
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Little Bates Girls Visit Chicago

Last week, Addallee Bates, Ellie Bates, and Callie Bates spent a few days in Chicago visiting Michael and Brandon Keilen. As always, Michael had a blast with her sisters. They went to the zoo, painted pottery, played games, and spent time chatting.

Which of the older Bates do you think Addee, Ellie, and Callie most resemble? We think Callie looks like Erin, Ellie resembles Kelly and Michael, and Addee favors Alyssa and Carlin. What are your thoughts?

Ellie Bates, Addallee Bates, Michael Bates Keilen, Brandon Keilen, Callie Bates
 Ellie Bates, Addallee Bates, Michael Bates Keilen, Brandon Keilen,
Christy Keilen (Brandon's sister), Callie Bates

 Callie, Ellie, Addee  Bates
Callie, Ellie, Addee

Ellie Bates
Ellie Bates

Photos courtesy of


  1. I think Callie looks like Nathan.
    Addee looks like Tori. And Ellie looks like Carlin.

    1. you are sooo right about callie resembling nathan! i thought i was the only one who thought it and was afraid to write it!

    2. I can see that!

  2. I think Addallee looks like Michaela, Ellie looks like Carlin, and Callie looks like Erin. I also think Katie looks like Erin. All very beautiful girls!

  3. Oh I think callie favors Alyssa and Josie!!

  4. Ellie looks EXACTLY like Carlin! And Addee looks EXACTLY like Michael!

  5. Those little Bates girls don't look so little!

  6. Having known them since seven years ago, it is really difficult to adjust seeing them so grown up. We have seen them during those years, but they just seem so big now. So glad Micheala and Brandon could enjoy this visit.

  7. Lovely girls! I’d say Callie looks most like Erin, Ellie resembles Tori, and Addee favors Michaela and Katie.

    1. You and I have the same eye. :) I totally agree with you.

  8. They're beautiful inside and out.

  9. Ellie looks like Carlin. Addee looks like Michael. Callie favors Nathan.

  10. Cute pix and thats fun for them.

  11. Love this family! With such awesome big sisters as roll models, I'm looking forward to watching the little girls grow up.

  12. Callie also really looks like Nathan!

  13. Addee looks very much like Kelly Jo - so does Isaiah
    The Bates children have very different features while resembling each other a bit.
    IMO -The four oldest boys look nothing like each other.

  14. Nice the 3 littlest girls got to spend time with Michaela and Brandon - appears they are enjoying themselves.
    . . . . . Isn't it almost time for Zoey to make her appearance? I will pray all goes well.

  15. Three cuties. The girls love visiting Michaella and Brandon.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  16. All 3 of the girls look so cute, Michela and BRANDON LOOK like they enjoy having the girls visiting them.

    That was also nice brandon's sister was visiting too. Brandon's sister looks pretty.

  17. where did they take those pidtures at? Micheal bates does not live in the city but near the headquaters of the Gothad church which is in the burds not city? What kind of work does her husband do?

  18. Addie looks like Tori!!

  19. I always thought Addee looks just like Michael, she is also starting to look the most like Kelly Jo. I used to think Ellie looked very similar to Lawson but now I think she looks like Tori. I think Callie looks like Erin and Nathan.


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