
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Trace Injures His Ankle

Following an ankle injury sustained while playing basketball with friends, Trace Bates was diagnosed with severely torn ligaments. We know that he would appreciate prayer as he heals.

Trace Bates and Jeb Bates
Trace Bates and Jeb Bates

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Oh my poor Trace! I will be happy to pray for him and that he will heal quickly.

  2. Ouch! That can be harder to heal than a broken bone. It took me a few years to get my full range of motion back after that kind of ankle injury, but my ligaments are a lot older than his, so it hopefully won’t take him that long.
    I hope he heals quickly. Lucky for him, he has a lot of people available to help him as he recovers.

  3. Prayers lifted up for you Trace. May God make you whole.

  4. Keep on working, great job!

  5. Well, how did he do that? No information?
    How do they pay for medical treatment without any health insurance? Just asking. Hope he's well soon.

    1. Who says he doesn’t have health insurance? And, if not, they are wealthy. It’s not a problem.

    2. I thought Obamacare made it mandatory to have health insurance.

    3. He injured it playing basketball.

    4. @4:26am is he asking you to help him with his medical bill???..... than don't worry about....🙄🙄🙄

    5. Kathy- Some prefer to not have the insurance and pay the penalty. If you don't have insurance through your employer, buying it on your own can be cost-prohibitive, especially if you don't qualify for subsidies. I don't think the Bates have ever said what they do about it.

    6. Hello Readers,

      Just wanted to add some info to your discussion on health insurance. It is correct that there is a penalty for those who don't have health insurance, but there are certain private programs that are recognized by the government as acceptable alternatives to traditional healthcare.

      Lily and Ellie

  6. Oh no!! So sorry to hear that. Trace always seems so full of life, having an injury like that would be pretty disappointing and difficult. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Trace!!

  7. Ohh..I’m sorry Trace! I had the same thing happen when I was about your age. I’m much older now! Honestly, lots of rest and then physical therapy. Those ligaments can take a long, painful, time to heal. Best wishes on your recovery!

    1. Great advice for sure. Physio therapy is an absolute must! I too had a similar injury and physio therapy as well as massage therapy were very important. After 15 years, I still do the exercises for my ankles every now and then, and I think they are stronger for it.

    2. Not every doctor will have you do physical Therapy. My doctor didn't have me do PT and my ankles are find.

    3. 9:47- It's great that you recovered on your own without PT. I had a wise orthopedist who recommeneded PT after a shoulder break. I was taught the correct exercises and how often to do them. My progress was measured each session and that was encouraging. Had I been left on my own, I'm afraid I'd have been a slacker or done the wrong things and not recovered as soon as I did.

  8. Thanks for sharing that as a prayer request. Will definitely be praying! 🙏

  9. You have my prayers Trace. May God watch over you and Grant you a speedy recovery.

  10. Can you please have a link to your Duggar blog as well on your homepage? Recently, for me typing in the address hasn't been working. It is just, right?

    1. Hi there,

      Just added a link to the sidebar. There is also a link under the "More Blogs" tab. My guess is that your browser is trying to add https to the url. Try copying and pasting this full url:

      Let us know if you are still having issues. :)
      Lily and Ellie

  11. Torn ligaments HURT!! Rest up and hope you heal quickly!

  12. I'm very sorry to hear this Trace. unfortunately I can relate sadly. I fell down the stairs and twisted my foot and ankle and fell on it Palm Sunday and I have a third-degree sprain ankles and two broken bones in my foot and that is a difficult recovery. praying for you you're such a nice guy.

  13. Ouch. Praying for his recovery.

  14. I hope Trace gets better soon, praying him to heal quickly!- Kennedy

  15. By His stripes you are healed! Praying for a quick recovery!

  16. Oh No that's no fun very painful. hope he doesn't have to have surgery. Praying for Trace that he heals quickly. God Bless!

  17. You are in my thoughts and prayers, hope you get well soon...Jane

  18. Trace seems like such a nice young man.Sending prayers for his quick recovery from just down the road in Powell.Tennessee.God bless

  19. So sorry to hear this! Trace has been wanting to make the basketball team at college. Unfortunately this will set him back s but but I believe he will receive z full healing in the name of Jesus.

  20. So sorry to hear that always pray for y'all will pray more

  21. I love seeing them riding their horses. As a fellow rider that didnt use to wear a helmet I do now. It saved me from getting thrown off. I didnt get my head cracked open. When I was 4 I broke my leg when my pony took off and jumped a fence with me. Thank God my mom made me wear a helmet. I made contact with my head. Please consider using a helmet especially trick riding. They are way cooler then they used to be. Tipperary is a great brand. Feel better soon! I understand Trace didnt get hurt from riding but playing basketball. I just saw Jeb on the horse and I wanted to share that.


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