
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Paines' Nursery

Life in a two-bedroom house with two (almost three) small children can be a struggle, but Erin and Chad Paine are handling it well. With her due date only five weeks away, Erin has been redecorating the nursery to make room for little Everly Hope Paine. Carson Paine turns three in May, which means there will be a period of time when the Paines have three kids under the age of three.

All the furniture in the nursery, aside from the crib, has been either made or refinished by Chad. For those who haven't heard, he left his job at the metal scrapyard and is now doing contracting work and furniture refinishing full-time.

Erin Bates Paine nursery

Erin Bates Paine nursery

Photos courtesy of


  1. My favorite colors!! Gorgeous!

  2. The nursery is so pretty!I love the colors they chose.

  3. The kids' room is beautiful!!

  4. Three little ones all in one room? Oh my!

    1. Me, my sister, and my brother all shared a room when we were 5 and under. We loved it!

    2. I shared a room with two siblings when we were younger, and it was a small room! I think we did most of our playing in the living room, and we didn't have a lot of toys (at least compared to how many my kids have).

    3. Not all that crazy back in the day most families had common areas and 1 bedroom, kids slept in same room as parents or in the living room.

  5. Replies
    1. I know isn't it just adorable !!!!

  6. Haha, we grew up with 13 kids in 3 bedrooms; the 'nursery' for the kids under 5 once had 5 kids in it...and those rooms were standard sized. No one suffered. We were very happy. Love isn't about room and furniture. There was lots of love!

  7. Putting a bed before a window is a huuuuuuuuuge danger in case of fire, they can't get out.....

    1. They can get out their is another window in their you don't see.

      My bed was in front a window when I was little and their was never in fire in my house. My parents never taught us how to get out if their was a fire.

    2. Kids three and under wouldn't be able to open a window regardless. Their parents would have to come into their room to get them, and I'm sure they'd be able to move it.

  8. They need their bigger house ASAP. Yet the nursery is cute and Chad does a good job with his projects.

    1. Not really, they'll all for in there for at least another year and a half.

  9. Eventually they will need to put an addition on the house or buy another house. What happens if one of the kiddos wakes up one of the others? That is not a good situation to get some rest!

    1. They don't own that house so they can't just build an addition, and if they did it would be pretty silly. They said on the show they were looking for a house to buy.

    2. What happens if one child wakes another is that they will both be awake. Hardly a tragedy by any standard. It will probably make all 3 of those kids be more solid sleepers. It’s a mistake to teach your kids that absolute quiet is a sleep requirement, and if you do, they will require it always. Being able to sleep under varied circumstances is a life skill, and one much more easily gained in childhood.
      It’s only in affluent modern cultures where people think everyone needs his or her own room. In much of the world whole families share a single sleeping area.
      I can’t believe how many people think it’s a problem for 3 small children to share a room.

    3. Actually in my experience being able to sleep under varied circumstances is a matter of temperament, not something you can learn. I shared a room with my sister, and I am a very light sleeper, while my sister can literally sleep through a hurricane. My father is also a light sleeper, while my mother has been known to fall asleep in the middle of conversations.

      I do agree, though, that kids sharing a room has been the norm for most people (except the very rich) for most of history. My father is one of 4 kids and my mother one of 8 kids. They were far from rich and did NOT all have their own rooms. Though my father's sister might have at some point as she was the only girl.

    4. Agree, 4:11. Our three boys shared a room for many years. Sure, there were wild things going on in there sometimes, but it's good for children to learn how to get along with their siblings, share, etc. Makes it a lot easier to adjust to sharing a room when they're little than when they get to college or get married and suddenly have to live in close quarters with another person.

  10. Brooklyn seems a bit young to move out of the crib. Maybe Everly will sleep in a cradle or bassinet in her parents' room for a few months.
    Erin and Chad really make a house very homey for their family!

    1. Probably, since babies need to be fed every two hours for the first couple moths I doubt they'd put her in a room with the other two kids.

    2. My child never slept in a crib. I didn’t see any reason for one. I also never saw a need for a changing table, or a playpen.

  11. Goodness I can't imagine having three children in this room with this set up having to pull the bed out every time it's used! Perhaps it's time to get a bigger place guys!

  12. What a great room! Chad did a wonderful job. Didn't he train Bobby to take over at the yard?

  13. Why do they live in such a tiny house?? It's adorable, but they certainly afford a larger home!

    1. They said they're looking for a bigger house, they were probably just waiting for the baby to be born to move.

    2. How do you know what they can afford? It’s always unwise to count other people’s money.

  14. That is super cute!

  15. Nicely done you have to do what you have to do.My family was large we had 8 kids in a 2 bedroom home .We had an out house so what should of been the bathroom was the boys bedroom so as I said you have to do what you have to do until God Bless you to do better. Praise the LORD

  16. They mentioned looking for a larger house - they will soon need at least one more bedroom. Erin & Chad grew up with many siblings and are used to many in a room. . . . but as the kids get older they will do best with another room. Kids need space as they grow with different phases in their lives. Baby crying throughout the night will be difficult for the others.
    The room is lovely. Erin has very nice taste.

  17. You make it work with the room you have. We had a one bedroom home, our son roomed with us until we added on. He was almost 2 when he got his own room. I kept my baby in my room for 6 months. Getting a mini crib is a good idea to put in their bedroom at night until little one can sleep threw the night. That way the other kiddos dont get woken up. Erin can really decorate well!

  18. Such a beautiful room. Congrats on your upcoming blessed event. Ya ll have a lovely family.God bless.

  19. God bless the Paine family.Such a sweet children s room.GreT decorating!

  20. My son is taking the leap of faith beginning his own leandscaping business! He almost 24 and excited to get working! If you guys need a very hard working, Christian, landscaper; he'd be thrilled to move from CT to your neck of the woods!!!

  21. They have such a darling little cottage, it would be nice if they can add space someday, instead of moving that is☺️

    1. It's a rental house so they can't really just add to it, and it's a smarter move anyways to buy their one house. They said on the show that they were going to buy a place.

    2. If you have little kids it's easier to just move to a bigger house.

    3. We don't have cable so I can't watch, just keep up online, didn't know it was a rental

  22. My dad's mom had 8 children & they lived in a one room house in Kentucky with just a utility porch/kitchen. 5 or 6 rooms would've been a mansion to them, I'm pretty sure.

    Anyway, looks lovely. Good job Chad & Erin!

    1. Just because they had 8 children in one room doesn't mean they should have had 8 children in one room!

    2. Too judgemental! Since when does money or a big house = happiness? The vast majority of people shared bedrooms with siblings and/ or parents until the past 20 years. I personally find it very sad to see children forced into a bedroom all by themselves when they are not ready. And then people wonder why depression and loneliness are on the rise!

  23. I love the colors to thanks for sharing with us

  24. It's a lovely room, in fact the whole house is gorgeous. But I couldn't live like this. They are very brave to attempt it! I have lived in a very small house where 3 children had to share a room and even though they were close in age and didn't seem to mind, it wasn't ideal or a situation I wanted to stay in for long. We've had more children since then, we have 6 in total but we've also moved twice to accommodate them and worked our butts off to afford the bigger home. Hopefully they are planning on moving soon, especially with the way their family is increasing!


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