
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Triple Bates Date

Tori Bates, Carlin Bates, Josie Bates

Tomorrow's one-hour special of Bringing Up Bates is all about Tori and Bobby.

The engagement ring is burning a hole in Bobby's pocket, but he still hasn't come up with the perfect proposal plan, so he turns to Gil and Kelly for advice. Later, the three newest Bates couples (Tori Bates and Bobby Smith; Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart; and Josie Bates and Kelton Balka) head out on the town for a triple date.

Tori and Bobby, Josie and Kelton, Carlin and Evan Bates couples

Photographer friend Taryn Yager joins the couples for a photo shoot.

Tori Bates and Bobby Smith

Tori Bates and Bobby Smith

But that's not all. As we saw in the preview clip earlier today, Bobby has another surprise up his sleeve. A little while later, Bobby surprises Tori during the school day and takes her on a special adventure that might just end with a ring!

Photos courtesy of UP,


  1. Were the three couples allowed to go out without chaperones?

    1. Well they have the camera men and each other, so I don't think they really need anyone else.

    2. I think they are each others’ chaperones as siblings often play that role. Also, looks like thw film crew was there! ;)

    3. I believe they were each other’s chaperones. Lol!

    4. i would think that they would each hold themselves accountable first of all, but the girls have all chaperoned for each other in the past so them all together probably would pass. they way these girls are, i cant see them doing something that would be disappointing, nor can i see any of the guys doing anything disrespectful

    5. A triple date and there aren't enough chaperones between them?

    6. They are chaperones of each other!

    7. I would hope that Gil and Kelly trust their children's moral foundation enough that if the couple chose not to have chaperones, they should be allowed. They have said that each couple chooses their own dating/courtship rules, so I would hope Gil and Kelly would trust the decisions of their adult and near adult children.

    8. I believe it was Gil who addressed the chaperone issue during the episode! He said the girls WERE each others chaperones. Listen a little closer guys lol!

    9. 8:20 pm: No need to be rude. When this blog was posted, the show hadn't aired yet. How could we know what Gil was going to say! No need to tell us to "listen a little closer".

  2. Lily & Ellie any news of a courtship with the guys? Time 8:22PM

    1. What do you think?

    2. If there was we would have been told.

    3. Neddy, the news about the guys will come when something's happening, asking all the time isn't gonna make it come any faster. Sorry, I don't want to come across as mean, I know it will be exciting when it does happen, but I'm just saying the truth.

    4. They might be considered each others chaperones.

    5. 9:25, you didn’t need to say it at all. Lily and Ellie have complete control over every comment that gets through so obviously they don’t mind Neddy asking. “Just saying the truth” is nothing more than a person saying “I’m not trying to be offensive, racist, jusdgemental,etc” followed by the offensive, racist or judgemental statement. And Neddy I agree..those young men have taken long enough. Let’s have some courtships already—LOL!!

    6. Neddy
      You have ALWAYS been so sweet and respectful.In fact, this was the first blog that I ever looked at. Your comment that day, was the first comment that I ever responded to. In a world so full of judgement, hateful behavior, condescending, narssasistic, better than you attitudes. You, my dear are a breath of fresh air and You and your sweet Christian ways,give me a hope for a new generation. Please keep saying what is on your heart. What you have to say, is just as valid as anyone and more valuable than some. Bullies don't have to be face to face. In fact, it's cowardly to troll in search of innocence. I usually look for your comments. They lift me up and show God's grace in you. Bless You and your Mom. You are precious and You are Loved.

  3. The show is so far behind: I remember seeing picture of this triple date in the summer... We're in february now and so much has already changed.

    1. They just finished filming in December after Tori's wedding. The triple date was in October not in the summer.

    2. So Tori was only engaged for three months then? October to December is not much time to plan an elaborate wedding.

  4. The resemblances between these young men are striking. They look like they could be brothers.

    1. Didn’t notice that...but they do look a lot alike. Even more so then the sisters do in this photo.

    2. I think so too.

    3. If I knew that 3 of them were siblings, but not who I would guess Bobby, Evan, and Carlin

    4. 5:00 AM... I noticed a long,long time ago that the boyfriends/husbands could pass for relatives, some more than others! For starters, they're mostly all tall, dark and handsome... meaning all brunettes. I think the only one that appears on the shorter side is Carlin's boyfriend Evan. Husbands John, Chad, Bobby and boyfriends Kelton and Evan could all pass for brothers. Lawson and Trace could pass for THEIR brothers too! All the husbands and bf's looks enough like Kelly that she could pass for their mom! Now Gil, Zach and Nathan? Not so much lol!

    5. It's interesting that all the Bates ladies all chose men who are dark haired, square-jawed, and large foreheads. Perhaps it may be that the ladies all have a similar quality among themselves that attract these kind of men. Physically, women with powerfully distinct feminine features attract men with powerfully distinct masculine features.

  5. I love that these young adult couples are allowed to hold hands, hug, and get close to one another before marriage. I can not imagine marrying someone I have never even touched.

    1. I agree that their relationships seem more natural and loving. Some of the Duggar relationships have seemed forced and maybe one-sided interest. I just wonder if the rules and pressure of being on television takes away from seeing the chemistry. The bates couples seem genuinely well-matched or equal in affection towards each other.

    2. I'm not sure what you're referring to about the Duggars, Casey. Each couple I've seen on the show has been very lovey-dovey, cow-eyed, whatever you want to call it, during their courtships/engagements, and then after they've been married a little while it fades. But none of the relationships have seemed forced. They've all seemed to be genuinely in love with each other.

    3. Casey- I think the Bates are just naturally more demonstrative and generally more at ease in front of the cameras. The Duggars seem to be more reserved and less comfortable with filming and they do tend to come across as being forced and scripted. Hopefully, they are not really that way in private.

    4. Anon 7:14, I agree with what you said. I hope they all have happy marriages and relationships.

  6. Josie's right hand looks swollen, like it's injured.

  7. I agree with those who think the Bates are overall more comfortable "performing" in front of the cameras. Erin and Lawson have musical careers that involve performing even when they're not on the TV show.

    I also think that the Duggars see courtship as more of a discernment period when you're supposed to still "guard your heart" somewhat until you're sure the person is compatible as a spouse in terms of common values, interests, etc. Note how Joe and Kendra didn't say "I love you" until after engagement.

    On the other hand, the Bates seem to see the period BEFORE courtship as the time for discernment, and find it perfectly natural to indulge loving feelings during courtship. AFAIK the Bates rules about physical contact aren't any different after engagement, the couples hug and hold hands as soon as the courtship begins. But the Duggars don't hold hands until after engagement.

    So I can certainly understand why the Duggars seem more reserved about their courting relationships compared to the Bates.


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