
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Paine Siblings

One week after Everly Paine's birth, Erin and Chad had newborn photos taken by photographer friend Taryn Yager. As is always the case with Taryn's pictures, the results were beyond adorable. See them below.

Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Everly Paine
 Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Everly Paine
(Carson is very protective of both his sisters and sometimes won't even let others hold Everly.)

Photos courtesy of


  1. Oh my goodness...the se one picture is GOALS!!!

  2. Daddy said their blonde hair is wonderful. Back in the day he said they'd call that Towhead....white blonde color. Daddy's 86 and I learn something new everyday from him! Wonderful picture y'all.

    1. Vern Ellen I heard that too. They said that on a episode of Full House.

    2. I must be old. We’ve always called it towhead. Tow is a very light flaxen color.

  3. Carson is the best big brother. can't wait to see more Paine babies.

  4. Don't forget the big bows or flowers in the girls hair because people might not realize their girls, even with their dresses on.

    1. It’s not so that you know they’re girls, it’s because it’s adorable

  5. These are such sweet pictures. They are all so adorable.

  6. I don’t really like Taryn’s style. She uses airbrush way to much and makes the little kids look like dolls. I was worried she’d do it to Tori and Bobby’s wedding pics but I see she toned it down

    1. I agree. I think she uses the same filter/colors for her pictures so all the subjects look really pale. Don't get me wrong, I do like her pictures, but if she wouldn't make them all look the same, I think it would be nicer.

    2. Why?? Why come on here and say unkind things. Obviously, the Bates like the work that their friend does. It really matters ZERO what you think about her work!

    3. These pictures are fabulous!!

    4. I think that Taryn is a talented photographer and love her photo composition. However, I agree with other posters that Taryn's photos can be overly airbrushed. The amount of filter or airbrushing Taryn uses takes away from their natural features. It's not a personal attack or said to be mean, it's a preference and belief that babies don't need airbrushing.

    5. The children are adorable! But, I agree about Taryn's style. I would assume the Bates like it though, and I'm guessing they probably get a discount, because of all the publicity ;)

  7. So cute! I love Brooklyn's fluffy dress. I wish Everly were in something to match.

  8. They are adorable kids and Taryn takes gorgeous photos. I only wish she lived near me!

  9. I think the pictures are exquisite! What a gifted photographer! And it helps to work with adorable subjects.

  10. They are beautiful children and pictures. I really enjoy all I read thats postive about the family. It really amazes me how people take time to say negative things. That's minutes you took to write bad comments you can't get those minutes back. Waisted time. I realize lots of comments are children and teens. Life is short as it is. I cant wait from week to week to watch the Bates show and day to day to see if new information had been added to this site.

  11. Such cuties, Erin and Chad make beautiful babies. They are a lovely family, I wish them a lifetime of happiness.

  12. Lily and elie,
    What is going on with your duggarfamily blog ????? Can't get on it for he last 2 days

    1. Hi there,

      What web address are you entering? If you copy and paste the link below, it should work, but if you add an s to https, it won't. Let me know if this link works:


    2. Thank you it works now

  13. I notice that all of Erin's newborn pictures have the baby swaddled so tightly they look like a bean with a head sticking out. Is that common for newborn photos? Or perhaps a regional thing? I've never seen this for any newborn other than Erin's.

    1. I live on the west coast and have friends who posted newborn photos of their babies swaddled similar to Everly. I don't know if it's a new or common trend, but it isn't isolated to the South.
      I'm going to start calling it the baby bean pose now because of your description.

    2. Yes, tight swaddling is pretty common for newborn photos, from what I've seen. Either that or buck naked.

    3. Yes that is a newborn pose. Also newbon usually like to be swadled

    4. That’s very common for newborn photoshoots, babies feel secure when they are swaddled, so they’ll normally stay asleep throughout the session if they’re like that.

  14. It has been a very common thing to swaddle babies, and it’s actually very much their security as they were used to tight quarters in the womb. I find it very sad that moms nowadays don’t do it very much

    1. Some babies don't like to be swaddled. My daughter wanted to be free to move around.

  15. Absolutely beautiful!

  16. Oh such cute photos! Thats sweet he is protective of his sisters. Also i like that Everly has darker hair.

    1. All of the Paine kids have really dark hair when they’re born, then it turns super blonde.

    2. hmm must have forgotten

  17. very cute family


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