
Friday, February 9, 2018

The 'New' Bates Family

Tori Bates, Carlin Bates, Josie Bates triple date

"It takes Tori, Carlin, and Josie about, probably two years to get ready." 
-Callie Bates

"They have to be perfect, and if one person wears a really, really good dress, they’re like, 'I can’t wear this, I’ll be ashamed!'"
-Addallee Bates

Callie's statement might be a bit of an exaggeration, but she's certainly not completely wrong. According to Zach, in the old days when eight Bates shared one bathroom, things were very different than they are now, with the"new family" having multiple bathrooms.

In this web exclusive clip from last night's episode, Tori, Carlin, and Josie prove Zach's point to be true, as they help each other get ready for their triple date.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Yes it was fun to hear Zach's remarks

  2. You’re a bright spot in my life. I wish I could be as happy as you all are..... all the time!

  3. Aww so nice for sisters to help each other get ready. Us women want to look good everyday weather going to school job or a wedding or any event or activity with the kids we want our hair to look good not mess. Me on the other hand does not have any kids 29 years old my hair is always mess when I go to program I attend a program with grown ups with special needs like me. Sat 2/10/18. Time 2:00AM

  4. I wonder how all of this is for Katie, as she's the only "big girl" who's still single in the house. I hope Carlin and Josie don't rush to get married before they're 20, so that they can all take time to adjust to the changes.

  5. I hope that Carlin and Josie both get engaged and married this year! I hope that Tori, Carlin and Josie all have babies next year. And that Whitney has another one. And that Michaela will have a baby this year!

  6. How can going from one bathroom to several make them a "new family?" They just have extra needed bathrooms. Or are you talking about attitudes? Was patience running thin and now they are more relaxed? That comment doesn't make sense to me.

    1. I think Zack was just referring to his family as the “new family” after he left. Things changed for them after he was out of the house. I am sure he would have enjoyed having more bathrooms while he was growing up. I would imagine there was always someone at the door rushing you before they had the extra bathrooms. I don’t think he meant it actually changed the family itself. It just made things more convenient.

    2. I think what they mean by "new family" is one with a lot less kids at home. Just my guess though. I was confused by that as well.

    3. He's referring to the family dynamics when he was growing up there compared to what it is now with a different batch of older girls. Listen to the clip again.

    4. I think Zach is just commenting on something many Bates fans have noticed themselves; that the Bates are a lot closer to mainstream society now, than when he was a child. They have more money and more space. Less need to sacrifice anything for the sake of their beliefs.

      I also noticed Carlin openly discussed "three girls DATING at the same time". But it used to be that the Bates only courted, like the Duggars. Apparently it's now fine for them to date, and courtship is just what you do AFTER you date around and find someone you're compatible with.

      Even before this clip, I've wondered if the older Bates children, who grew up with far fewer luxuries and a far stricter approach to romantic relationships, ever resent their younger siblings for being able to live a more "normal" life. So I wasn't surprised or confused at all about Zach's comment about the "new Bates".

  7. Another black box covering video clip so I couldn't see it.

    1. Anon 1:15 I have it too almost every time. It starts out showing 2 seconds of the video and then switches to black while I can still hear it. So so annoying! It's something with uptv that it does this. When it comes to the Duggars blog I can SEE and hear any TLC clips. So I don't know what uptv is doing different but it's not working.

  8. I was wondering the same thing?

  9. Can one of the Bates' girls tell me what brand of dress Tori was wearing when she got engaged--the green empire waist floral maxi dress? I absolutely LOVE IT!


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