
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

35 Bates and Counting

Gil Bates, Kelly Bates, Alyssa Webster, John Webster, Zoey Webster
Gil Bates, Kelly Bates, Alyssa Webster, John Webster, Zoey Webster

How many members has the Bates family reached, and how quickly have they grown? We posted a similar list to our blog about the Duggar family, so we decided to make one for Gil and Kelly's clan, as well.

At most points over the past 11 years, the Bates family has been just a little bit smaller than the Duggar family, although for a period of three months in 2016 (after the birth of Brooklyn Paine in August and before Jeremy married Jinger in November) both clans had 30 members.

Our readers on the Duggar blog predicted that it won't be long before the Duggars add their 50th member. When do you think the Bates will reach 40?

2007:18 Bates (2 parents, 16 kids)
2008: 18 Bates
2009: 19 Bates
2010: 20 Bates
2011: 20 Bates
2012: 21 Bates
2013: 23 Bates
2014: 25 Bates
2015: 28 Bates
2016: 30 Bates
2017: 32 Bates
2018: 35 Bates

Photo courtesy of


  1. Time 9:18PM
    Maybe in 20 years.

  2. The Bates will reach 40 in 2021.

  3. Can't see anyone else adding any babies to the number this year other than tori. Maybe Zach and Whitney will have anotherearly next year. Hopefully Michael and Brandon will too. Seems more likely there'll be some more weddings coming if Carlin and Josie get engaged. I'd like to see one of the older guys settling down.
    Maybe they will reach 40 in the next year or 2.

  4. Well we know Baby Smith will arrive this year, making the count 36. And if you're counting new spouses as family, then I'm sure the Bates will be reaching 40 members by 2019.

    I wouldn't be surprised if either Carlin or Josie marry by the end of this year, and probably by 2019 both will be married. So that's 2 new Bates, making the count 38. Maybe one of the eligible bachelor boys finds a bride by then, too.

    Even if not, I'm sure there will be at least 2 more babies born by then to make the count 40. Hopefully one will be Michael's! Zach and Whitney seem "due" for Number 3 soon, too. And if Carlin and/or Josie get pregnant in 2-3 months after marriage as is the general trend, there could be even more!

    1. Baby Smith is actually the 35th!

    2. That is correct, I hope and pray before it reaches 40 Bates. Michaela & Brandon have a Baby.

    3. Why would Zach and Whitney be due for a baby?! What if they want to stop at 2?
      Over the last year Whitney has repeatedly said that she doesn't see herself having a third baby, for the moment. She just started a new career, so if they do end up having other kids it looks like it's not happening within the next couple of years!
      Plus, I really find troubling the concept of being due for a baby. Just because Gil and Kelly had 19, and just because Zach's sisters had three in four years, it doesn't mean that Zach and Whitney will or should do the same.

    4. Yes, Whitney has said that she doesn't see herself with a 3rd baby, but Alyssa and Erin both said very similar things after having their 2nd babies. Yet they both welcomed Baby #3 into the world last month. So that makes me not really take statements like that at face value.

      She's also stated when asked how many children she wants in total, vague things such as "We shall see". So I don't get the sense she and Zach plan to stop at 2 children. I'm not stating they definitely will have another baby next year. But I wouldn't be surprised if they do.

  5. 2020 i think they will... nice header

  6. I like the new header, but some of the faces look a little distorted. I think the pictures need to be widened just a touch.

    1. Yeah, why not using a family picture for Erin and Chad too?

  7. This family will reach 40 members by 2020 and 50 members by 2025

    1. I think you're right, but they might reach 50 sooner since more kids will be married and having kids!

  8. Probabły 2-3 years

  9. It shouldn't be a contest. Though I find the Bates family more congenial and they certainly have a better sense of humor.

  10. I don't understand the fascination and preoccupation with how big the family will get.

    1. It's part of the reason they landed a tv show in the first place, as well as the Duggar clan, because of their LARGE family! So naturally, if and while it grows even larger, due to more members getting married and having children, people are still very much interested in reading about them and watching their tv show!

    2. 12:15- It's the ONLY reason either family landed a TV show. If not for their high numbers, no one would have given them a second look.

  11. I love you guy's and I love the 1hour episodes

  12. Interesting that the two families are such different sizes right now! Here is my thought process behind my guess:

    2019: Evan, Kelton, baby #3 for Zach & Whitney; 38
    2020: Carlin & Evan baby, Josie & Kelton baby, Erin & Chad baby #4, Tori & Bobby baby #2; 42
    2021: Alyssa & John baby #4; Trace married; 44
    2022: Carlin & Evan baby #2, Josie & Kelton baby #2, Tori & Bobby baby #3, Trace & wife baby #1, Nathan married, Katie married; 50

    So I guess that they will reach 40 in 2020 and reach 50 in 2022. What do you guys (everyone reading this) think about this prediction?

    1. I hope Michael and Brandon have a baby by 2022. It's hard to imagine Tori and Bobby having 3 kids in less than four years, but it's been Erin had 3 under 3.

  13. These families seem to give the impression that they care more about quantity rather than quality. I'm sorry, but these mega families lose out on real relationships between family members due to time just not available for each of them and to distraction of noise and activity in the home. It's a fact IMO, regardless if you're religious or an atheist. There are only 24 hours in a day for everyone.

    1. "A fact in my opinion" is somewhat of an oxymoron. These counts are all meant in fun, and not even posted by the families.

      It's also pretty harsh to say they "lose out on real relationships" just because they are a big family. I could also claim anyone who works long hours at a job also "lose out on real relationships" with family since "there are only 24 hours in a day for everyone". Or what about soldiers who are deployed, do they also not have real relationships?

    2. That's not true they seem to be closer because they have each other

  14. 35 with Tori's baby then I think 36 or 37 by end of 2018. I can see Carlin, Josie or both getting married in 2018 or early 2019.

    Kelton and Josie had a long time of "pre-courtship" or "special friends" and both have finished school and are working. I think they might move a little bit faster than some of the others.

    Married late this year or early next year then babies could be arriving by late 2019 that would be 39. If Michael is able to have a baby or Erin or Alyssa could have #4 by late 2019 that adds even more.

    I say 40+ by end of 2019.


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