
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Name That Price...Keep Trying

"I hate shopping. I don't shop very often, and typically when I shop, I don't look at the prices. Well I do now because Bobby said I have to. I'm just going to let him shop."
-Tori Bates

In this web exclusive clip from their wedding shower, Tori Bates and Bobby Smith compete in a game that has them guessing prices of grocery items. Their results are a tad bit embarrassing.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Tori may think she's just going to let Bobby do the shopping, but I have a feeling she had another think coming after she got married. :)

  2. Oh dear. Tori isn't presenting a very good image in the run up to the wedding. No wonder Gil had a "financial" talk with her.

  3. Wow... you can tell these girls are not very well prepared for marriage. I sure hope Tori’s checking prices now because if not I feel for Bobby

    1. Since marriage is the goal for these girls, it is definitely surprising that she isn't familiar with prices and shopping.

    2. Who honestly is prepared for marriage if are moving from your parents' home. I know I was clueless.

  4. The Price is Right Bates Style! Looks like they had fun!

  5. That’s one of the great things about marriage. Bobby can teach Tori. These Bates girls are smart and beautiful, they can do anything.

    1. But had Bobby ever really been on his own before marriage himself? AFAIK he essentially went from living with his parents to living in a rent free trailer and working for his future father in law.

      That's actually not far from Ben Seewald's situation before he married Jessa Duggar, though Ben was still in school at the time of marriage and Bobby had graduated.

      I think Bobby may have stayed in a dorm for college (as he referred to Kelton as his roommate once) but that's still very far from independent living. And yes, I know Bobby has a "real job" lined up in Nashville not working for Gil. But I think he has a lot of learning in store about "adulting" too.

    2. Bobby has never been married; what can he teach Tori about marriage???

  6. Does Tori like anything? She's been a sour puss in all the episodes this season.

    1. You are right! She doesn't seem to like anything!

    2. She doesn't act very happy.

    3. She just seems indifferent as planning is not her thing.

    4. I'm thinking that Tori is stressed, rather than a sour puss, because she was in the final stretch of her Degree, and all this wedding planning and bridal showers, bachelorette weekend getaways, dress shopping is all taking her away from her studies, and it is a lot to handle. Maybe too much to handle. Maybe she was on the verge of cracking!

  7. She obviously likes diamonds:-)

  8. Not trying to be mean and it is certainly nice that the show is not showing the family as perfect, but really I think Tori has a HUGE learning curve for running her own home. I hope they show her improving in her knowledge in the next year or so.

    1. It takes two to “run” a home.

  9. Gosh, I hope Tori is just acting for the camera!!!


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