
Thursday, April 19, 2018

'Countdown to I Do' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Countdown to 'I Do"
  • Kelly, Tori, and all but three of the bridesmaids make one last trip up to Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, for a final dress fitting at Renee’s Bridal.
  • Renee Miller unveils the completed wedding dress, and everyone loves it. “That’ is the most beautiful dress in the world,” says Kelly, who was not a huge fan of the gown before the alternations. “The bling is so awesome,” says Tori. The bridesmaids who are present try on their dresses, and they look great.
  • Back at the Bates house, Gil and the boys cut down small trees to decorate the sanctuary.
  • “When a girl gets married around here…it’s a family project,” says Gil. The guys are all a little unsure about what Tori and Kelly want, so it’s a bit of a guessing game. They think they have it all figured out, until Kelly returns. “That’s kind of scrawny,” says the mom of 19, looking at one of the trees that was cut down. “It’s gotta look like a tree, big tree, fluffy tree.”
  • Six days before the wedding, Kelly takes a few trees to the church to see how they look. “If this was any wedding except for a Bates wedding, I would say we are way behind,” says Kim Nafziger, friend and wedding planner. “But because this is a Bates wedding, this is kind of typical.”
  • Erin, Chad, and Carson visit Dr. Vick’s office for an ultrasound. “I’m going to hold her hands,” says Carson, when he sees his baby sister on the screen.
  • Dr. Vick gives Erin a clean bill of heath. “16 more and you’ll be there,” he jokes.
  • “Every time, I say this is my last,” says Erin. “I don’t know what happens. I’ve gotta stop looking at newborn babies. I think three strikes and I’m out.”
  • During a lunch break at work, Bobby works on honeymoon details. He and Tori are planning to go out west to the Yosemite area. Bobby admits he has never planned a vacation or seen a significant amount of snow.
  • Kelly gathers the planning team and drops a bombshell. She is having laser surgery to correct her vision as a 30th anniversary present, and she is considering having the procedure four days before the wedding. Kim is very uneasy.
  • After seeing the doctor, Kelly ends up deciding to wait on the surgery. The doctor says Kelly’s thin cornea will require a type of laser surgery that has a 4-5 day recovery.
  • Carlin does a hair trial for Tori’s wedding. “Are you putting your hair in a bun?” asks Nathan. “On your wedding day, you never put your hair up or in a bun. You leave it down.” Tori wants an updo because she doesn’t want her hair to take away from her dress.
  • Nathan holds to his opinion. “At the end of the day, a girl is going to look her very best when her hair is down. Now up hair is great. There’s times for that. There’s times to wear buns. Hey, there’s times to wear your hair in a shower net, but your wedding is not one of those days.”
  • To celebrate their anniversary, Gil and Kelly enjoy a romantic dinner at The Old Mill Restaurant in Pigeon Forge, which is where they spent their honeymoon. “This was a really needed break,” says Kelly.
  • One week before the wedding, Lawson plays a Christmas charity concert. In the middle of the show, Nathan jumps up on stage and invites his parents to join him. He gives them flowers and tells the audience how dedicated his parents have been to each other and their children over the years. Lawson and Carlin sing one of Lawson’s original songs, “I Will Always,” for Gil and Kelly, who are incredibly touched.
  • “My life was mapped out different in my mind 30 years ago,” shares Kelly. “I was very much going to be the career woman, and I wasn’t going to have children for at least five years.” The mom of 19 says she wouldn’t have chosen the life that she is now living but that she couldn’t imagine anything better.


  1. I have so much respect for Gil and Kelly. They have done an awesome job with their kids! I hope he realizes he has a phenomenal wife!

  2. Nathan needs to butt out about Tori's hair. It isn't his wedding. It isn't his hair. I hope he isn't going to be so overbearing whenever he gets married.

    1. Kind of makes me wonder if Ashley Salyer got a glimpse of that side of him... He seemed controlling in that scene. It was weird.

    2. she probably asked for his opinion! it was so sweet to see the brothers and Gil interested in Tori's wedding preparations. what a wonderful example of family support.

    3. Kathy,
      I totally agree with you on this. I did not like his tone or his body language when talking to Tori. I did not take it as a joke at all. I did not like him calling Bobby to get his input either. I did not like Nathan's attitude during this whole episode at all. If he was not into compromise or understand sometimes a female may feel insecure and the last thing she needs is criticism on her looks. I can see why him and Ashley did not work. I have stating the episodes showing Tori's for her wedding has put her in a bad light. I was very proud of her for standing her grounds. For Carlin, stating thanks for making a bride feel good.

    4. Not enough wives listen to their husbands about what they like, girls are always comparing themselves to other girls instead of just asking their husbands. Unfortunately that's why sometimes he goes looking somewhere else

    5. I actually thought it was a nice thing that he was trying to do. He wanted her to have a guy’s opinion. Most guys do like women’s hair down.

    6. I agree, he was very annoying.

    7. Lol!! I have never seen a brother but out of opinions on his sister!! I am almost 50 and my brother still has his opinions!!

    8. Anonymous 9:23, Nathan isn't Tori's husband and Bobby was fine with her hair being up. It didn't concern Nathan to begin with and he should have backed off when he heard Tori had valid reasons to wear it up.
      A man with low moral character looks for other women outside of marriage, it's not the wife's fault he has a wondering eye.

    9. 9:23- Goes looking somewhere else for what, exactly? A woman who does what the husband tells her to do or how to look? Just because some men may prefer long hair worn down does not necessarily mean that the style flatters all women. Some women look better with shorter hair or their hair worn up. It’s how the woman feels about herself that counts. Personally, I’ve never liked long hair because it makes me feel weighed down , tired and frumpy.

    10. April 20 @ 9:23...I found your comment sexist and disturbing . Blame the woman for her husband's choice to be unfaithful??

    11. 9:23, are you kidding me?!! First of all, Tori is not Nathan’s wife, and she does not need to meet any of his wishes, second of all HOW DARE YOU! If you marry someone, you are in it to the end, your wife not wearing her hair down is not an excuse to cheat on her. You should figure out your wife’s style BEFORE you get married, and if it’s that big of a deal to you don’t marry her.

    12. 9:23..can women look elsewhere too if their husbands don’t get permission how to style their hair? It’s seems only fair.

    13. I actually agree with 9:23. Too many women care more about their sisters and friends than the husband. If a spouse cheats, it is a reflection of the marriage. Yes, the cheater is the most at fault because he or she should leave the marriage rather than cheat but happy people don't cheat. The other spouse is not meeting the needs of that spouse. By the way, I have several university degrees and don't believe in being subservient to my husband but I definitely 100% believe that his opinion is important. Too many women let themselves go after marriage -- obesity, dressing poorly, laziness, etc. Men do this, too. I notice those with the lifelong marriages do their best to have good health and do nice loving things for each other -- like wearing the hair in a certain way!!!

    14. 3:31- Happy people don't cheat? You are oversimplifying a very complex matter. People are complicated. And they are many reasons why a spouse may cheat, not the least of which is they are just plain selfish. If a spouse has "let themselves go", perhaps it's a relflection of THEIR unhappiness with the marriage.

    15. 3:31, yes, however Nathan is not Tori’s husband, and therefore has no say so in she does her hair. He was just being obnoxious.

    16. Nathan is a man. And Tori should listen to his opinion. Afther her merriage Bobby is in control.

    17. 3:31 - "Happy people don't cheat"?? How about GOOD, DECENT people don't cheat. Cheating is always, always 100% a reflection on the CHEATER.

      Next you'll be saying that "happy men don't beat their wives."

    18. 3:31- I would argue that happy people don't let themselves go, either. So, trying to pin the blame on the betrayed spouse is quite presumptuous, especially when it's impossible to know all the particulars of any couple's relationship. Furthermore, I've known quite a number of marriages that failed due to one or both spouses cheating and none of them had previously succumbed to obesity, poor appearance, or laziness. Perhaps it's simply a matter of incompatibility or the couple not really knowing each other well enough to start with. And some are just plain jerks.

    19. Sure some people cheat because they are unhappy but there are many who just don't find monogamy and fidelity to be important.

      Now I think most such people are honest about it and are open polygamists, or more often just never marry and "play the field" all their lives. But others want to be respected as a "family man" (or woman) too, they want the perks of marriage without the sacrifice, and so they wind up leading a double life. Blaming the victim of such a cheater is very unfair.

    20. 3:31- If a spouse cheats, it can be indicative of lots of things, not the least of which is someone who should never have been married in the first place. “Letting oneself go” is also an indication of unhappiness- is that also the fault of the partner in the relationship?

  3. the bates girls have the absolute best brother in nathan! he is so complimentary of his sisters. i cant imagine what it would be like to have such an awesome, thoughful & caring brother. he is going to be a wonderful husband & father.
    i loved trace holding tori's hair for carlin! these are real men!!

    1. Did we watch the same episode, Lol? Nathan said to Tori that she will look good from the side but that's it. I'm sure he is a great brother, but that was a strange scene.

    2. Nathan was rude and implied she would look terrible with her hair up. I don’t get how you would think he was being nice

    3. He is raised that way. She should do what her husband wants and ask bobby.

  4. Nathan was being so weird and dramatic about Tori's hair. Telling her she was going to regret it for the rest of her life. He needed to calm down. That scene really didn't paint him in the best light. I'm glad Tori ignored him, she looked amazing on her wedding day, it was honestly probably the most beautiful Bates wedding to date (in my opinion). And it was really sweet how when Tori was explaining why she wants her hair up Bobby immediately backed her up and agreed with what she wanted. He seems like a keeper!

  5. Nathan needs to follow Gil's example when it comes to talking to women. It was mean spirited to tell Tori all women who wear their hair up for their wedding look terrible and that she would regret it for the rest of her life. How Tori wore her hair was her decision and had zero impact on him. Loved Bobby in the interview supporting Tori and saying she should wear her hair up. I think that Nathan is a good person and cares deeply about his family, he just needs to reflect on how he speaks to people.
    I'm glad Tori wore her hair the way she wanted to. She looked beautiful.

  6. Who wrote the song I Will Always, that Lawson sang for his parents.

    1. I think that Lawson wrote it.

  7. I have to say that having had my hair up for my wedding made me feel a little offended by Nathan's comment. I guess he's just very opinionated on what he likes. At least my husband was behind me on putting my hair up just like Bobby was for Tori!

    1. Nathan was out of line.

    2. Having your hair up for your wedding is gorgeous! When you have your hair down a lot of the time it blocks your face.

  8. In my opinon everyone is overeacting towards Nathan and his comments. He has always been so sweet and supportive of his sister's I highly doubt he was trying to be controlling or mean spirited. To judge fully what happened based on only this clip does not seem fair when it may not tell the full story. Also if tori was really bothered I think she would have said something. I did not take any offense as a women to it also the Bates are always giving opinions that not everyone in the family agree with. I don't think we should be this hard on Nathan but that is just my opinion.

    1. It’s not the first time he’s said something like that. The dude was wayyyy out of line, this was his sister’s choice for her wedding, and unless she asked for his opinion he should have kept quiet.

    2. I think this is his true nature. And it is not Nice.

    3. I agree, he was stating his opinion, if Tori was annoyed by it she would have spoke up

  9. Anon at 923AM the comment that "Unfortunately that's why sometimes he goes looking somewhere else" is quite unnecessary. Nothing excuses cheating and certainly not "my wife didn't listen to me about what her hairstyle should be". Bobby thankfully doesn't seem to share such an attitude and supported his bride.

    All that being said I thought Nathan was just being an annoying brother in this scene. A tad immature, sure, but how a guy acts toward his sister is not the same as how he acts with a girlfriend. I think Ashley and Nathan's backgrounds were just too different for them to be compatible as spouses, and unlike the other Bates couples in long distance relationships, it seems they never came to a consensus on who would be moving closer to who.

  10. Oh my gosh!! Who cares what anyone, other than yourself, thinks about your own hair!

  11. Kelly is truly an inspiration in this day when mothering is not seen as a "real" job. Nathan was a little opinionated, but we probably didn't see the whole context of the conversation, since it was made to seem dramatic for tv. It was nice to see him so concerned about his sister. Brothers seldom stop giving their sisters opinions. Personally, I felt someone should have told Tori not to wear so much makeup on her wedding day. I hardly recognized her the first time I saw the photos!

    1. 10:18, who are you to say how much makeup someone else wears on their wedding? It was HER wedding day, not your’s.

    2. I agree with you about the makeup...finally it becomes to look like a paint job when it gets so thick. I prefer a more natural look.

  12. I love how this family uses their talents to help each other. It's absolutely what families are supposed to do. Such love!

    1. Nathan showed no love.

    2. I haven't watched the video yet, but I've seen plenty of episodes where the older guys (especially Nathan and Lawson) like to give their opinions when they're on the red couch. They usually do it with a grin at the end, as if they know they're being a little too opinionated.

    3. I was not talking about the brothers and their opinions. I mean the way they picked trees, spray painted them, the aunt's doing the wedding cake and flowers, parents and siblings babysitting Erin and Zach kids,older kids takijng siblings to their homes for sleepovers, Michaela sewing.....that kind of stuff. They are obviously not perfect but they work well as a family

  13. I'm so glad we get to see the good and the bad with this family. The show is not edited, so it seems, to make them look perfect. At least that gives me hope that any family can show great love despite our shortcomings.

  14. Who was the other young lady with Tori and Carlin?

  15. I liked Tori's hair and wedding dress. Great that she did what she wanted and Bobby agreed to it. In my opinion it was refreshing for her to have her hair up because usually the Bates girls wear their hair down 365 days of the year. And of course it looked amazing, too :)

  16. Anon 10:18 am: I agree with your comment about the makeup. Too much make and I didn't recognize her either!

  17. It was an interesting scene with Tori and Nathan. Sweet episode with the dress and Bobby finding a honeymoon spot.

  18. Tori should only ask permission from her husband. He is the one in control not her brother.

    1. Tori does not need her husbands permission about her own hair! That’s ludicrous.

  19. Can't help but feel that the people taking issue with Nathan don't have brothers! I have 2, and mine are definitely bold with telling me if they don't like my outfit, shoes, etc. And I am quick to tell them "Who cares" but at the same time I never dream of getting offended by it. I actually kind of LIKE that they care. So to all those complaining, you don't know what kind of relationship Tori and Nathan have, so butt out! if I had to guess, I'd say Tori likes having Nathan's input, even if she doesn't agree with him!

    1. I have a brother, and he gives his opinion if I ask (which I typically do, since I trust his opinion) but there are some things (like how I want to wear my hair for my wedding) that he knows is none of his business.

    2. I totally agree. I love Nathan!!

    3. I like Nathan too. I think he was unfairly attacked on this video.

  20. I loved the scene where Gil and Kelly went to the Old Mill. It is a special place to me, too! It was there that my husband first got up the nerve to talk to me, 17 years ago, at a church retreat! We love to go there and feed the geese by the Little Pigeon River.


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