
Monday, April 2, 2018

Bates Easter 2018

Hope you all had a blessed Easter celebrating our risen Lord and Savior. The Bates sure did! For a family that loves the Lord, church, and fancy clothes, it's the perfect holiday. Below are a few snapshots.

Gil and Kelly Bates
 Gil and Kelly Bates
(Gil is the pastor at Bible Baptist)

Bates siblings
 7 of the 19 siblings: Josie Bates, Trace Bates, Katie Bates, Isaiah Bates,
Carlin Bates, Lawson Bates, Ellie Bates

Zach and Whitney Bates, Bradley Bates, Kaci Lynn Bates
 The little Bates family
Zach and Whitney Bates, Bradley Bates, Kaci Lynn Bates

Michael and Brandon Keilen
 Michael and Brandon Keilen

Carlin Bates and boyfriend Evan Stewart
Carlin Bates and boyfriend Evan Stewart

 Erin and Chad Paine, Everly Paine (born Friday)
(The Paines were released from the hospital on Easter)

 The Websters
Alyssa and John Webster, Allie Webster, Lexi Webster, Zoey Webster (born Wednesday)

Photos courtesy of,,,, Zach and Whitney Bates, Alyssa and John Webster


  1. I don’t even have the words for how beautiful this family is inside and out. So wonderful to see. Thanks so much for sharing. May God continue to bless and protect all of them. Happy Easter! He is Risen Indeed!

  2. Carlin's dress is incredible and Ellie looks so grown up. Alyssa looks amazing for a woman who just gave birth! I love the Bates, Happy Easter everyone!

    1. Yes, Alyssa's eyes show a little tiredness, but otherwise she really does look amazing!

  3. Would have loved to see a better picture of Michael and Brandon

  4. where is Tori & Bobby???God bless all of you!

  5. Where did Ellie get her dress from?

  6. I love Carlin's dress. It is all kinds of fantastic.

  7. How can Alyssa look so good after just having had a baby???

    1. She was tiny and petite to begin with. It depends on your frame and weight before pregnancy.

  8. Katie looks so much like Erin! Hardly recognized Trace (looks like his hair is darker?) and Isaiah and Ellie, who have grown so much!!

  9. Where is Tori and Bobby?!!!? Carlin is so pretty and she looks good with Evan. As someone else has said Ellie looks so grown up. How old is she exactly? Same with Isaiah. There is something different about Trace. I would have loved to see a better picture of Michael and Brandon. Also where are the parents? I'm sure they looked lovely anyway. That and the little kids. {younger that Ellie} Anyway they all looked lovely! Hope they all Had a blessed easter and welcome little Everly and Zoey. They are all just soooooooo cute!

    1. Maybe Michael is hiding something...

  10. Wow those dresses are fantastic!! Nice style ladies!

  11. Alyssa - WOW, looks amazing - lovely family, John should be so proud. Bless you.

  12. Bates & inlaws are beautiful people.
    I so enjoy getting to see the pictures and hear the latest going ons.

  13. God Bless this beautiful family! So excited for what the Lord has in store for your lives.

  14. Love you all hope you had a wonderful Easter! I am so blessed by your family.

  15. Carlins dress is beautiful! Sorry to ask this on this blog but is there something wrong with the duggar blog? I haven't been able to get in. Did you stop doing their blog?

  16. thank you for sharing these pictures! the older she gets, the more beautiful katie gets! (poor gil! lol)

    may i suggest more current pictures of the younger kids when you update the header. they change so much and i'm not going to lie, i have trouble telling them apart sometimes so i refer to your header!

  17. Oh great pix. cute little families. Love the pic of the 7 siblings.

  18. What a beautiful family, they are all such sweet souls. Alyssa looks so amazing for just having had a baby, John is so blessed to have 3 precious little girls and such a wonderful wife. Can't wait to follow along and see what life has to bring to this family.

  19. I am jealous of the green grass and the fact that none of them are sporting winter boots, gloves, coats or hats. We're enjoying a bonus month of winter, with yet another snowstorm and six more inches in the forecast. To top it off, temps are to dip below 10 degrees late tonight. At this rate, we'll still have stubborn snow piles on Memorial Day.

  20. Where did Gil attend seminary? Was his major in college religious studies?

  21. The Bates should give style advice to most of the Duggars!! Bates all look terrific & the little ones are so cute. Two baby girls for Easter!! Wow!

    1. The Duggars don’t need anyone else’s advice. People don’t need to be cookie cutters of other people. The Duggars can dress how they feel comfortable while the Bates do the same thing. They both have beautiful families.

    2. Agreed. Every family is different and the Duggers and Bates should not be compared.


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