
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Bates' Memorial Day Photos

Memorial Day is a great reminder to honor those who have died serving our country, knowing that without the brave men and women who have fought, both in recent wars and in battles that took place more than 200 years ago, America would be a very different place. Did you do anything to celebrate those who have given their lives for our freedom?

Below are a few snapshots of the Bates from Memorial Day weekend.

Brooklyn Paine and Carson Paine
Brooklyn Paine and Carson Paine
(wheelbarrow made by Chad Paine)

Whitney Bates and Kaci Lynn Bates
Whitney Bates and Kaci Lynn Bates show off their red, white, and blue

Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart

Photos courtesy of, Zach and Whitney Bates, Carlin Bates,


  1. Time 2:18PM
    cool photos on how you guys had fun on your memorial day. I went to get a subway sandwich for lunch to eat at a program I attend with grown ups with special needs like me.

    1. You know that this blog isn't kept by the Bates, right?

    2. Subway sounds great to me, Neddy!

  2. My husband helped with a Memorial Day ceremony, at the cemetery, on the Army post we live on.

  3. Lovely pictures - thanks for posting

  4. Love those pics! So cute. I went with my family to one of our friends pool! It was a lot of fun! (Especially because it was so hot outside) :)

    1. I also went with my family to a friends swimming pool! It was so nice, on such a hot day!

  5. What a nice pictures. When is Carlin getting married? They seem so nice. Of you are holding hands you are getting married soon.

  6. The dress of Withney is really nice but not very modest.

    1. How do you define modesty? Why would this dress be considered immodest? It hits the knees even with her holding Kaci. Is it because it is sleeveless?

    2. There is absolutely NOTHING immodest about Whitney's dress. Why post such things?!

    3. Uh Oh@4:21. Did you just now realize Whitney does indeed have arms?

    4. I have strict modesty standards for myself and I see nothing at all wrong with Whitney's dress.

    5. How is showing a knee or shoulder any less modest than exposing an elbow or ankle? What constitutes modesty is entirely subjective. If a guy thinks Whitney ‘s dress is suggestive or provocative, he’s the one with the problem.

    6. Why because you can see her shoulders? Give me a break

    7. Guys, please let's just move on.There is no point arguing aboiut it.

    8. Sorry 1:04 but it hits above the knees. Just look at the pic. What about if she bends down? Or the dress flys up because it's that short? When you bend down the back raises halfway or more up the thigh? That's what's immodest.

    9. 6:49, you don't know how to bend down gracefully. A lady can pick something off the floor without their knee-length dress reaching mid-thigh.
      You're presenting a lot of what-ifs that have little to do with what you perceive as modesty. A dress flying up can happen to someone with a calf length.

    10. 6:49- For the love of Mike, what on earth do you think is going to happen if someone gets a peek of her thigh when the wind blows? Wear what you want, but there's bigger things to concern yourself with besides someone else's wardrobe choices. It's pettiness such as this that has kept me away from religion for the past 40 years.

    11. My goodness! The major of modesty strikes again! It is a beautiful dress and there is nothing IMmodest about it. She is a lovely, gracious woman.

    12. I like it that she is a modern woman with just 2 kids and a job. She looks really nice and not old with a short dress.

    13. Whitney's dress is fine. I show more skin outside around the house in the summer only because it's dog gone hot outside and I mind the heat...Jane

  7. Those are cute children!

  8. Carlins feet seem over done. Do people really want their feet to stand out so much?

    1. I don't even understand this comment? What could you possibly mean that her feet seem over done? She's wearing cute sandals. That's it. She's adorable, and she knows how to dress really well. Perhaps you are jealous of her. You really should keep such comments to yourself. You seem rude.

    2. I don't understand the comment either 1:48. Perhaps poor little 6:59 is bored with nothing to do? Those sandals are really cute though!

    3. Would army boots suit you?

    4. I totally agree! That person probably was just jealous. Carlin is very pretty. And she did not just take tons of time on her feet. She just has sandals. I don't like it when people post mean comments at all!

    5. @1:48 I totally agree with you! There is nothing wrong with looking nice!

    6. I wasn't worried about her feet but sure did notice the over extravagant of highlights in her hair. Sure cheapens it. She's beautiful with it natural. Not some man made thing.

    7. Would you rather she be barefoot like her boyfriend? She's wearing flat sandals, no ultra high heels or tons of jewels. I wouldn't have even found them remarkable without this post to reply to.

      On the bright side, the Bates must really have become famous, people are getting just as nit-picky in their comments as they are for the Duggars.

    8. 6:51. I guess it’s all subjective because I LOVE Carlin’s highlights. She’s looks stunning (always) as a summer blonde. Calling her “cheapend” certainly was 100% uncalled for.

    9. Am I missing something. I don’t understand what “overdone feet” means. Her feet are in the picture. So what?!?!?!

    10. I think Carlin looks beautiful. Her dress and shoes look just fine.
      Her streaks are also very pretty, however, they do make her look quite a bit older.

  9. Brooklyn looks so much like Chad!!!

  10. Beautiful photos. of the family.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  11. When is Carlin getting g married?

  12. Awe so sweet to see the little ones. Carlin/Evan look nice... and for Whitney the dress is kinda flowy, maybe she is finally preggo again.

    1. I think she finally get baby 3. I am so happy!

    2. Carlin’s dress is more flowy than Whitney’s so that means nothing

    3. Wow is she really pregnant? Great news.

  13. Absolutely nothing wrong with the way either one of these ladies are dressed. Really, please come in to the 20th century, not to mention the 21st century.
    I certainly hope that Whit and Zach are exercising some critical thinking skills here to determine the size of THEIR family. Perhaps they don't want a passel of children. Zach and Whit have beautiful children and I'm sure they are thankful and happy with the ones they have NOW. No need to constantly be thinking of MORE.


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