
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Josie Bates' New Job

Josie Bates, who graduated from cosmetology school in December, is settling into her new job as a hair dresser at a local beauty salon called Ross the Boss. Yesterday, she gave haircuts to two of her favorite clients, Whitney and Kaci Lynn.

Josie cuts Kaci Lynn Bates' hair
Josie gives Kaci Lynn Bates a trim

Photo courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. So happy she found a position. It is good she has a built clientele to start (relatives). Having a skill is very important in today's world and if she and Kelton get married, they both have a career to support themselves. Congrats, Josie, and great job.

  2. Congratulations and best wishes, Josie!
    You will never regret the months of schooling involved in obtaining this skill. Well done!

    1. Wish I knew how to cut hair! I’m a nurse but with 4 kids I no longer work. If I knew how to cut hair I could do a couple hair cuts a day to make a little money. 12 hour shifts just became too hard with all the home responsibilities. Smart Girl! Josie can always work a little once she is married and has kids. Just like the other girls who can teach piano! Love It! Bates family is teaching me tips of what to do with my girls who all want to be mothers one day.

  3. How special to see Josie enjoying her new job. Extra special to have your aunt give you just the right style. I wish I lived closer, I would be sure to request Josie to give me the right look.

  4. Great working girl! What a good example.

  5. I wish the Duggar girls had this possibility too!

    1. Sigh! Perhaps they rather be SAHMs. There is nothing wrong with what the Duggar women do.

    2. They do have the option to be employed outside the family, just as they have the option to work in the family businesses, or self-employment, or be stay-at-home-mamas. Just because they prefer other options, doesn't mean they don't have a choice.

    3. The Duggars do seem way more strict, though.

    4. If they do have the option to be employed outside the family, then why have none of them done that? Not one.

    5. Maybe because they also have the option of being home while the children are little. Our children are little for only a short time. They are doing what they THEY feel called to do NOT what other people THINK they should be doing.

  6. Awww so happy for Josie!!!

  7. Congratulations Josie bates on getting your hair style lince

  8. Time 7:50PM
    Congrats Josie your dream to be a hairdresser is coming true.

  9. Good for her! Congratulations Josie. Wishing you all the best!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. What jobs do the older Bates boys have? It seems like the girls are getting jobs, but the boys are playing.

    1. Zach is a police officer, Lawson is pursuing a music career, I think Nathan helps their dad with the tree business, and seems to be doing lots missions work, and Trace is in college, so I'm not sure what you mean.

    2. Zach is a police officer, Trace is in college, Lawson works on his music and does mission work, Nathan is a flight instructor and also does mission work. Sounds like the boys do more than just play to me. Kelly and Gil have done a great job with ALL of their children.

  12. thats great. awesome for her

  13. Very cool that she is perusing her dream.

  14. LOVE that this girl has a job!!!

  15. Good for Josie that she has expanded her horizons with post-secondary training and finding a job! There's nothing quite like the feeling when you know you can provide for yourself and find employment doing something you enjoy at the same time!

    1. I agree, if you don't want a four year degree that's fine, but find SOMETHING to do!

    2. Being a stay-at-home wife and mom is "something to do".

    3. So true! If your heart is to be a keeper at home, then don't be ashamed and ignore critics who don't approve of SAHMs!

    4. There is nothing wrong with being a SAHM, but Josie isn't even married yet. Having outside employment gives a person something to do rather than sit around the house waiting for a knight in shining armor to come and propose. I think everyone needs a skill or training to fall back on in case the unthinkable happens and that person is without a partner.

    5. Anon@5:11- The stark reality is, being a stay at home mom is pretty much a temporary job, because kids grow up and leave home (hopefully!) I think a woman does herself a favor by planning ahead and being able to take of herself financially, before marriage. Nothing wrong with staying home with children, but it's always a good idea to be prepared for the unforseen challenges that life has a way of throwing at us and have the skills necessary to make it easier to land a job should you need to. My mother gave me good advice, "Don't expect that there's going to be a man to support you." Any widow or divorcee can vouch for that.

    6. A big AMEN to you 9:57! And a lot of times, a divorcee can't depend on the other parent to help in any way. Been there and got the T-shirt.

    7. Anon at 5:11: I doubt anyone posting here "doesn't approve of SAHMS" in the sense of actually thinking it's "wrong" for a woman to devote herself to being a SAHM. But as Anon at 9:57AM stated being a SAHM is not something a woman will be doing all her life.

      In addition to the risk of sudden death or departure, it's also possible that a husband will become disabled and unable to work.

      I think there's also a lot more options for child rearing these days than "mother stays home and does all the child care, all the house work, ideally home schools" and "both parents work and the kids are stuck in day care all day and hardly see their parents".

      Indeed, the Bates women, including Josie, all seem to have chosen careers that allow for much more flexibility than that.

    8. Also, it's very rare nowadays that families can manage to support themselves with just one paycheck. Both parents working is just a necessity.

    9. The problem with some SAHMs is that they get separated from reality and when the kids grow up, unless there are immediately grandchildren for them to help with, they feel depressed and lost. On my husband's side are many examples of this. If they worked part-time, they would feel much better about themselves. They also have become very socially awkward.

    10. 3:13- Josie isn't married yet. It stands to reason that any young woman, even if she hopes to have a family in the future, is gainfully employed and can take care of herself. No sense depending on mom and dad while waiting around for your prince to whisk you away.

  16. You go girl !!! Congragulations!!

    1. Congratulations Josie! On getting your first job.

  17. And all of the Bates girls have some college or technical degree. Zach went through the Police Academy, Lawson is working and achieving his Nashville career, last I heard Nathan ran the tree business with his dad and is piloting, Trace is going to Crown College and helping with the tree business.
    I love this family and how they live their lives.

  18. Josie has really blossomed out into a beautiful young lady

  19. Most women in England dont have a choice SAHM is not an option you need 2 saleries to pay mortgage alone and rents are higher I wish my daughters had a choice

    1. The problem is that people want a much higher standard of living. A generation or two ago, a couple shared a car and went on short driving trips and started with a small house or apartment and gradually worked up. No one had Internet and a cell phone and specialty TV. Most people ate at home except a couple times per year. All my peers want everything when they are 20 yrs old with no education yet. They borrow money so they have two vehicles and a fancy house or live in a major city and have cell phones, Internet, TV, holidays abroad, out to restaurants, etc etc. You can totally make a happy life with one full-time and the other not working or part-time; it merely depends on your wishes. Your daughters have a choice; they just choose to have a fancier lifestyle than they can afford. Get a higher level of education in order to make more money or else live a lifestyle you can afford.

    2. I agree that too many couples have unrealistic and expensive expectations. However, being able to have a family supported by only one income today is not as easy as you make it sound. Rent and the cost of home ownership is skyrocketing, not to mention health insurance/care. I don't envy young people today who are just starting out. In many ways, they face far more challenges than my husband and I did decades ago.

    3. Well said. @5:21

    4. My dad worked a full time job and a part time job. My mom also worked part time. We didn’t have cable, new cars, or fancy vacations. My parents didn’t like to be in debt. You can’t always make it with one person working. Not with the cost of living the way that it is. Inflation and wages aren’t anywhere where they should be. That’s why it takes two people working.

  20. Well done to all Bates lovely godly women

  21. I value stay-at-home-parenting very high, my husband and I have taken turns to be at home with our children (yes, we are modern european christians), but I don't understand this stay-at-home-daughter -movement, that insist that young women should not get jobs outside their home. I think it's fine if you live at home as a married young man or woman, but I think it's still important to have a plan for your future other than just being a wife and a mom. There's always the chance that you might not marry, or your marriage ends in a divorce or your spouse dies. And if you plan to have a big family and stay at home with the kids, it's not a bad idea to get a job and start saving money for your future life while you are waiting for the Prince charming to arrive. There's really nothing romantic in living in poverty if you can avoid it by choosing wisely. I'm really, really happy that the Bates girls are getting proper jobs and education and not getting money by selling their weddings and birth announcements to gossip magazines. I am sad to see the Duggars earning money that way.

  22. Is she allowed to only cut women and childrens' hair? what is a male client walks in to the salon and she's 'up next'? Can she service a male client?

    1. so far I have only seen her cut her families hair .Of course with that many she could work a long time !

  23. Congrats Josie! I'm a SAHM now. Before I was married I got a college degree. It's always good to have a skill and when kiddos get old enough I plan on working outside of home again. I've had the view of being a SAHM and working too. SAHM's get a lot of judgment. Like that's all you do, you're so lucky. Don't knock it until you try it. Whatever a woman and man want to do in their marriage is they're business. I like how the Bates instill having life skills to their children.

  24. In reply to my daughters do have a choice they dont have a car the dont do restaurants they do have intenet which is needed for their work no sweet heart they dont have a choice

  25. Alyssa didn't get a higher education, but her husband and her quickly got a side job cleaning businesses after hours!

  26. So happy for Josie and her job. I have always used Ross The Boss and will make appt with Josie on my next hair cut! We also want to visit the church.


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