
Thursday, March 22, 2018

'Fixin' For New Beginnings' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Fixin' For New Beginnings"

  • Chad, who has recently started his own construction business, is working with Roy, a local contractor. Roy has purchased a dilapidated house, and he and Chad are going to flip it. “Now that he’s doing what he loves, there’s just a whole new light in his eyes,” says Erin of Chad.
  • “I’m hoping and kind of dreaming that Erin and I can work together on one day flipping houses together,” says Chad.
  • The Paines go over to the log cabin style flip house to check it out. Erin is looking forward to helping with the design aspect.
  • When all the work is done, the house looks incredible, like a luxury vacation home. Roy asks Erin to stage it to sell, and it’s not long before they have interested buyers.
  • Zach and Whitney sign the papers to purchase their first home. “I can’t believe it,” says Whitney. “It doesn’t even feel real.” The house needs a lot of work, but they’re excited to start this new journey.
  • Zach and Whitney take Bradley and Kaci over to the new house to start planning their renovations. They want to tear down a few walls, install new floors, and redo the kitchen. Their budget is $15,000, and they hope to finish the project in six weeks.
  • Later, Lawson, Jackson, Warden, and Isaiah come over to help with demolitions. “There’s nothing been built to this day that my family can’t tear up,” says Zach. “And not only can we tear stuff up, we absolutely love to do it.”
  • They run into a bit of an issue when they discover that the bathroom floor is sagging, but Zach adds some supporting beams and easily fixes the problem. “I think it’s plenty strong enough now,” he says. “You could park a Mack truck in there.”
  • Several weeks later, the house is ready for move-in! Zach and Whitney are very happy with how everything turned out.
  • “As the family grows, also the talents, the abilities, and different things that come to the table also grows,” says Chad. “I like to think of maybe what might happen in the future, just around the corner.”


  1. This was such a great episode!!!!!

  2. I'm probably the odd ball for thinking this but seeing Whitney wear a skirt doing construction was a little bizarre. We know she wears pants yet she still apparently feels she has to wear skirts when on camera.

    1. Yeah, I agree, weird. It seems to suggest that there's something wrong with wearing pants...

    2. If the Duggar girls help their husband/brothers in construction work they would still be wearing skirts

    3. She's stated before that she wears skirts around his family to be respectful of their beliefs. Though I agree. The one time you don't want to wear a skirt is during construction. Not from a dirt perspective but for safety. I wouldn't wear shorts either. Thick pants, eye wear, and work boots. But maybe I'm old fashioned.

    4. Although it was a mini skirt.

    5. I doubt Whitney wore skirts for the whole reno. I think she was just deferring to her in-laws for the sake of the cameras, essentially treating herself as a "guest" on the show the same as she is a guest when visiting their house. And I've seen the Bates daughters do a lot of things wearing skirts that most people wouldn't, such as water-skiing.

    6. Anon@6:49 I agree that she does show respect for her in-laws by wearing skirts when at their home. However, this is HER home with Zach so the in-laws should be respectful of her choices in her own home. But Whitney and Zach are adults and can certainly show their respect in what ever way they choose. And I DO admire them for having that respect for their parents.

    7. I agree it is her home and if she wants to wear a dress so be it

  3. Time 11:50PM

  4. A realtor, plumber, electrician, carpenter/construction worker, interior decorator, and pilot. Let’s see. A family business to fly people in and out of luxury vacation homes? Nice to see some of these adults with education and work ethics.

    1. I really think the Bates are so great. They have allowed their kids to find jobs that suit them and find those jobs on their own. It helps to make a better rounded adult.

  5. This has been my favorite episode - far better than all the wedding and courtship shows! I think it is important to show how these couples are planning for their futures far beyond a reality television show. Such wisdom! I love that each couple plans their own family's future based on their personal dreams and goals and not Gil's.

  6. Who holds the health/life insurance?

  7. Well, the Bates are not as well known as the Duggars and haven't had a show for as long, and they had a brief stint before on TLC that didn't last. So I'm sure they're aware that the TV money is not something to rely on and could stop coming at any time. (Pretty sure the Duggar themselves also know, too, since they also spent some time in limbo between their two shows).


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