
Friday, March 9, 2018

Warden the Cake Baker

Warden Bates the baker

"Whenever anybody is ever wanting a cake made, they sort of come to me."
-Warden Bates

It's Isaiah's 13th birthday, but Kelly is away babysitting Allie and Lexi Webster while Alyssa and John Webster take a cruise. The Bates mom has already arranged for a laser tag party, but who will bake the cake? Warden volunteers. He's only 14, but he is already considered the best cake baker in the Bates family. Check out this web exclusive from last night's episode.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. That's great Warden!A life skill you can use to bless others!

  2. Why not enroll Warden in baking and cooking classes? He has the interest. Give him the skills beyond box cakes and jar frosting.

  3. Warden, your cake looks delicious! Always remember, everyone loves the the person who feeds them! haha!

  4. I love this family. They are so down to earth and real! I love how the boys interact with each other.

  5. It's pretty easy when you use a cake mix and store bought icing. I thought he was going to do it all from scratch.

    1. LOL @9:34! I was thinking the same thing!

    2. Trust me people can still mess up a box cake mix!

    3. Thought the same. He didn’t bake a cake. He opened a box and a can.

  6. Has anyone in this family ever thought of asking Warden if he would like to go to culinary school and become a pastry chef? I highly doubt it. That would require real, non-religious training for something. ...but it would be a great idea as he seems to like baking.

    1. I hope they would allow him proper training. It’s cooking/baking. How can that corrupt him?

    2. Warden may or may not want to be a professional chef. But despite the assumptions being made in your post, many of the Bates have had "real, non-religious training for something". Zach is a police officer, Erin is a professional pianist, Tori is a teacher, Josie is a beautician. None of these professions have anything in particular to do with the Bates' religion.

    3. Incorrect 10:17. Erin and Tori had religious training. They went to Crown.

    4. Anon at 10:59: Sorry, I don't count taking music or teaching classes at a Christian college as "religious training". Taking theology or divinity classes like Bobby did with the goal of eventually becoming a pastor would be.

      And if you're assuming that courses taught with ANY religious content aren't "real" courses or are somehow inherently inferior to totally secular courses, well...that shows YOUR bias. Towards a lot of people who went to religious schools or were home schooled by religious people.

  7. That's how my husband started out, baking cakes as a teen. Now as an adult, he is the best cook around. He enjoys cooking immensely, and everybody LOVES everything he prepares. Go Warden Go!

  8. I love this family they are just like everyday people


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