
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Paine/Webster Babymoon

Gil and Kelly Bates, Erin and Chad Paine, Alyssa and John Webster babymoon
 Gil and Kelly Bates, Erin and Chad Paine, Alyssa and John Webster
Babymoon at Epcot

To enjoy some time together as couples before the births of their daughters, Erin and Chad Paine met Alyssa and John Webster in Florida for a "babymoon." Gil and Kelly tagged along. The group of six visited Epcot at Walt Disney World, using tickets that were given to them.

Erin, who is due with Everly Hope Paine on April 28th, is almost 33 weeks along. Alyssa is expecting Zoey Joy Webster on April 2nd, which means she is 36 weeks pregnant.

If Erin and Alyssa follow their past delivery patterns, they could give birth around the same time. The Paines welcomed both Carson and Brooklyn more than three weeks early, while the Websters met Allie and Lexi within one day of their due dates. 

Photo courtesy of


  1. Why say “tickets given to them”?? They are wealthy and can certainly afford Disney World prices. They are at the Flower and Garden show at Epcot. Always pretty.

    1. Just because they can afford it, that doesn't mean people can't bless them with things.

    2. I don't know where you get the idea that they are wealthy. If you watch the show you know that Gil and the boys work. And Alyssa and John have at least two jobs a piece. smdh

    3. Anon 8:44 I think people guess way too much at how much money these families make by being on tv. I am sure it has helped them some but I doubt they are making tons of money especially when you consider how many of them they have to split the money between.

  2. Beautiful ladies! Can't wait for the birth of their daughters:)

  3. Baby moon? I’m not rich so I guess my husband and I must have missed out. We didn’t do vacations to Disney alone. We bought diapers.

    1. LOL@9:49! Same here. It was a treat to go to Dairy Queen not Disney World.

    2. I'm not sure if you meant it this way, but your comment sounds bitter

    3. Us, too! And shouldn't a "baby moon" be after the baby is born (like the honey moon is AFTER the wedding)? I'm not sue where they come up with these ideas!!!

    4. Your comment is so bitter

    5. 9:49 you sound like the same bitter person that floats between here and the Duggar blog, commenting snarky things.

    6. 6:52 The babymoon has to come before the baby comes. Once the baby is here that means months of not enough sleep and exhaustion. The babymoon gives them some time alone together before they experience life with a newborn again. If they have the money to travel, then it is a wonderful time to get away and enjoy each other’s company. Having a new baby is always hard on a marriage.

    7. @6:52 The concept of a babymoon is by no means the idea of the Bates. Many people go on trips as a couple prior to the birth of a baby and it is referred to as a Babymoon. it's meant to be about the couple, giving them the opportunity to enjoy being alone together like during their honeymoon, but before a baby. Don't be so incredibly judgmental.

    8. EPCOT is less than $100 per person, per day. They likely stayed with Alyssa, so no hotel. $200 for two adults to enjoy time with family does not require being "rich" to any extent.

    9. I never did a "baby moon" and I personally giggle at the term but I have no problem if others want to! As for Disney, well I think they live close by so they could just drive over for a day. It does not specify so perhaps the tickets were gifts from family. Disney does not have to be expensive. My cousin (manages a gas station), his mom (looks after people with disabilities), his wife (works at the gas station), and two kids all piled into a small car and drove 24-hrs straight (3 drivers, 8 hrs each) to Disney and stayed in a small hotel room and made their own meals and had a great cheap vacation. No need to be bitter! Make your life great!

    10. I guess someone is jealous that they didn't get to go to Disney too.

    11. A lot of people do babymoons, the Bates didn't come up with them

    12. They didn't come up with the idea of a babymoon. The whole idea is to have a little relaxing getaway BEFORE the baby is born. A getaway with a little baby would probably not be that relaxing! While I never got to have one before any of my babies were born, I think it's a great idea and am happy for them that they got to do it.

  4. Is Lawson in a courtship with anyone?

    1. No, they say he is "married to his music" and isn't really looking to get in a relationship at this time. He's currently pursuing his music career

  5. Why the comment about "using tickets that were given to them."? What does it matter whether they paid for the tickets or they were a gift?

    1. She is just repeating the information given to her.

    2. Because on the BATES specifically mentioned it. Thanks for mentioning that, Ellie!

    3. Else people will start complaining about how they are always going on these fancy vacations!! (Which isn`t really true.)

  6. The mommies look beautiful!

  7. Just wanted to say that I think that Erin will have baby Everly around the 6th or 7th and I think she will weigh around 6 pounds 3 ounces and 18 inches long and be born around 6:30 pm . since Erin delivers around 3 weeks early that is my guess for her. And with Alyssa she delivers within one day of her due date so my guess is with Alyssa she will have Zoey either on the 1st or the 3rd of April and she will be born around 7:30pm and weigh around 6 pounds 2 ounces and 19 inches long.I am getting my guesses in early April will be here before we know it. I hope both of you have happy and healthy delivers may god bless everyone and keep everyone safe always

  8. Love your family and your show! I'm a TN girl. Would love to meet you all someday. Excited about new additions, both babies and engagements and upcoming weddings.

  9. My guess is the babies will be 5 days apart, and Gil and Kelly will have time to be at both births. Alyssa and John will have baby Zoey on April 3rd and Erin and Chad will have baby Everly on April 8th. We'll see if my guesses are close.

  10. What's a baby moon?

    1. A trip that a couple takes before they have a baby.

    2. Like a final trip you take before the baby is born

    3. A trip that pregnant moos feel entitled to as a gift from their husbands.

    4. Pregnant moos?? I am truly hoping this was a typo versus a snarky innuendo toward the pregnant women😳

    5. I think babymoons are like push-presents now. We never had babymoons or push-presents ( the baby WAS the push-present), but I guess everything changes.

    6. Totally with you@12:43. I’m just not sure how I feel about it to be honest. There is nothing wrong with babymoons and push presents per se. But there does seem to be a sense of entitlement these days that’s not very becoming.

    7. Push presents seem to be go more with the sense of entitlement that 6:15 mentions. A babymoon could come out of a sense of entitlement, but at the same time the couple's life is about to get a lot busier, and it seems like an investment in their relationship. After the baby comes they will have less time and energy for each other for a while.

    8. I've never had either but to say it's entitlement is judgmental since it depends on if the individual really feels entitled or is just being blessed by others. I see a lot of jealous and and judgemental comments on here. Unbelievable....

  11. Seriously, just cud they are in tv doesn't mean they are rich. They work, run businesses and watch their pennies just line the rest of us. They don't believe in keeping debt so if they can't pay cash they don't get.

  12. Ah, now we know why Addee went to Florida. She babysat while her siblings went on their baby-moons and Mom and Dad joined them at..wait for it..Disney World!

    1. Ummm no. She's not old enough to watch two little kids that young by herself

    2. Pretty sure Addalee isn't old enough for overnight babysitting jobs.

  13. Darn, I missed them. I work at Epcot.

  14. Congratulations to both families. My daughter just gave birth to her fifth boy. Yes you read it right her and her husband now have five boys!!!!!

    1. What do you want? A cookie?

    2. This is what I’m talking about. Why allow this comment to be posted? It’s not to give a different point of view it’s just plain mean. Why??

    3. Oh, grow up 12:52!

    4. Some people measure accomplishments in college degrees and promotions (stuff you actually have to work toward), not the number of children and grandchildren they have. Maybe 12:52 is from one of those families.

    5. Congrats 7:29! My friend just gave birth to her 5th boy too in February. I'm tickled pink(or would it be blue? lol)over him. Enjoy your new grandbaby and ignore 12:52!

    6. 12:14 Are you saying children and grandchildren are not work? You must not have any if you think that is the case. It is actually a lot harder to stay home and train your children than to work. I have done both. Now that my children are almost all adults, I am so thankful that I quit working to spend the time with them. I will never regret it.

    7. To the person moderating this blog... why are you approving and posting these mean and hateful comments? They should not be posted. As a blog owner you are responsible for accepting both meaningful and useless comments... hateful and uplifting comments.

    8. @wow,really. People have asked them that many times over. Never an answer. But, yes, they are responsible.

    9. There's a disclaimer at the end of each page about content they won't post. I'm pretty sure the posts they DO reject are even worse.

      I've also seen posts deleted after initial approval, both here and on the Duggar blog. One contained a subtle reference to a scandalous rumor, I can see how that got past initial screening.

      Another was essentially just an insult filled rant against other posters. Not quite sure how that was approved in the first place, but it was eventually deleted. So if you see a concerning post I would just reply to it asking it be removed.

  15. Who was watching Carson and Brookelyn Paine and Allie and Lexi Webster?I personally hope that at least one of the babies is born in March so the Bates will have a March birthday. It would be cool to have a baby born on April First which is also Easter this year.

  16. Time 2:00AM Wed 3/7/18
    Erin & Alyssa will have beautiful soon to be born daughters that will look like them. I will hope Jinger has a girl waiting for the birth of her baby soon. Moving on the couple's look like they were having fun.

  17. Oh thats fun and sweet.

  18. Good luck and God bless both the Paines and the Websters.

  19. Disney World is so much fun! But I am surprised, except for John and Alyssa, that the Bates go there. There are a lot of “immodestly” dressed women, magic in the storylines, and of course very pricy. Just seems there is a lot going on they claim they shelter themselves from.

    1. I agree 10:28!

    2. You can choose which rides to go on. The Winnie the Pooh ride, It’s a Small World, Peter Pan, and several others are perfectly fine with no immodestly dressed princes.

    3. I’m guessing the OP was not talking about the Disney Characters!

    4. I don’t know 7:45!! Tinker Bell and Tiger Lily are dressed quite scantily, and they have rebellious attitudes. The French Can-Can girls show their knickers in its a Small World. Winne the Pooh is safe:)

    5. There are mermaids on the Peter Pan ride( shells for tops). And you can’t stand in line without being near immodest girls and women. I was there and men were holding hands with each other. Surprised they go to Disney too.

    6. 7:45. The Princes are never immodestly dressed. It’s the Princess’s and other characters.

    7. You made me LOL@6;17! Shows how ridiculous people get over what is actually innocent.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. They only went to Epcot park. All the above mentioned rides are not in that park. They went for the flower and garden festival and walked around the countries where there was fun foods to try, beautiful topiaries, so much fun!

  22. I'm surprised they're ok with Disney. Disney is a very LGBTQ-friendly company, they even have gay days at Disneyland.

    1. You can't separate yourself from the world just because you are a christian. How are you to witness and let your light shine if you separate yourself from the world?

    2. The Bible says we are in the world, but not to be of the world. It also says to not love the world or the things that are in the world. It also says to not touch the unclean thing, but to be separate. Those are all New Testament verses. I think it boils down to lifestyle. Christians aren't supposed to be living like unsaved people. People are people, and we can relate to people we witness to without being just like them.


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