Friday, March 16, 2018

Bates Go Skiing in CO

Lawson Bates and Nathan Bates skiing Granby Colorado
 Lawson Bates and Nathan Bates, Granby Ranch 2018

This week, some of the Bates are at Granby Ranch in Granby, Colorado, enjoying a ski vacation. And their good friends the Duggars are there, as well!

The Bates family went skiing for the first time last year at Virginia's Massanuten Resort, and now they're ready to take on the Rockies.

Bates family, skiing in Virginia 2017

Photos courtesy, UP


  1. I still think nathan and jana would match up perfectly....even despite the fact she is a few years older.

    1. One problem with any Duggar-Bates courtship, will be the need to negotiate which network will have the rights to air it on TV. That's why the Bates haven't gotten air time on Counting On since they got their own show. This ski trip, if aired, will likely only be on one show and the other family will be edited out.

      I doubt either family would reject a potential courtship just based on this worldly concern. But they'd probably want to be 100% sure the courtship would work out (as the Duggars have had 1 "failed" courtship and the Bates two so far).

      If something ever happens, there will probably be a VERY short televised courtship on whichever network gets the rights. Unless, of course, a couple of the younger kids such as Judson and Josie get together. Probably by then, at least one of the shows will be long over with.

    2. I don’t see their personalities matching at all.

    3. The point of courtship is to get to know the other person better, to ask the hard questions, and see IF they should go forward in the relationship. A courtship that ends is NOT failed... it's actually a success. It has saved the couple from entering into a marriage that will eventually end in divorce. So, the 2 courtships and 1 engagement that you speak of... they were not failures at all.

    4. Anon at 5:56AM: I actually agree with you (though I don't know of any broken engagements). I posted "failed" courtship with "failed" in quotes because I wasn't sure how else to describe them.

      However there is still somewhat of a stigma if someone has a courtship that didn't end in marriage. Especially for girls. Notably, where the Bates and Duggars are concerned, so far it's only boys in the families who have ended courtships before marriage.

      But I do think a Bates - Duggar courtship has higher stakes in terms of the TV shows, so I doubt they would make the early stages public. As thankfully the shows have really stayed away from the dramatic soap opera type surprises that many other "Reality" shows thrive on. When Ashley and Nathan's courtship ended there was no dramatic breakup scene. Some shows would have staged one just for the drama.

    5. I don't see Jana with any of the Bates boys. She's a woman, they are boys.

    6. I see the point. Dating carries less of a stigma. You can just stop dating, but you need to end a courtship.

  2. I like how Nathan and Lawson are so close:) What a great vacation!

  3. I wish I was home in Denver I would have like to see you guys. But I am visiting Arizona.

  4. I'm so glad you all got together again, gave fun and be safe. I love these families

  5. Is that Erin? She is so close to her due date I cannot believe she flew and got on skis.

    1. The picture Erin is in is from 2017 when the family went skiing in Virginia, as stated below the picture.

    2. The second picture is from 2017

    3. If you notice the caption says the trip Erin went to was in 2017

    4. Yeah though that photo with her in was last year, it says 2017.

    5. That photo is from 2017 :)

    6. the bottom picture is from 2017

    7. That picture is from 2017. :)

    8. She was still pregnant at that point, at least 3 months...

  6. Time 2:47PM
    Sking sounds fun I never done that. The Bates & The Duggar family had fun.

  7. Was last year- says 2017 in Virginia

  8. Love the Bates. But please with the skirts over ski pants? Cmon.

    1. So last year; no skirts this year👍

    2. I know 🙈 not even the Duggars do that

    3. It's cute that why. The Bates can wear what they want.
      Do be so mean Anonymous at 9:26aam.

    4. Hey, sounds like a great way to get an extra layer of warmth over that area!

    5. I don't think wearing skirts over ski pants is about modesty. Most ski pants are bulky enough to hide any curves. I think it's more about making sure no one ever mistakes a woman for a man. As there is a Bible verse forbidding women to dress like men, and vice versa, I think that's only about deliberate attempts to fool others. But some interpret that as "don't ever do anything that could make someone confused as to if you're man or a woman".

    6. The Bible was referring to cross-dressing, transvestites, etc.


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