
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Bates Boyfriends

Hope you are having an enjoyable weekend. The courting Bates couples sure are!

Josie Bates and Kelton Balka
 Josie Bates and Kelton Balka enjoy the great outdoors

Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart
Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart
Stewarts' church family celebrates the first Sunday in their new building
South Haven Baptist

Photos courtesy of Josie Bates, Carlin Bates,


  1. That sure isn't a side hug!

    1. The Bates never side hug. That’s a Duggar thing. Even Michael who has pretty strict rules have normal hugs to Brandon

    2. The Duggar family does "side hugs."

    3. I think side hugs are a Duggar thing not an IBLP thing. Erin was shown frontally hugging Chad after he proposed, in the recent Wedding special. though that certainly might have been the first time she did that, as they hadn't even held hands until that day. But that's still not as strict as the Duggars.

  2. These younger girls sure are pushing the boundaries! ;)
    Good for them, creating their own rules!

  3. Time 6:30PM
    Cool seeing a photo of these couples.

  4. Question to bloggers: So are we going to see Josie and Kelton's "courtship proposal" on TV this season? UPTV has been teasing that in promos, but I see the episodes scheduled for this Thursday, May 24th, are all reruns. There is one Thursday left in May; May 31st, next week. It would be great if that's shown on the season finale.

    1. They’ll air it in June, they already aired a promo video

  5. I love these couple when will one of them get engaged.

  6. Awe beautiful couples!

  7. So sad to see the downward spiral of the Bates family in relationships and dress standards. Skirts are going higher and higher, and unmarried, "courting" couples are displaying more openly sensual affection and touching that only fully commuted, engaged, and married couples should share. They are on public display as "conservative" Christians, thus the public rebuke. It likely will not be long before immodest skinny jeans will be the main attire of the Bates girls. Unless they radically change their ways. Clothing should glorify The Lord Jesus Christ, not scream, "Look at me!"

    1. Really? Beautiful, kind, normal, and hard working family. What's not to like? I don't think a person should be judged for dressing in current the current fashion or showing a little public affection. I especially like the fact that they encourage education. 👍

    2. It's a frontal hug. Most people frontal hug people their not even in relationships with. Some people even greet that way. It's not too sensual.

    3. I looked the photos over and over again and, as conservative as I am, I cannot find fault with the girls' behavior or attire. Perhaps it's the innocence of their glance that speaks (at least to me) otherwise.

    4. Wow. You think HUGGING is only something married couples should do?! Josie was going on a walk. Of course she's not going to wear, what, a floor length skirt? That comment might be found as extremely offensive to the Bates family. I agree that clothing should not be showy, but that's not what the Bates were doing.

    5. Alyssa is already wearing skinny jeans and yoga pants, so is Whitney. Kelton wanted Josie since she was barely fifteen. He's been waiting four years to do this. Fairly patient I should say. I def don't get the short skirts and spray on tops. Just wear jeans if you wear such short skirts.

    6. Nothing that we have seen in any of the pictures of the Bates kids has been sinful. NOTHING!! Their clothes and hugs are fine. Stop judging them!!

    7. The girls' clothes are absolutely fine and it's normal and healthy to hug someone you love. Stop judging is not your right.

    8. What "should" be done should be decided only by them! ;)

    9. I am going to assume that you, as a good, conservative Christian ,abide by the doctrine that it's your job to witness and share the Lord's message in an attempt to save souls. Likely you are also of the belief that your particular religion or church is superior to others, and the only one preaching the absolute truth of the Bible. Your comment is of the kind that would drive many folks in the opposite direction from your mission and gives religion in general a bad name. I know it was judgmental and pious thinking like yours that drove me away a long time ago from any organized form of worship. Here's a tip: Try looking past the length of a skirt or the intensity of an embrace and focus on what's inside of people, how they treat others. I don't think the Lord really cares about hemlines, skinny jeans, or giving a significant other a hug or kiss.

    10. Josie is wearing leggings under her skirt so she is dressed modestly in my opinion.

    11. I have to respectfully disagree with your terms "sensual" and only "married" couple should share. I have seen nothing wrong with them hugging or holding hands. Do you honestly feel that only married couple should share a hug? If these young adults have been taught good morals and self control, there is nothing to worry about. As far as their mode of dress goes, I see nothing immodest about what any of the girls have worn. In fat, I think some jeans actually cover more skin than dresses or skirts. I've never heard of clothing is intended to glorify Jesus. That is certainly new to me. So I'm afraid we must agree to respectfully disagree.

    12. I must apologize. I did not intend to be judging the Bates family in my first comment. They are a beautiful, and sweet family. I was mainly just disappointed in seeing Josie's skirt. Forgive for coming across as harsh or unloving, I meant neither, and am truly sorry. I needed to hear some of the reproofs you all left. Thank you!

    13. I love this family. They have demonstrated good godly behavior in their relationships with each other and others. It isn't a surprise that they will continually be criticized for every single thing they do.

    14. Completely agree @1:39! They should be in the world, not of it.

    15. It isn't surprising so many people approve of their new style of dress and loose courting rules. The more the Bates look like the rest of the secular culture, the more people will applaud it. Thank you for speaking the truth in love. Some just don't like to hear it.

    16. Amen 6:13! Well said. Don't feel too bad OP 1:39 I feel the same way. I think 6:13 answered it well.

    17. 6:13, or maybe people are happy because the Bates realized that the type of clothing they currently are wearing is not “dishonoring to the Lord”. All of their clothes are very modest and fashionable at the same time, you CAN have both.

    18. Look, I'm not applauding the Bates for looking more secular. On the contrary, in some ways I think the Bates should look and be completely different from the world. But I honestly don't think they should be criticized for dressing comfy yet still absolutely modestly.

  8. This isn't to be a negative comment - I just notice specifically with photos from Josie and Carlin... they're really cute just often I feel there posed. It's totally their call what they do, just hope they know they're loved for the natural selves and hope, if it's because of pressures (because maybe it isn't, maybe they like it like that) that they know they don't have to. Lots of love!

    1. Idont find you’re comment negative at all, mainly because I think their pictures are posed, but not in a bad way.

    2. The pictures are certainly posed and the Bates have hired professional photopgraphers as well. I doubt Josie and Kelton brought one along on their outing, though.

      I think they just like dressing up and wearing makeup, posing for pictures, and posting them on the Web. Many young women their age do.

      I guess there is one caution this kind of behavior could feed any tendencies to vanity, but I could say that for the TV show itself.

    3. I agree with your point on vanity. It seems these "reality" shows have made the participants very vain. Dressing up and posing for pictures just because many young women do, is not a reason to do it. "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2

  9. Goodness there is not a thing wrong with skinny jeans or shorter skirts....I wear both and I do believe I am a good Christian, well as good as any one can does not dictate how God sees you so get off your soap box and maybe reread the bible....

    1. But what's the point of going skinny jeans and shorter skirts? If you can argue that then why not argue about the opposite? What's the point? Not fashionable enough for you? "That what is a lust of the eye...the pride of life...will have no part in the kingdom of heaven". Yes please read your bible.

    2. I don’t understand the obsession with some people wanting girls to only wear skirts? A girl wearing pants is not cross dressing, pants weren’t even around in Bible times, and just because men wore them first doesn’t mean they’re only for men.

    3. In that case, please provide the scriptural reference for the short skirts you are referring to.

    4. 7:22, Where in the Bible does it state women should only wear long skirts? It seems like people are trying to enforce man made rules rather than stay true to God's word. The Bible calls for dressing modestly and the Bates women do that. Their clothes aren't too tight or revealing. They aren't eye catching or provocative. Their beliefs, actions, and the way they treat others glorifies God. Rebuking young women for wearing slightly shorter skirts while still following modest guidelines goes against what Jesus calls us to do. They aren't sinning and Kelly and Gil don't seem to have a problem with the way they dress. Take care of your own home and let them take care of theirs.

    5. 1:25- The problem with quoting scriptures is that you assume everyone should interpret them the same as you do, or the same as your church dictates. Relying on legalism to measure one's Godliness or spirituality becomes a vicious stew of self-righteous condemnation and judgment, in my experience. Look to the hearts of people, not their hemlines.

    6. By their fruits you shall know them!

  10. I think as the girls have become adults, there parents have let them have a little more freedom with the way they dress. I think Josie and Carlin will probably dress like Alyssa and Whitney once they leave their parents home. I think they are trying to be respectful but will eventually choose different standards for themselves.

  11. I am just curious. What changed most the Bates girls attire? Did TV change their standards? Or personal choices?


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