
Thursday, February 8, 2018

'The Best is Yet to Come' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "The Best is Yet to Come"

  • Tori, Carlin, and Josie are getting ready for a triple date with their guys. “It takes Tori, Carlin, and Josie about, probably two years to get ready,” says Callie.
  • When Bobby, Evan, and Kelton arrive, they present their ladies with flowers, and then the three couples head into downtown Knoxville. “Kelton has lived here in Knoxville for quite some time, so he kind of knows all the cool places around here, and we’ve not really gotten around as much,” says Josie.
  • Do the three couples have a chaperone? Gil and Kelly say they are chaperoning themselves and that they trust them to do the right thing. “Our goal is to help them be safe and happy in the long run, but really it’s got to be in their heart to want it as well, and I really do think it is,” says Kelly.
  • “If I didn’t trust that they all had the right heart motive about it, they probably wouldn’t be going on a triple date at all, or any date,” says Gil.
  • The guys, who are all 22 years old, take the girls to Blue Coast Grill and Bar for a meal.
  • Throughout the day, Evan and Kelton are jokingly asking when Bobby plans to propose. He laughs it off, but in all seriousness, he actually does have the ring with him. He shows it to Kelton and explains that he told the Bates to be ready in case he decides to get down on one knee during the triple date.
  • After the meal, the couples walk around the shops at Market Square, and then photographer and family-friend Taryn Yager pops out of nowhere to do a mini photoshoot. “I see Taryn, and I’m thinking, ‘Who in the world would invite a photographer unless something big was about to happen?’” says Tori.
  • Bobby ends up deciding that the setting isn’t intimate enough for a proposal.
  • Later, Bobby holds a meeting with Gil and Kelly to discuss the big day. Bobby and Kelly are ready for it to happen, while Gil jokingly says that he’s in no hurry and would be completely fine if Bobby waited another year.
  • To clear his mind, Bobby hits up the disc golf course with Kelton after the conversation.
  • Back at the house, Tori, Carlin, and Josie sit down to study, but the topic quickly turns to engagement. Carlin says she thinks Josie and Kelton could easily get married before she and Evan do. “No,” says Josie. “We’re going to take it slow. I’m so young.”
  • In an interview, Lawson, Whitney, and Zach discuss the increasing complexity of Bates proposals and the fact that the bar is always being set higher. “Some of the proposals are more proposing to the family,” says Zach. “They’re coming anyways. You’re not going to shake them free. Evan a bad proposal isn’t going to run this family off.”
  • On the day of the proposal, Bobby shows up at Crown College with his parents to surprise Tori. The surprise is successful, and Erin and Carlin pull Tori into a room to do her hair and makeup.
  • Tori, Bobby, and Bobby’s parents jump into a convertible and head across the state line into North Carolina. Meanwhile, Gil and Kelly are picking up food at Louise’s Kitchen in Black Mountain. They set up a picnic at beautiful Linville Falls and wait for everyone else to arrive.
  • After lunch, Gil and Kelly go on ahead to Wiseman’s View, where they set up rose pedals, candles, and flowers. Tori, Bobby, and Bobby’s parents arrive, and Bobby’s mom sneaks ahead to place the ring next to the flowers.
  • Tori starts seeing the rose pedals on the ground, as she and Bobby walk down the steps to the overlook. “Every step down that trail, we’re getting closer and closer, and my heart’s beating faster and faster,” says Bobby.
  • They make it to the spot of the proposal, but it takes Bobby a few moments to locate the ring. When he does, he grabs Tori’s hands and tells her how much he loves her. “Life is really short, and it goes by so fast, but I know I want to spend mine with you. Life is going to fly by, and we have so much to look forward to afterwards, but as long as we’re here on this earth, as long as God allows, I want you to be my wife. I want you to be the woman that I spend my entire life with. Tori Layne, will you marry me?”
  • “It’s so pretty,” whispers Tori when she sees the ring. “I mean, yes of course! Oh my goodness, I love you.” The two hug, and the parents cheer from a distance before coming over to congratulate the couple.
  • Tori exclaims how weird she looks with a ring, so Gil jokes that he's going to take it off and let her wait a few more years.
  • “It was an absolute perfect day, and I could not have asked for anything better,” says Tori.


  1. Oh dear, Tori was so obsessed with the ring, did she even say "yes" when Bobby popped the question? I didn't hear her. Bobby didn't seem to mind, but it seemed like the ring was more important than him. She seems like a nice girl but I admit I cringed a little throughout this episode.

    1. Kathy, I agree. Bobby sure loves his girl. Lol

    2. I felt the same way. Tori should have stopped pestering him about the ring and been more mature and gracious at such an important moment in their lives. He expressed his feeling in such a loving way. I didn't see it reciprocated very much.

    3. I’m obsessed with my ring. I love my husband. But I am obsessed with my ring๐Ÿ˜‰

    4. I agree, I cringed a little myself. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I think her bugging about the ring over and over killed the moment. ๐Ÿ˜“

    5. I don’t think Tori was obsessed with the ring. I think she was obsessed with marrying Bobby. Once she got the ring, it’s official. She was probably nervous and excited. How who you feel when you know your boyfriend is going to propose? There are also cameras filming! Give her a break!

    6. OMGosh I agree. It made me uncomfortable because she kept talking about the ring. She was really obsessed with it as opposed to basking in the moment itself. I like Tori and she is so pretty, but very immature I'm afraid. The location was breathtaking though. Great job Bobby!

    7. She sure was overly aggressive.

  2. I haven't had the chance to watch it yet. Looking forward to watching it. Sounds beautiful!

  3. Lawson looks so much like Jordan Knight from New kids on the block!!!

  4. Sounds like Bobby phoned this one in. He was going to propose one day but didn't and then hurried to throw something together.

    1. Our proposal felt like that - not very creative or romantic. That bothered me, but from what we've heard on the show it didn't sound like Tori really cared how he proposed.

  5. Aww so sweet. Time 4:56AM Fri 2/10/28.

  6. Josie sounds like she’s got a good head on her shoulders. She recognizes that she’s young and should take things slow with her relationship.

    1. Hopefully, what she said is true and not a decoy to us fans๐Ÿ˜‰ She is very young!

  7. As usual, I enjoyed watching the engagement last night. With camera crews all over the place I can not think it was very intimate. And, of course, "we" knew while watching they were already a married couple.
    With Carlin and Josie close to engagement, I hope theirs are more personal - only between them - THEN it can be annouced to "fans."

    1. I hope we get to see it as well I love this family and love that they share these moments with us. I have watched these young people grow up . Patricia

  8. Bobby must love Tori a lot to take her ring pestering in such good humor!

    1. Some of us LOVE diamonds! I don’t see Tori as pestering, she just wanted her diamonds!!

    2. I know; it was constant!!! Poor guy!

    3. Why is everyone feeling badly for Bobby because Tori was excited about her ring? I find Tori’s enthusiasm over her DIAMOND ring to be refreshingly honest. What I can’t stand is when girls “claim” they don’t really care about the ring. That’s just a lie, trying to come across as falsely modest. There are reasons songs are sung about diamonds. They are mesmerizing. Everyone stop criticizing Tori, and let her, and her diamond ring, have their time to shine.

  9. Love the comments from the other siblings about how much these engagements have become a family affair. Ratings?

  10. Wow, that girl was so fixated on the ring. Goodness, that was all she was talking about. It was a very pretty proposal spot and he is a nice boy. I just wish all that ring stuff wasn't all she was asking about. The moment, not the ring, is what the focus is. Thank goodness she got it.

    1. The ring is what it’s all about. They’ve already been to many, many pretty spots with romantic pictures. She was basically “proposed” to with the elaborate courtship beach episode. You see this is the crux of the problem with all these over-the-top courtship proposals. The girls always receive a piece of jewelry(pre-engagement ring, bracelet or necklace), in a big candlelit/beach/mountain romantic venue. By the time they finally come up with yet another over-the-top marriage proposal idea it does feel jaded..been-there-done-that-give-me-the-ring-already.

    2. Could not agree more@3:14. How many “proposals” can you go through before it’s just another “been here,done that”??

  11. Agree...Tori seemed more interested in the ring that the proposal!

    1. Diamonds are a girls best friend! Chill out. She and Bobby already knew they would be getting married. She will spend the rest of her life catering to Bobby.

    2. I like my engagement ring, but my husband is certainly a much better friend than my ring has ever been! That's a pretty shallow perspective, and Tori came across as kind of shallow in this episode. I know she loves Bobby and was excited about marrying him, but the ring seemed to be getting more attention than he did.

  12. I like how Josie told Carlin that her and Kelton are going to take it slow and not get married just yet because she is still too young,

    1. We'll have to see how long that lasts.

    2. Taking things slowly in this culture could be a marriage in 12 months versus 4 months from now.

  13. For pitty’s sake people cut Tori some slack about her excitement over her ring. I thought she was much more grateful in her exuberance than Kelly Jo when Gil gave her the new ring. She shut the box! At least Bobby knows Tori was genuinely happy about it!

  14. I did get the feeling that both Tori and Bobby just wanted to get the proposal over with, that they both knew they wanted to get married, and saw the actual proposal as just a formality, than anything else. Bobby's proposal speech came across more as if he was reciting lines, than speaking from the heart. The Bates tend to look more "natural" in front of the cameras than many of the Duggars, but not in this particular episode.

    I wonder if that's because the entire courtship process is meant to be a discerning process to find a marriage partner. Especially as the Bates approach courtship as essentially the next step after dating, not an alternative to it like the Duggars do.

    I also noticed that Josie and Kelton went on the triple date even before they were in an official courtship, yet no one really treated them as they had a different relationship status than the officially courting couples.

    So maybe the Bates see courtship as essentially pre-engagement. And so the "courtship proposal" is seen as just as important, or perhaps even more so, than the actual marriage proposal.

    1. Josie could have been courting already and they waited to announce it.. I think this happens a lot more often with Up tv and the Bates

    2. It's certainly possible that Josie was already courting, but the point is that the Bates were OK with showing her in an episode that gave the appearance that she went on a date with a guy she wasn't courting yet.

      But IMHO, while I don't recall the Bates ever using the word "dating" it seems that other than the chaperone the most recent group of young women (Tori, Carlin, Josie) essentially ARE dating or did date before courtship. They just don't call it dating.

      But maybe 10 years from now the Bates kids old enough to do so will be comfortable stating "I am dating", as dating itself is obsolete in many circles anyway. Many college kids don't go on actual dates. They hang out, go to parties, and hook up with their "friends with benefits". Ten years from now anyone who dates might be considered just as old fashioned as someone who courts.

  15. I think it was just funny and so Tori-like, how she reacted to the proposal. Can't watch it but from this written recap - I laughed. Bobby probably loves Tori like she is and didn't take offence.

  16. This one was hard to watch. Not much emotions, just a formality to get through. I really like the Bates family, so it's nice to see that they're not perfect. They have faults too but they love the Lord and each other which is what we are supposed to do!

  17. Anon at 11:17, I watched the episode, and found Tori's reaction to the ring was quite honest and spontaneous. It seemed what she saw obviously quite exceeded whatever she was expecting, and she was touched that Bobby knew her well enough to choose a ring design that she loved. It was IMHO the highlight of the episode.

  18. Tori needed to chill about asking about the ring and proposal. I have a wedding ring and no engagement ring. Getting too hung up on material things will only make her unhappy later.


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