most offensive/discriminatory thing said on this post, was that the Bates look like the Beverly hillbillies. If you don’t like the American mountain/Southern culture, maybe you shouldn’t watch the show. Also, it’s very hypocritical that people would call the Bates rude, but nobody cares about how rude that hillbilly comment was. Just thought I’d point that out.

  20. I'm not sure why the comments are so rude after watching this. The Bates are given an unidentified food to explain and taste. They are on a closed set and are challenged to name where the food is from. If you were given a mystery food to taste, describe and figure out country of origin I believe you would have a similar struggle. They are using what they know to try to describe it and some food just isn't appetizing in taste, smell, flavor or texture. Think about it. If I gave you a food from say south Africa without saying what was in it and said explain it, taste it and smell it how well would you do?

  21. Easy for you to say something that makes no sense at all - they are real & down to earth & make our country look good. Since when is it not ok to tell the truth. There is so much bad & evil in the world & you pick on a honest faith loving family. Try putting your efforts toward a real issue in this country & stop judging & being jealous


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