
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Bates Celebrate Thanksgiving

Ellie Bates
 Ellie Bates

Thursday's episode was jam-packed with entertaining and heartwarming footage of the Bates' Thanksgiving celebration. Josie and Kelton sit down with Gil and Kelly to discuss their relationship, and they successfully receive approval to begin a courtship. (Kelton says he still plans to wait until after New Year's.)

Josie Bates and Kelton Balka
 Josie Bates and Kelton Balka

The guys help Papa Bill build a barn, while the ladies pick pecans and make Thanksgiving dinner. 

Kelly Bates and Allie Webster
Kelly Bates and Allie Webster

Papa Bill and Mama Jane Bates
Papa Bill and Mama Jane Bates

Alyssa Webster and Whitney Bates
Alyssa Webster and Whitney Bates

Zach Bates and Lexi Webster
Zach Bates and Lexi Webster

Photos courtesy of UP


  1. Did anyone else notice that Gil's brother's voice sounded a lot like Gil's?

  2. Wow Josie looks really similar to Michaella when she is laughing as she is in the picture.

  3. Who was girls sitting with Lawson,trace and Nathan ?

  4. I noticed how much Zach looks like Gil!

  5. great pictures! my favorite is zach & lexi because it is so wonderful to see a loving uncle!
    i hope zach & whitney have more children. they make such beautiful babies!

  6. Awe was sweet to see Gil's parents. So sweet! And also to see Evan & Kelton helping the barn plus their guy chat/advice. Haha @ Janie saying Alyssa could be like Kelly, baby wise.

  7. This is so far behind. There must be cool things going on in the family that could be reported on. Not having to go all the way back to thanksgiving.

  8. It's a blessed gesture for the family to come together and get that barn built for Papa Bill.God bless you all.

  9. Anon 6:08 am: This blog helps people keep up with what is on the TV show, which is wonderful! I live in Canada and cannot get access to UP TV. So even tho it's behind, I'm happy to get whatever I can

  10. Great episode. Love seeing most of the family together.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  11. I found it a bit odd and disrespectful that Gil's children don't refer to his brother and sister as 'uncle' or 'aunt'. They refer to them by their first names only. It's the same thing with their grandparents..they don't use grandpa or grandma or some derivative of that title.

    1. Some families prefer that.

    2. Being an aunt is so great. Why would any aunt not prefer to be called that?

    3. Some of that is southern, some family preference.

  12. Why isn’t Katie shown that often?


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