
Friday, March 9, 2018

Bates Fan File: Episode 710

It's Friday, which means I have another Bates Fan File clip for y'all! For those who were able to watch last night's new episode of Bringing Up Bates, what did you think?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I wonder if a girl already caught Trace's eye and confined in Kelly about it and thats why she said that.

  2. I was shocked at how Tori acted in regard to her wedding cake. I don't care if she eats it or not, her sweet Aunt is making a cake for her and Tori was so disrespectful. She acted like she couldn't care less about the cake. The cake is usually the gift to the bride from the Aunt (or has been in the past) and a little more enthusiasm would have been nice. I know this post will not be posted because it's not 100% positive, but I just had to comment. Time to grow up Tori!

    1. These children are all always living in the spot light now and that can't be easy. What right do we have to their reactions positive, negative or nothing? If we are arm chair critics we are getting delusional about our 'influence' in their world.

    2. I liked Ellie's review of the last two shows. You really work hard at keeping up with the Bates! And help us too!

    3. The guys got super competitive! Hilarious, oh, and Lawson and Nathan are great big brothers.

    4. I agree, mo. If she is so uninterested, they should have had a very small wedding or eloped. As obsessed as she was with getting the ring, you'd think she'd be more interested in the wedding. You could see the aunt was hurt.

    5. I thought it was very immature of her to act that way. Shame on you Tori.

    6. There's a line between being honest and being rude, and Tori crossed it many times during that scene. Okay, we get the point, she and Bobby are happy to just sit back and let everyone else plan their wedding. But even if she personally didn't care much about the details, she could have shown more gratitude to her aunts for doing the work. Especially if they are volunteering their professional services, that means time they could have spent on some paid job.

      At least from this episode, I got a very disturbing sense of "entitlement" from Tori in this episode. Not as bad as the kind of Bridezilla who turns into a demanding tyrant who wants everything just so. But not that much better, IMHO.

  3. I felt Tori should have been a little more interested! Not everyone gets to have s big church wedding.☺

  4. Awesome job, Ellie. I'd just suggest you place your seat in a more interesting area, say in a sitting area with side table with a lamp and plant, or similar. Also you looking at the side to read the prompter. I wonder if it's possible for UP to provide you with a teleprompter that means you're looking directly at the camera. As you get used to it I'm sure it'll all roll a little more naturally. Great opportunity for you and you do it well.

    1. I thought the same things.

    2. Ellie I have a question for the Bates. I know they homeschool their kids where can you find affordable homeschools

    3. 10:43- Try google. There are many free homeschoolng resources available online. I know the state where I live provides this information on its government website. Many public school districts also offer this same service.

    4. 10:43 - Look up the Easy Peasy website - it's all free, and can be a good place to start.

  5. I sincerely hope by this time the Bates family is no longer enabling Tori and Bobby to opt out of responsibilities that are rightfully theirs. This part of the show was difficult to watch, and so was the engagement episode and the courting one for the same reasons.

  6. Ellie
    You have some resemblance to Kate Middlton!!

  7. You look like Jessa!

  8. why do they contuie to focous on finding a girl friend for their son? Why not encourage him to get an education and social skills? Seems Tracie did not make the team because he never played sports before in a group of men that is not is own brothers?

    1. They didn’t say anything about finding a girlfriend for their son. They were asked which son may find a girlfriend next. Kelly just said most likely Trace since he is surrounded by girls at college.. so obviously he is in college right now getting an education.

    2. I didn't get the feeling at all that the Bates themselves are trying to "find a girl friend for their son". Gil certainly doesn't seem that focused on such things. I think they may have been asked by the show producers to mention it, because they know the "who is courting next" question gets asked by many fans. So maybe the fans should be asked why they find it more important that the Bates boys get girlfriends than get educated.

  9. I'm a little confused-does Trace board at college? It sounded like he hasn't seen Lawson or Nathan since their mission to Puerto Rico.
    Tori needs to take a more proactive role in her and Bobby's wedding. After all, they're the ones who asked for it to be moved up.
    I got a kick out of the boys baking a cake for Isaiah's birthday. Thought it was great that they sat around together afterward.

    1. Nathan said he hadn’t been home for a while. He was working out of state. Lawson has been going back and forth to Nashville. Trace is busy with college, so they haven’t had good quality time together in a while.

    2. That scene was quite obviously staged to allow for some "flashback footage" of the mission trip to be shown. Not the best example of acting ability by the Bates boys. And unnecessary, really. Lawson and Nathan could have just sat down on the couch and spoken directly to the audience, instead of pretending "our own brother has no idea what we've been doing with our lives recently, and we have to give him an update on national TV". Same for Trace updating his brothers on how his basketball team tryouts went.

      This isn't meant as critique of the Bates themselves, just the way the show decided to give the fans this information.

    3. Yes, that was definitely staged. Too hard to believe that Trace wouldn't know what was going on with his own brothers until then.

  10. Come on Tori! I was cringing during the "cake" part. Show some gratitude for what everyone is doing for your wedding.

  11. I cannot get your update to show up. All I get is a black screen when I cle k on the arrow. ☹️

    1. Hi,

      What browser are you using? I recommend trying another browser and updating your Adobe Flash Player.

      Let me know if that helps,

  12. I'm glad that Nathan and Lawson helped people out in a time of dire need, but it pained me to see that they planned it out for the cameras and made sure to look good. You should do good works just to do them, not to show off.

    For such church going people, the Bates need to brush up on their Bible:
    Matthew 6: "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

    2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

    1. Just because they took pictures of their good works doesn't mean they're doing it only for attention. They have gone in numerous other trips to do good where they have not been on camera.

    2. That quote is directed at the Pharisees and others who not only announce their good deeds, they do so ONLY "to be honored by others" and don't actually care about the poor and needy, hence they are hypocrites. I can think of some companies that actually spent more money on commercials about their charitable efforts than the actual efforts. Then you can certainly be suspicious about the motivation.

      But these two young men are not running a for-profit corporation. I'd want to be very sure that I can read their hearts before I accuse them of only caring about a photo op.

      And there is actually something very good that can happen when a public person publicizes works of charity; it inspires others to follow in their footsteps.

  13. I don't understand what the point of the fan file is, if it's just a recap.


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