
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Growing Old Together

This weekend, the entire Bates family gathered at Bates Headquarters (aka Gil and Kelly's house) for their annual I Love You Day celebration. Valentine's Day is still more than a week away, but when you're coordinating the schedules of three dozen people, it isn't always possible to get everyone together on the actual holiday.

The theme of the party was "Growing Old Together." As you'll see in the photos below, the Bates had a ball, and some of them went all out. The film crew was present, so rest assured, you'll see plenty of hilarious footage soon.

Bates family I Love You Day growing old together
 Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart

Bates family I Love You Day growing old together

Bates family I Love You Day growing old together
Erin and Chad Paine

Photos courtesy of Bates,


  1. I absolutely love it! Such fun family time spent together! I sure would love to spend a day with you all, it would be a blast!

  2. This family is so much fun. I'm inspired every time I see them.

  3. Oh my goodness they are so cute! I can't wait to see more pictures!

  4. Aww that is so sweet.

  5. I have a Question to ask Lily & Ellie any updates on when will the guys be in a courtship soon? Time 6:12PM

    1. Neddy, this is a reality show, it does not follow a script. No one knows when one of the boys will enter a courtship.

  6. That is too funny!!!

  7. Oh goodness aren't y'all just the most precious people I absolutely love this what a wonderful idea to get your family together and celebrate I love u day and to truly show it I love your show so much I look forward to getting to see what's new and going on please tell Michaela that God has a plan for her be patient I went through a lot also it's not easy just hang in there all in his time enjoy making memories and traveling that's what we did and when we were on a trip we finally conceived so good luck to u all keep smiling and showing people there is family time and life out there to be enjoyed

  8. Hysterical! Such a fun family!!

  9. AWESOME!AWESOME!AWESOME! I love it! What a fantastic job they all did especially Chad's face! Wow! A great way to have godly fun! Thanks for sharing your wonderful humour with us! God Bless

  10. Too cute! I love that they went All-Out. I can't wait to see the episode. I Love You day is always fun to watch. I wish I could do something like that. But, the funny part of that, would be, Everyone would be dressing up to look like me! Maybe my family could do a,"Stay Young At Heart "
    theme. We could dress up like the teens.It would be so fun.

  11. They went all out...these are fabulous costumes!!!!! I couldn't even recognize Chad!!! I wasn't even quite sure if that was Erin, so thank goodness you put the names under the pictures!!!!

  12. Those are hilarious!! Love this family and what they stand for.

  13. Who comes up with these creative themes? This is just so perfect! I think that this year's theme outdoes last year's "Fun on the Farm" I love you day but both are outstanding!!! :)The singing contest last year was so much fun to watch :) God has truly blessed all of you with awesome talent & a genuine witness of God's love for all to see :) The light of Christ in you may be the only Bible some people will read. Always giving God the glory in everything you do. I can hardly wait to see it when it airs :) Thank you for allowing us into your homes & into your lives! May God continue to bless all of the Bates family :)

  14. Can't wait to watch this episode, looks like it'll be comical to say the least.This was such a neat idea they came up with. Wow... Erin is practical unrecognizable in the picture!

  15. How cute I love you guys. Patricia

  16. Those are really funny😂😂

  17. These are amazing 😂 I love the fun get Together’s they do. Thank you for sharing!

  18. This will have us howling with laughter - I'll bet on that.
    Erin & Chad will be good looking octogenarians (forgive spelling)
    Looking forward to Thursday!

  19. What a great "Love You Day" theme - let's face it, we ALL age and ALL change! Love and understanding is what keeps us together.

  20. Unbelievable - I can't even tell who they are!! They do so well!

  21. The oxygen tank is extremely insensitive. Some people truly need oxygen for medical reasons. Evan should not make a joke out of it.

    1. I agree. It's no laughing matter. Whoever put them up to it should be ashamed.

    2. People also need glasses and wheelchairs. Is it just oxygen tanks, or are those things forbidden too?

    3. How do you know it's not a fake oxygen tank, or one that's already been used?

    4. Evan isn’t making a joke out of it. A lot of people need oxygen when they are older. It is generally associated with aging. They were dressing up to look older. It is just a prop like the other items they used. Don’t be so sensitive! My grandmother had to be on oxygen her last few months of life, and I don’t find it offensive at all.

  22. the bates have got to be the most fun family ever! everyone looks fantastic, and unrecognizable, lol.

  23. While this may have been done in fun, there's nothing hilarious about needing oxygen or using a walker. I'm shocked that they'd film this family pretending they have age-related disabilities.

    1. Good gracious people! Is there anything that can be said anymore without someone getting “offended?” The Nates family did not deliberately use an oxygen tank to make fun of elderly people. That was not their intent. They merely dressed as older people — many of whom use oxygen. I bet if you showed older people with a tank these pictures they’d do nothing but laugh! It’s only the younger generation that has to make such a big deal about things. When you dress your kids of in animal costumes, does that offend the animals because they really need their tails? If someone dresses up as a pirate does that offend because someone might really need an eyepatch? WHERE IS THE LINE DRAWN? Stop being so offended and go read something else. You don’t have to read the comment or look st the pictures. It’s a free country!

  24. Anonymous 5:07p.m, that is exactly what they were portraying, the reality that oxygen is sometimes needed when growing old and that they wanted to grow old together no matter what. It wasn’t insensitive at all.

    1. Others don't see it that way. At all. You should never have fun by pretending that you've got some sort of disability.

    2. It isn’t a disability to need oxygen. It is just a medical need sometimes. Wearing glasses and needing a hearing aid are medical needs not disabilities. If someone puts glasses on I don’t assume they are making fun of people like me who has to wear them.

  25. Being on a walker and having to use oxygen is nothing to laugh about! At any age!!

  26. Oh my, it was stated in a comment that the oxygen and walker are ususlly age related disabilities. Meaning "old age". The theme is growing old together. I see nothing offensive about the use of these things in the theme. In our society the things that people find offensive are insane. Perhaps if they were dressed as witches, goblins, devils and demons as many do for halloween that would be more acceptable to you. Or perhaps standing around with alcohol and cigarettes that would be acceptable. Pardon me, cigarettes are a major cause for the need of oxygen tanks in our elders so that might offend someone. This family seems to have great respect for others,the elders included, I do not believe they were making fun of anyone with any disability. Get over it. For those who are only on here to find something to complain about, respect does not include an approval of a sinful lifestyle.

    1. Also oxygen tanks arent always needed because of tobacco products. Environmental toxins radiation treatment, and workplace toxins are other causes.

  27. i have been on O2 and used a walker...not any longer....i am now wheelchair bound...and i live in an apartment building built specifically for the handicapped and and my friends find NOTHING wrong with the way they dressed to celebrate this holiday...oxygen tank, walker and ALL :-)

  28. I am a senior citizen and use a walker. Plus, I have an eye patch right now , due to a bout with Bells Palsy. I thought that it was wonderful and absolutely hilarious. It was also quite heartwarming. Because the young people were Empathizing with some of the bad things that comes with aging. But, they were showing that they will be a constant companion and caregiver if needed ,no matter how old they get. What a wonderful gift to give to someone you love. The gift of knowing that they will Love you, no matter what you look like or the health problems that you may have in the future. What a loving peace of mind or A person could be old and need a walker, etc. But, they could be alone and bitter and just looking for a way to try to make others feel lonely and bitter as well. Maybe with anonymous comments or trying to find fault where only good was itended.God wants us to be happy and loving and when we open our hearts to His love. We will see love and light around us instead of bitterness, jealousy or simple discontentment. God Bless You All!

  29. I'm a senior and found the pictures hilarious. People need to stop being offended over every little thing!

    1. I think we have every right to be offended. Some thngs you DO NOT make fun of.A cane is one thing but an oxygen tank helps save lives. Not funny

    2. I agree@6:57. This “theme” was tasteless. When you’ve been a caretaker you understand the true struggles of aging.

    3. They were not making fun of anyone. It is a reality for a lot of people when they age. They were just dressing to look like older people. They were celebrating that they will love each no matter what the future holds... oxygen tanks... glasses... hearing aids.... it was a beautiful picture of love.

  30. I challenge every Bates who dressed up like that to spend a week volunteering at a nursing home.

    1. They already do that as well as hospitals and other locations, etc. They even helped out after Tennessee fires,overseas, etc. Too many to list. That's part of their life and ministry. Not to mention, they enjoy giving back and they make relationships with many of the people they help. Like, taking the sick little boy, fishing with the family. I can't remember his name. But, it was so touching to see the joy on the childs' face. Bless You for the challenge. It is a wonderful idea for all of us, to do.

  31. I’m a senior citizen and not offended by the costumes. However, it’s not my right to tell someone else that they should or shouldn’t feel about it. Seems as though there’s no shortage of thoughts and feelings police in this world, from all philosophical, theological and political sides.

  32. Who are the other young people at the party? I notice some that aren't part of the Bates family.


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