
Thursday, March 8, 2018

'Icing on the Cakes' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Icing on the Cakes"

  • Nathan, who has been down in Texas doing flight training with a program called ALERT, is back home for the first time in several weeks. He and Lawson and Trace drive over to the Bates' ranch to ride horses.
  • Trace shares the results of his recent college basketball tryouts. He wasn’t chosen, but he made it to the final round and was one of four guys to be cut at the very end.
  • “After getting cut from the team, of course I was a little disappointed just not making it,” says Trace. “I went and talked to the coach, and he was really nice to me. He said, ‘Look, you play hard and you have a really nice shot, but unfortunately, your lack of experience really hurt you.’” The coach gave him the title of team manager and is allowing him to practice with the team, in hopes that he will make the cut next year.
  • Lawson and Nathan tell Trace about their recent humanitarian trip to Puerto Rico. It had been two weeks since the hurricane touched down, and they were the first ones to deliver food and water to people living in a certain remote mountain area.
  • Kelly predicts that Trace will be the first of the three single guys to start a relationship, since Lawson and Nathan are so busy. “Trace is sitting in a prime position at college because is surrounded by very sweet, like-minded girls,” says the mom of 19. Gil protests, laughing: “He’s just a kid. That’s dangerous. We need to get him on a flight plan or something. Don’t you want to go do something, too?”
  • Kelly assembles a wedding planning committee (sisters Kay and Kim, who do flowers and cakes professionally; wedding coordinator friend Kim; decorator Kathy; and friend Elijah, who will help assign workers to different tasks). Everyone meets at the church, Calvary Baptist.
  • The aisles will be lined with trees, courtesy of Gil’s tree service company, painted white. “Hopefully it will look like a wedding, not a forest,” says Kelly.
  • Tori and Bobby sit back while everyone else determines how many trees will be needed. “It’s kind of nice, everybody doing our wedding for us,” says Tori.
  • Next on the agenda is figuring out the cake. Tori says she doesn’t care about the specifics, as long as it looks good. There are lots of decisions to make in a short period of time, and Tori isn't eager to make them. “Tori and focused, those are two words that don’t go together,” says Gil.
  • “I’m very thankful for my mom and all of my family, pitching in so much,” says Tori.
  • Later, Kelly travels down to Florida to babysit Allie Jane and Lexi while Alyssa and John go on vacation. She is bummed to have to miss Isaiah’s 13th birthday, so she plans him a fun laser tag party to make up for it. A family comes over to the house with a bunch of gear and transforms the yard into a laser tag war zone. 
  • Gil, the Bates boys, and a few friends have a blast. “These guys get really charged up about shooting each other,” says Gil. After the competition, they sit down to encourage Isaiah and discuss goals for his upcoming year.


  1. Kelly, Kay, Kim, Kim, Kathy and Elijah; That's quite the wedding planning committee, but one of these names is not like the others. lol, I kid. I feel for Kelly, it would be hard for me to miss a single birthday of any of my children. It sounds like she made sure he had a very fun birthday while she was away.

  2. Time 1:12AM Fri 3/9/18
    Well that was long nice to recap.

  3. I would be EXTREMELY surprised if Trace ever dated one of those “sweet, like-minded” college girls. All the Bates’ spouses have been connected in some form or fashion and Crown College, while ok to attend for publicity sake, is definitely a group not in that connection.

    1. Can you explain further? Do you mean politically, financially or with connections to IBLP?
      I wouldn't be surprised if Trace did court someone from Crown. The Bates feel comfortable sending their male and female children there and have nothing but good things to say about the college.
      Also, Whitney didn't have come from the same circle. Zach met her at a Sonic. I think Gil and Kelly just want their kids to be happy and find the one they're most suited for (and who also shares the same religious beliefs).

    2. Bobby went to Pensacola Christian College. I don’t think Erin’s husband went to Crown. Whitney didn’t. John didn’t go to Crown. I don’t believe any of their spouses went to Crown. Several of the Bates’s children have gone there, but they didn’t meet spouses there.

    3. You’re right, as soon as I posted this, I remembered that Whitney doesn’t have the same connections or background...but all the others seem connected in some way. Crown has never had any affiliation with IBLP, and it’s funny to me that each of the girls that have gone (Erin, Alyssa (for a hot minute), Tori, Carlin, and Josie) have all met or married guys not affiliated with Crown. Obviously they have a bigger social circle, but I know that the oldest 3 married girls married very prominent IBLP sons. And Bobby, Evan, and Kelton are all somehow interconnected friends. I guess I don’t know for sure that they have connections with IBLP, but it makes me wonder.

    4. Keltons sister took piano lessons from Erin. He met Bobby at Pensacola CC and introduced him to Tori. Evan and Carlin met at an event at another church Evan only knows the other guys through the Bates.

  4. Tori - Tori -Tori, could she have been any more bored with the wedding process? For the first time since keeping up with the Bates' family I was upset with her couldn't-care-less attitude.
    Not her finest moment!

    1. I agree; her attitude, comments and body language were bordering on rude! I felt for her Mom; since she is working hard to plan a beautiful wedding for her entitled acting daughter!

    2. Every episode recently is about an fun activity, trip or event; which is great. How about mixing in home schooling, how Zach and Whit balance her real estate and his security jobs with parenting and Gil's preaching, etc.

    3. Im pretty sure she didn’t care about planning the wedding, she just wanted to get married quickly.

    4. I felt sorry for her aunt. You could see she was hurt.

    5. I agree the attitude wasn’t the greatest but let’s also keep in mind the way footage is edited for TV. Personally, I really didn’t care about many of the details of my wedding either though. I knew that the marriage was what was important.

  5. I think Tori should have waiting to get married she's not ready. She should have waiting tell June or July of this year.

    I just hope they wait a couple of years before she has kids.

    1. What's it to you they will have children when they chose to. That's between them and GOD

    2. 10:49 -- Remember, everyone is entitled to a different opinion.

  6. I felt Tori was extremely rude to her aunt - I was not favorably impressed with her behavior.


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