
Friday, February 2, 2018

Whitney the Working Mom

Last night on Bringing Up Bates, we watched Whitney Bates meet with Justin, her boss at Bailey & Co. Real Estate. She is excited about her new career but needs some guidance in order to get started. In the web exclusive clip below, she pays another visit to Justin to learn how to start her first listing.

Photo courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates; video courtesy of UP


  1. Whitney looks so great in that pink top! I see Carlin is wearing a dress similar to the ones Erin wears now. Are they all the same brand? Would love to know where to purchase these dresses.

    1. Neesee’s Dresses!

    2. Try Neesee's dresses. I know those are very similar, if not the same thing.

  2. I think this is wonderful. You don't have to be a stay at home mom to be a good mom. You can be a wonderful mom and have a career too. We should celebrate all good moms regardless of their choice to stay home full time or to work. Good for Whitney!

  3. So proud of Whitney!

  4. Awww I just love Whitney! Would love if you could find out what she does as far as diet and exercise....she is absolutely stunning!!!

  5. Congrats Whitney ones ever to old or to young to follow their dreams. Time 8:02PM

  6. Where’s the “Zach the Working Dad” post?

    1. I agree, to a degree, that the title is sexist, but you have to consider the social context. The Bates Family women in general do not work outside of the home once they become mothers (and in most cases before motherhood, are limited to childcare positions). They are considered to be first and foremost mothers and work is secondary. The video does mention how she combines her role as a mother in respect to her new job, so the title is correct.

    2. Zach's work has been covered multiple times.

    3. They've already done posts about Zachs job, stop trying to start something.

  7. Please be cautious in hugging the boss. She's a very attractive woman.

    1. So only ugly women don’t need to be cautious while hugging their boss??

    2. Red flags went off for me. I have heard too many stories of how things started off as 100% innocent only to turn out bad. I hope Zach and Whitney have put up some pretty big hedges for their marriage. I would feel uncomfortable with Justin if I was Zach. Again, not saying anything, but I have heard too many stories. Hope they are protecting their marriage.

    3. Anon at 3:56:
      I know many married people would never be alone with anyone unrelated of the opposite sex, Mike Pence famously has that rule. However since some film crew obviously filmed this scene, Whitney wasn't actually alone with Justin.

      I certainly didn't get any vibe out of this scene that Justin has some ulterior motive for meeting with Whitney. That's pretty uncharitable to him. And to Whitney too, it insinuates she didn't get the job on her own merits. Of course there are men who abuse their power over women, there have been enough stories about that recently. But I'm not so cynical as to assume ALL men are like that. Or that ALL pretty women only succeed in business because their male bosses are pigs.

    4. Good point@3:52. It shows the ignorance of the OP. Adultery doesn’t happen because of attractive women. Adultery happens because two willing adults decide to go outside their marriage vows for intimacy. It has absolutely nothing to do with attractiveness or whether a woman works outside the home or not. I am an older Christian woman who has been in Church her whole life. And believe me adultery is within every church pew, choir, and denomination by both men and women, working and non-working, young and old. It’s a tragic reality that sadly the Church as a whole still likes to bury their head in the sand and make excuses for the men while still (in general) blame/shame the women for being “to attractive, enticing, short hemline, to much make-up etc). There needs to be equal responsibility and accountability on all sides.

    5. I agree. I'm sure he's a nice man but like you said she's an attractive woman. Any women should be cautious hugging their male boss. He's still a man and if you embrace him it might light the fire in him.I know how goofy that sounded. It seemed totally innocent and out of gratitude. Boundaries are good. A hand shake would have been fine. This subject could also go into clients. Some women take offense to a women hugging their guy.

    6. There's nothing wrong with having boundaries and safeguards in place. It's better to be what some might think of as "too cautious" than to have regrets or even just uncomfortable working situations.

    7. It is strange for her to hug him, unless he's maybe a relative or good friend of the family. Things should always be kept professional at work.

    8. Hugs should not be part of the workplace.
      IT KIND of bothered me. Innocent? YES
      Professional? NO

    9. They don't show the hug in this clip. And I don't get UP. But I agree with the others on here that the workplace should remain professional, and a handshake is the way to go.

    10. I have to agree with those who thought the hugging with the male boss was being a bit odd. No one that I know of does this, in less they are perhaps family related. You would not see a teacher hugging the principal, or someone hugging their receptionist. I just see "caution" all over this. So many smiles and stuff. It almost seemed a bit flirtatious. Whitney does look great, which can sometimes elevate ones confidence and some start thinking the grass is greener. It happened with my own mother, which is why I see "red flags".

  8. Does Addelle have a speech issue? Not trying to be mean, just curious.

    1. I remember reading that Adalee has a hearing impairment, and I think that effects her speech. I had a severely hearing impaired friend when I was a child, and her speech sounded like a more extreme version of Adalee’s speech.

    2. More and more I find myself thinking the same thing. It almost sounds as though she has hearing problems which translate to unclear speech. I know she had problems at birth and maybe this is a repercussion of that.

  9. Silly to have "Zach the Working Dad". In this culture "Whitney the Working Mom" is worthy of a post because it is so unusual.

  10. I am sad at how much the Bates and Duggars have changed. Their values are all going out the window. I was hoping it would not be this way. But it won’t be long and there won’t be much for people to watch because they are no different then anyone else. Their clothes , make up and hair. And now everything they are doing. I will say money has changed them.

    1. How, exactly, is a woman working as realtor "throwing values out the window"? If Whitney can juggle and enjoy both worlds of being a mother and having a career, more power to her! And as far as physical appearances, the Bates are a far cry from going off the rails in that department.

    2. Anonymous 1:47 Really? You feel that a person taking employment outside the home is proof of values diminishing? Or they should still be wearing those dresses they wore 10 years ago? Just what about "everything they are doing" means they have changed their values?

    3. What does this have to do with this post?

    4. At least the Bates girls still dress modestly. That is honestly hard to come by on television. Their family still loves one another. They have always been an outgoing family with a good sense of style. I don't really see how money has changed them. They're still the same amazing family they were before.

    5. I think it’s admirable that they can change up their routine a little bit but still have the same core beliefs and values. Those haven’t changed, even with their new clothes or with Whitney working. It just shows that you don’t have to be completely detached from modern times and still be a faithful Christian.

    6. You are not their judge.

    7. I don’t think their values have changed, I just think their styles have changed. It is unwise to judge people based on appearances.

    8. Just keep in mind Whitney was not raised a Bates and has already said that she doesn’t share their convictions.

    9. So if a wife has to work outside the home to help support her family she is ungodly? What kind of church/faith do you belong to? That doesn’t sound like a true religion. Being a Mom involves many different responsibilities— sometimes those which include helping her family financially. Seriously, I would recommend all the Bates/Duggar women to get jobs outside the home. If only for precautionary measures. What would happen if their husbands would pass away? And they would be left with multiple children to feed? It’s good for them to have a job to turn to: for health benefits, income, etc. it certainly doesn’t make them ungodly or not Christian. To me, these two are a big inspiration. Whitney is beautiful and modest; knows her own mind and didn’t sit back and act silly while her husband does all the work. She puts an effort into her marriage and is working right alongside with him. Exactly what I picture a “helpmeet” to be. I pray God opens your mind and enlightens you with truth.

    10. Completely agree 1:47! They have changed so much.

  11. What about their clothes, makeup, and hair means their values have changed? Did you know that man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart? 1 Samuel 16:7

    1. Yes, but what's in the heart comes out as good fruit or bad fruit and by that we can tell if a person is serving the Lord or themselves. "By these fruits ye shall know them". Yes God sees the heart, but what comes to the outside or as our "appearance" is an indication to us as mankind what the "real" heart is inside. Very easy!

    2. 8:55- Sounds like you have a pretty air-tight system there for sizing up whether or not someone ELSE is "serving the Lord." You see, your Biblical interpretations are just that... YOURS. I think you should worry more about yourself, rather than what others look like on the outside.

    3. I agree with you 8:55!

  12. Congratulations on your job. Patricia

  13. Do the duggars have any values the bates are a lovely christian family who love our precious saviour

  14. I agree with the OP and have stopped watching the Bates for that reason. Whitney originally said she chose to wear skirts/dresses after she and Zach sat down with Gil and Kelly before she married Zach. Now she's wearing pants, short dresses/skirts, and taking precious time away from her babies just to sell houses. It feels like she only agreed so they could get married. The older Bates girls from Alyssa down also have the shorter/tighter dresses and skirts. And, of course, we know Alyssa is very secular now. Very sad.

    1. What's sad is that you find it in your heart to judge people over what they choose to wear and whether or not a mother works outside the home. I doubt they are seeking your approval anyway.

    2. Feel free to disagree with the choices of Whitney and Alyssa, but I think it's going too far to assume that if a woman is wearing pants or working for pay, that automatically means she is not devoted to God and has become "secular". Last I checked, nowhere in the Bible does it say "women should not work outside the home" or "women should not wear pants". Many devout Christian women do both.

      Now, the Bible does caution against immodesty and of passing oneself off as the other gender, but it is silent about pants. Probably because no one, men or women, actually wore pants back then, they all wore robes. Yet no one demands modern men walk around in robes, and state that if they wear pants they must be "secular".

    3. It is very sad to see Whitney taking this role. It rubbed me very wrong the way her and that man(attractive man her age) interacted. She was all dolled up, and sadly it’s fairly obvious she cares a lot about her looks. Say what you want, but outward appearance does matter. If you spend tons of time on how you look, it just shows where priorities lie. I think she’s skating in thin ice. I also watche a live thing they did and how she sat her legs next to Lawson, it just bothers me. We are to set an example. I don’t see a modest, reverent, Christ like Christian, I see a woman caught up in the glitter of the world. Ugh. We need higher standards. I mean am I the only one that sees the red flag??? To the author of this blog, what’s your opinion or do you just run the blog neutral? Christianity needs help, we need to put Christ first.

    4. are definitely working over time to criticize and “see” what is not there. Whitney is a lovely example of a Godly wife, mother and business woman. As for being “dolled” up and caring about her appearance..good for her! I spend time on my appearance with diligent intense workouts and doing my hair and make-up everyday as well. I’m Kelly Jo’s age. It’s called self-respect, not pride. She sat her legs next to Lawson? Don’t even fully understand how you “sit” your legs next to someone as I assume she was just sitting her whole body down next to her brother-in-law. Instead of looking for what is not there why not look at Whitney’s wonderful qualities?, my dear Church Lady, is why I stopped going to Church.

    5. LOL@8:37!! I read the post too where they said Whitney sat her legs next to Lawson and thought “didn’t the rest of her go with them”? I can’t even imagine trying that hard to disparage another persons character. What a bitter life the poster must live.

  15. I think it's great that Whitney has a job that she enjoys. There is nothing wrong or un-Christian or lacking in values about having a job.

    Personally, I think it's important that women have the skills to support themselves and their children, and a good understanding of finances. My grandmother was a very devout Christian. She was a housewife who was widowed with young children and she had no idea how to get a job or balance a checkbook or anything. Later in life she was very insistent that her daughter and granddaughters finish school and get jobs so they would have those skills to fall back in if they needed.

    And even if Whitney doesn't "need" to work, if she enjoys it, I don't see anything wrong with it. Her kids are clearly very loved and well taken care of.

  16. It's disappointing how far the Bates family has moved from their values and standards. I'm praying they will be convicted by the Lord to remove themselves from tv and refocus their attention on important things.

  17. Wow, I’m surprised! This clip really surprised me. I feel she should focus on her family. Lots of bad things happen when women step out of their God given roles. Bible clearly teaches a women to stay home a guide the house. If she wants extra money, she should work from home where she can be with kids. She could babysit, or other things like that. Ttbe Bates are slowly conforming to world more and more and the girls are quite into their attire and hair andd faces, bitbto the extreme. It’s fine to look nice but when does it get over the top as a Christian? A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

  18. I too am concerned. Before I saw the video, I figured her boss would be old and gray. I was shocked to see this young handsome man behind the desk, but I went in viewing the video. As I watched I started thinking this could be trouble. When I read the comments I soon saw that others were concerned as well. I am in my 40's and have seen a lot of heartbreak regarding scenarios such as this. This could start off so innocent, but all it takes is trouble to brew at home. When I was in my 30's I remember a lady saying how someone had told her when you are young, married, with young ones at home. Stay home and be there for your family. It protects you from temptation. That is great to have dreams and aspirations to help others. However as a mom, your first ministry is to your family. I pray that this does not turn out bad for Whitney and her precious family. From what I saw on the video it looks too dangerous.


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